Hello, good to speak to you all again after so long, I guess I missed you guys.

Well, either way, I have been reading Percy Jackson stories, and have found out I enjoy the "reading of" stories, particularly the reading stories of Engineer4Ever.

I feel they have captured the reactions of the Olympians very well.

Well this is my first attempt at a story like this, so I hope you all enjoy it, but the only Percy I know would be the lightning thief movie.

So, please try to understand, this is the first time I have done any reading on any mythology, so go easy please.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Chapter Start=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

For years, we all have read or heard about the Olympians, the twelve beings that guide and rule our world.

But what if one was different?

What if one of the twelve Olympians were not the one we read about? What would change?

One little difference, one changed fate, one lapse of fate.

This is a story about one of the hundreds of what ifs out there for this realm, one where that point however many zeroes one percent chance, that when Kronos tossed Ouranos' dismembered part into the ocean, it drew in the essence and form of a lost soul.

This story answers the question of, what if the goddess of love, was a god of love.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Please try to enjoy=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Upon the mountain called Olympus, We find the twelve Olympians gathering for their summer solstice.

If someone from the original realm was nearby, they would assume that the Olympians all just forgot what the day was, cause there was no arguing, no fighting, no shouting threats, and no mountain or sky shaking.

Looking in on the meeting, we find the Olympians talking about something that was surprisingly enough, brought up by Ares, who got interested in the multiverse theories the humans came up with.

Though the only reason he did find out about it was because his own sons from camp half-blood were talking about the many possibilities the said theory brought up, such as a world filled with nothing but war and destruction.

Apollo and Hermes got interested due to their thoughts about gender bending, which caused the comments about there being an alternate world where there were only females they could visit, which also got them to think of the opposite.

Artemis had tuned them out until they mentioned the all girl world, which caused her to side with her brothers, about visiting said worlds.

Hephaestus had wanted to visit other worlds the moment he realized he would meet another him, and be able to bounce ideas off of someone who would be able to actually give a proper response.

Most of the other gods and goddesses were getting more and more curious about the many possibilities, though the reaction that got the most laughs was Ares talking about who the god of love would marry if he, were a she.

Naruto, cause that was the name he claimed upon his birth against even the word of Zeus, who claimed to have better naming sense then he, felt like breaking a table with his head.

Ares continued to talk about Naruto's realms and what they would mean for the rest of them, talking about how he would be able to spread the love better than what he already did.

"Just because you claim to be the peak of manly masculinity does not mean I would be dating you Ares."

Ares smirked.

"Well than, who would you see as your alternate's husband?"

Hera was the one who spoke up.

"If you have not forgotten Ares, I do believe when Naruto came here, After settling us down from his natural beaut skill, and after taking everything into account, while reversing who was charmed, I would most likely marry the female form of love to Hephaestus to stop all forms of jealousy between you boys."

Naruto, Apollo, and Hermes all chuckled at that, Naruto turning to the crippled god.

"Ya hear that Heph? Maybe we should hang out more to quell the jealousy among your brothers."

Hephaestus laughed.

"Well maybe you can come over to the forge one of these nights, I think I can find something you can do, maybe you will fall into the forge this time instead of breaking your hand."

Naruto actually pouted at that, while everyone else got a good laugh. Naruto had tried to bond with all of his fellow immortals, He has sparred with Ares, done some metal working with Hephaestus, cruised with Apollo, drank with Dionysus, traveled with Hermes, played chess with Athena, hunted with Artemis, stoked the hearth with Hestia, swam with Poseidon, counted gems with Hades, sewn with Hera, and has even helped Zeus with a thunderstorm before.

Naruto has also learned the importance of armor in even friendly spars, Hammers can break your hand when you yourself are swinging them, Apollo doesn't have barf bags on his chariot, Dionysus has too many types of alcohol for even a god to be able to try them all in one sitting, Hermes needs a vacation, Athena can win chess in three moves, has learned you can shoot yourself with a bow and arrow, the Olympian hearth only enjoys being poked by Hestia's stick, how to swim faster than a shark with one foot, Hades can count how many gems buries a person when a pile falls on you, how to sew a shirt to the one your wearing, and Zeus' master bolt does indeed have some backfire to it, Zeus is just immune to it.

Naruto has learned many lessons... some baffle him beyond words.

Well, back to the current subject, Naruto looked at Zeus.

"So, you wanna go explore the wide world of alternate realms? Or are we just going to make fun of me all day?"

Zeus chuckled a little more as he spoke.

"Well then, allow us to form the duplicates."

Naruto, through is many experiments, has learned that, with the help of Zeus' space domain, he could duplicate anyone, including the gods, allowing them a bit more free time. Though they would have to be careful, the duplicates were not as powerful as the originals.

At least all the duplicates would have to do is watch over their domains and make sure nothing went wrong.

Zeus and Naruto stepped towards one another as they each reached out with their right arms and gripped the others' forearm.

The other eleven gods/goddesses stepped towards them, while beings that were not as bright as themselves took their places.

Zeus smiled as he raised his hands, forming a door with the clouds.

Apollo looked at the door, for once unknowing of where he would be going.

"Where we gonna end up?"

Zeus smiled at his son.

"Where is the fun in spoilers?"

And with that, the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus stepped into the unknown.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Short Prologue End=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Alright, well this is a short prologue to try my hand at this, I guess if the idea does sound too stupid, I will stop, though probably after a chapter or two.

Hopefully my writer's block has been killed.

Well, I am off to my job, please let me hear how you all see this turning out.

Good, bad or ugly?

I hope you all enjoyed this short prologue.