Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or RWBY.

Pairings: NarutoxYangxBlakexRubyxPyrrhaxNora (Maybe more if people suggest)

Due to a few fan requests, as well as my own personal opinion, I will be dropping the pairing of NeptunexWeiss and JaunexPyrrha. It will be RenxNora to begin with, but that will soon change to Nora joining Naruto's harem.

Instead the pairing will be JaunexWeiss (because let's face it, they are pretty much what would have been Naruto if Sasuke was a girl). This is the ONLY change that will be made to parings except Naruto's. If you have complaints about this, I am sorry. But my decision is final on this matter. I am willing to add more girls to Naruto's harem, but I don't want it to be too many.

Also, I'm going to clear this out of the way now for everyone. Naruto is not Minato and Kushina's son. Konoha and none of the people from Konoha exist. Naruto's parents will be discussed in later chapters, and the village he grew up in will also be discussed later as well.

Chapter 2: Settling In

After they had officially been initiated into Beacon, Ozpin met with each team to give them their schedules and dorm rooms. "As I stated at the beginning of initiation," he said, taking a sip from his mug of coffee. "A special room was made for the team with 5 members. In this case, your team. Your dorm room is on the top floor."

"What number?" Ruby asked confused.

Ozpin smiled and took another sip. "Don't worry Miss Rose, you and your team will know. Now," he pulled out several pieces of paper and handed one to each of them. "These are your class schedules. Your uniforms will be in your rooms for you. You are free to modify your uniform to your hearts content, as long as the base of the uniform remains there. Food has been provided in the fridge in your room based on what you said your favourite food was on your information sheet. Now go, get some rest. You all classes tomorrow, and to be late on your first day would be a bad impression."

They all nodded and big him farewell before they started walking to the dorm building.

"So..." Yang said a little awkwardly. "Was a bit busy with my own, but what were your 'landing strategies'? I used Ember Cecilia to blast my way further than other people than jumped off a few trees for a safe landing."

"What I did wasn't much," Blake said. "I just put Gambol Shroud into Pistol form then fired it at a tree and swung until I was still, then I held on, retrieved it and climbed down."

Ruby smiled. "I fired a few bullets with Crescent Rose to clear the branches in my way, then hooked her on a large branch and did a spin, which slowed me down, before I unhooked it and landed."

"I used my Semblance," Weiss said. "I created Glyphs and then jumped from one to another until I finally landed safely on the ground. It used up a bit of my aura to do it, but it wasn't too bad."

Finally, they all looked to Naruto expectantly.

"What?" Naruto blinked.

"What was your landing strategy?" Blake asked bluntly.

Naruto chuckled. "Well...first I got a hell of a lot of air- not sure if you saw. Then I started falling and saw how everyone else landed. When I was tree level I grabbed the tree and tore it out the ground, then used it to break my fall."

They all blinked. "You tore a tree...out the ground...and used it to break your fall?" Yang asked, not sure if she heard correctly.

"Well yeah," Naruto said. "With my semblance, it's pretty easy."

"And just what is your semblance?" Weiss asked with suspicion. "Strength?"

"What?" Naruto blinked. "No. My semblance is a bit more complicated than that. My semblance is what I've taken to calling 'Erase'."

Ruby blinked. "Erase?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes. To put it in simple terms, using it I am able to 'Erase' anything. The prime example is the tree. When I grabbed it, I 'erased' the weight it had, allow me to lift it up with ease and quickly put it under myself. I then cancelled that I had erased it's weight, letting it break my fall."

"That's...an impressive power," Blake said. "But something like that must take a lot of aura to use."

"Of course it does," Naruto agreed. "But using my gauntlets- Azi Dahaka- also take a lot of aura. They are similar to Yang's Ember Cecilia. Except I don't fire bullets. I fire concentrated blasts of pure Aura, which is slightly more damaging. Luckily for me, I have a LOT of aura."

"How much is the question," Blake mumbled. "To be able to fire concentrated bullets of aura and use your semblance must take more aura than an average person has, shouldn't it? How much could you have that you could do all of that and not even sweat?"

Naruto laughed nervously. "Uh...a lot, let's just leave it at that," he said, then quickly changed the subject. "Oh look, it's the dorm building." They all looked and saw a building nearly about half the size of the school itself. "This one is for first and second years right?"

"Yep," Ruby nodded, checking the building just to be sure. "Well, let's head to the top floor then!" she said excitedly, eager to see what their dorm room would be like.

"Yeah!" Yang agreed before sending Naruto a sly grin. "I wanna test out just how bouncy my bed is with Whiskers." The remaining three girls blushed at the innuendo.

Naruto chuckled and just pet Yang on the head. "Get to know me a little better Yang and convince me to take you out on a few dates. Then maybe we can test it out." Naruto wasn't against the idea of dating Yang. She was a very gorgeous girl and any guy would be lucky to have her. But it didn't mean he was just gonna sleep around. In addition, he knew that Yang was teasing him.

The blonde girl blushed, then grinned at Naruto. It seemed he knew how to play the game well. "Yeah, you and I are gonna get along just fine Whiskers," she purred. "But let's head to our dorm room!" she turned towards the building and marched in. With a chuckle, Naruto followed, soon being followed as well by the rest of his team, who were still blushing a little bit.

Together, the team of 5 began got into the elevator and hit the button that read 'top floor'. "Why would they need a specific button for the top floor?" Naruto asked suddenly. "Like, why wouldn't they number with dorm rooms like the rest of the buttons do?" He had a point. Instead of saying floor numbers by the buttons, it told the rooms that were on the floor. Exmp. The first floor had rooms 1-50 written on it.

"That's a good question," Blake said, also scratching her head. "Um...I have no clue. Maybe there's only one room that's slightly bigger than all the others, so they needed the top floor for that slightly bigger room otherwise it would ruin the pattern of all the other rooms?"

Their question was soon answered, as they hit their stop with a soft 'ping' from the elevator. The doors slid open and jaws dropped.

The entire floor had been customized into an apartment. The main room was large with 3 TVs, plenty of chairs, and several game consoles. The dining room had a table for 12 people, while the kitchen had 3 fridges, 2 stoves and 4 microwaves, along with all those areas being spotless. There were 5 more doors, each leading to different bedrooms, that each had their own mini-fridge with their favourite snacks, and another door in those bedrooms that led to their own bathroom. Their rooms were designed using their favourite colour as a base.

Through another door led to a balcony that had a forge where they could modify their weapons and/or create new ones to use in combat. Beside that was also a Dusk Station where they could synchronize Dust with their Aura or weapons.

Ruby was the first to gain her voice. "This...is...AWESOME!" her eyes turned into stars as she saw where they'd be staying.

"This is...impressive," Blake said, awe clearly in her voice. "I never thought Professor Ozpin would give us something like this just for having 5 people on our team."

"Ozpin has just become my favourite teacher!" Yang declared with a grin. "No other teacher I know would do this!" she then looked to Naruto with a perverse grin. "Mind if I share your room with ya Whiskers?"

Naruto chuckled. "Sure. It would be nice not to sleep alone for a change." He didn't realize the severity of his statement. They all looked to him in what seemed to be a mixture of surprise and sadness. Naruto seemed so go happy and cheerful. For him to say something like that implied he had been alone for most of his life.

"Naruto..." Yang began slowly. "What do you mean by that?"

He blinked. "It means what it sounds like. Didn't I mention I was an orphan...?" they all shook their head. "Oh. Well yeah, I'm an orphan. Never knew my mom or dad, and I didn't have any siblings. So I've been pretty alone most of my life..." he saw all their sad faces...except Weiss. She looked bad for him, but not upset. "Hey, don't be upset! I had my village Elder to care for me. He treated me like I were his grandson, so that really helped in my upbringing."

"Yeah Whiskers," Yang nodded. "We are definitely sharing a room tonight."

Naruto nodded, oblivious to what was wrong. "Okay!" he gave them a grin that was so infectious it made them smile. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get a shower and get some sleep," he walked to the room that had mostly an orange interior as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"I'm gonna get a shower too," Yang said...then grinned. "Then I'm getting into bed with Whiskers~" she went to her room, closing the door behind her.

Blake frowned at that comment. She didn't know why...but it annoyed her. "I'm gonna go get some sleep too," she said simply before she headed to her room, wanting to figure out why the thought of Yang sleeping in the same bed as Naruto made her feel annoyed.

Ruby blinked as Weiss wordlessly headed to her room, and scratched the back of her head. "Okay...what was that about?"

Naruto groaned as he slowly woke up the next morning. He attempted to move...only to find he was restrained. Looking down, he saw the reason way. Snuggled against him was Yang, and his arms were wrapped around her. Her head was buried into his chest and her arms were around his waist, making her large breasts press against his stomach. This made the spiky haired blonde blush heatedly.

Now Naruto was no stranger to women. He may have been a bit slow, but he wasn't stupid. Hell, one of his teachers that had taught him how to use his aura was one of the biggest perverts that he knew. The guy read porn in broad daylight! And he spent a lot of time making sure that Naruto knew about the female body.

Being in this predicament, Naruto's first instinct was to shake the girl and wake her up so she would let go of him and he could go get a shower. However, the blonde saw the time was about 4:30 AM. He blinked and shook his head. "Fuck that..." he grumbled and actually hugged Yang a little tighter, making her snuggle deeper into his chest and hug him tighter as well. Closing his eyes, the blonde fell asleep again.

Blake groaned as she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes tiredly. She climbed out of bed and went to her mini-fridge, opening it and taking out a bottle of milk. Placing it to her lips, she chugged it for a minute before lowering it and sighing out. She put it back in the fridge and looked at the time. "5 o'clock..." she groaned as she walked out of her room and into the main kitchen.

She quickly made herself a tuna sandwich and ate it, almost moaning at how good it tasted. "Beacon really is top class in everything," she noted to herself as she stretched and decided to head back to bed. She was walking to her room, before she saw that Naruto's door was left open. Raising an eyebrow, Blake walked into his room and blushed at the sight.

Laying there was a shirtless Naruto, hugging Yang into his chest while her breasts pressed against his stomach and her arms were around his waist. This made Blake both embarrassed and slightly jealous of Yang. So, gathering her courage, she walked over, lifted up the covers and climbed into the bed, before she wrapped her arms around him, snuggling into his back.

Immediately, Blake felt her eyelids droop. His body was the perfect temperature. Not so hot that it burns, but not just warm. It was literally the perfect balance between the two that made you relax. She snuggled into his back deeper and felt him shift before she now felt her head on the right side of his chest, while Yang's head was on the left side of his chest, and both their breasts were pressing into him. One of his arms was around Blake, pulling her closer, while the other was doing the same for Yang. One of Blake's arms and one of Yang's arms were across his stomach in different directions, their arms making an 'X' across it.

Blake closed her eyes. She would only stay here for a little while. Just to be sure Naruto wouldn't do something in his sleep or anything. Yep. No other reason. Just to make sure that he...didn't do...anything...in hi...zzz...

The black haired girl was out like a light and snuggled deeper into Naruto's embrace, not wanting to lose her source of warmth that helped her reach this lovely state of sleep...

Yang opened her eyes and moaned softly, rubbing her eyes. She then noticed something strange. Her head was on something very hard...and opposite her was Blake with her head on what seemed to be the same hard thing. And she had an arm wrapped around her. Slowly tilting her head up, Yang was greeted with the sleeping face of one Naruto Uzumaki.

The blonde girl blushed and smiled. Reaching up, she stroked one of his Whiskers. She was not expecting what sounded like a soft growling to come from his mouth. With a start, Yang realized that Naruto was purring! He- the guy who destroyed a Nevermore with a single punch- was purring like a kitten whenever Yang stroked one of his whiskers.

"Oh yeah..." she grinned. "This is great teasing material...or blackmail material, I can use it for either!" she cackled before she glanced up, frowning as she saw the time it was. "It's only 6? Uh, forget that..." laying her head back down, Yang snuggled into Naruto, her eyelids drooping again. Seriously, how could anyone have such a perfect source of warmth from them?

Ignoring those thoughts, Yang sighed contently as she slowly drifted off to sleep one more time, her dreams being filled with images of herself and a certain whiskered blonde partner of hers.

Naruto yawned loudly as he awoke from his slumber once again. He glanced at the clock. "7:30...meh I'll take it," he said as he tried to sit up...only to find he couldn't. Looking down, his face turned red at the sight. Laying with her head on the right side of his chest was Blake, who had her eyes closed as he black hair flowed down her back. On the left side of his chest was Yang, who just kept trying to hug him deeper in her sleep, as if he were something like her boyfriend. He could feel her blonde hair under his hand and it felt incredible, way better than his did.

"How did this happen..." Naruto mumbled. "I mean, I know that Yang fell asleep in here with me, which was kinda surprising cause I thought she was just kidding before...but why in the name of Oum did Blake come in here?" It was then that Naruto noticed her bow twitch. Curious, he gently moved it aside to see a pair of cat ears on top of the raven haired girl's head.

"A faunus?" Nrauto blinked. "Lucky bastard...I want to be a Faunus..." Naruto pouted as he put her bow back in place. It was true, Naruto always wanted to be a faunus so he could have animal traits. Though he always wanted the traits of a fox, since it was his favourite animal any day of the week. I mean come on, he was a prankster, and foxes were known as tricksters. They were perfect for each other!

Ignoring those thoughts, he looked to the two before trying to shrug, but once again realizing he couldn't. So he shook Yang, trying to wake her up. "Yang," Naruto said a soft voice filled with kindness. "Wake up please. I need to get up."

"5 more minutes..." came the tired response of the violet eyed girl. She was perfectly comfortable snuggled up to Naruto, and she did not want to wake up just to let him go. The only way he would move her right now would be to fuck her into moving.

"Please?" Naruto begged. "I don't need you to move, I just need you to let me up."

"Nu..." Yang grumbled, snuggling deeper into Naruto's chest. She was far too comfortable to be moved right now, since Naruto's body was the perfect temperature for going to sleep. The only way she would move right now would be for Naruto to forcefully move her, and he would never stand up to the wrath of a forcefully awoken woman.

The whiskered teen blushed rather badly. Was his body really so warm that neither wanted to let go of him? If so he should probably start taking colder showers. Either way, Naruto didn't have a lot of options at this point. He could try and wake up Blake, but would most likely be met with the same result. He could get up try and slide himself out of bed, but they would notice and would forcefully wake them up, but then he'd get his ass kicked. He really didn't have a lot of choices.

Thankfully for him, it was at that moment Ruby burst into the room wearing her uniform with her red cloak, and was holding a whistle. She was about to blow it...before she saw the position Naruto was in with Yang and Blake. Her face turned cherry red. "Wh-wha?" she stuttered, her eyes wide as she looked away.

"Ruby..." Naruto said with a pleading look. "Blow. That. Whistle."

"Wha?" Ruby looked to him. "B-but-"

"Blow the damn whistle Ruby," Naruto ordered with a pleading look. "This is an order from your fellow Team Leader. Blow the fucking whistle. Blow it hard."

Giving him a questioning gaze, she received a nod in confirmation. With a nod in return, Ruby put the whistle to her lips and took a breath...before she blew into the whistle and a loud screech was heard, though dude to the room being soundproof, it was only heard inside of the room.

Naruto was used to whistles next to his ears, so he only winced. Yang's eyes shot open and she clutched her ears, rolling off the bed and hitting the ground with a thud. Blake was the worst though. Her eyes opened so fast they should have gotten whiplash, and there was a burst of wind, before they all heard a door slamming next to Naruto's. Blake's door.

Ruby stopped blowing the whistle, and Naruto stood, slowly moving his arms and body. "Yes..." he said as he felt his chest with his hands. "At last..." he threw his arms into the air. "FREEDOM!" he looked towards Ruby and was suddenly in front of her, his arms around her as he hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much Ruby! I thought I'd never be freed!"

The girl with two shades of red in her name blushed very hotly as she awkwardly- at least for her- returned the hug. "N-no problem Naruto! J-just came to wake you up, I had no idea Yang and Blake would both be in here! Y-you didn't..." her blush became hotter. "Y-you know...?"

It was Naruto's turn to blush now, and he began spluttering. "N-no! Of course I didn't!" he denied. Of course, he didn't care to mention that- given the time to get to know either Blake or Yang and date them- he would gladly fuck them into next year. But Ruby didn't need to know that. She was still a bit too young for stuff like that.

"Oh good," Ruby said, breathing with relief, though she didn't know why. She looked to Naruto and blinked. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask. How old are you?"

Naruto blinked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm 15."

Ruby blinked. "Eh?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I went to Sanctum, but they felt it would be a waste for me to stay there for so long when I was clearly at a higher level, so they asked which school I wanted to go to and I said Beacon."

"E-eh?" Ruby said, still in surprise.

Naruto nodded again. "Yeah...you okay Rubes?"

"EHHHHHH?!" Ruby finally yelled out in surprise.

"So your 15 years old..." Yang said in amazement. Sure, Ruby was 15 and got accepted into Beacon, but that was because her skills were demonstrated when she easily beat the Dust thieves and nearly caught Roman Torchwick. Plus she was Yang's sister, she was naturally awesome. But Naruto was actually recommended by his school to go to Beacon...that was amazing.

"Yeah," Naruto shrugged. "Honesty don't see why this is a big deal. Ruby is 15 and got here."

Blake yawned into her hand, still slightly tired. "It honestly isn't a surprise," she said in a somewhat bored tone. "I know looks can be deceiving and all, but he looks to be about 15 or 16..."

Yang pouted. "But it's so unfair!"

The 4 awake members of Team RWUBY were sat on some of the chairs in the living room, all in their school uniforms. Yang wore long black socks that stopped at the top of her thighs. Blake wore short black socks that stopped at the top of her ankles. Ruby wore black leggings, while Naruto had ditched the school jacket all together, gotten rid of the white shirt, and wore a black shirt along with an orange tie and had the sleeves rolled up while the tie was slightly loosened, but not so loosed that he'd randomly be told to do his tie up.

"Life isn't fair Yang," Naruto shrugged. "Deal with it." Naruto frowned. "And from now on I'm locking my door."

"WHAT?!" Yang yelled then whined. "Whyyy?!"

Naruto gave Yang a half-hearted glare. "Because the only reason I was actually able to get out of bed this morning was cause Ruby walked in with the whistle. Don't get me wrong, waking up to you and Blake on my chest was good-" both girls blushed "- but I actually wanna be able to get and up have a shower when I fu- get up in the morning," Naruto corrected himself for Ruby's sake.

"Aw come on Whiskers!" Yang whined. "Your just...the perfect temperature to fall asleep with! You weren't too hot, but weren't just warm either. You were just perfect! Don't shut me out! I can't sleep without that warmth again!"

The whiskered teen rolled his eyes before getting up and heading to the kitchen, opening the oven as he pulled out a pizza, then grabbed a slice and took a bite.

"Wait..." Blake blinked as all the girls stared at him. "When did you put a pizza in the fridge? Moreover, how is your mouth not burning from how hot it is supposed to be in your mouth?"

"Erase," Naruto said simply.

The girls blinked. "That doesn't explain anything," Ruby complained.

Naruto sighed and stopped eating momentarily. "I told you all yesterday. My semblance is 'Erase' meaning I can erase anything. It takes up a lot of aura, but I have huge aura reserves. All I did was 'erase' the burning sensation as soon as it entered my mouth, meaning I only tasted the pizza as warm when I bit down." He went back to eating the pizza.

"Does that mean you could erase larger things?" Blake asked curiously. "Like, erase a weapon or a person from existence?"

Naruto froze mid bite. He looked at Blake with almost a fearful expression all the girls saw, but was quickly replaced with a stern face vanished. "Do not say something like that Blake," Naruto warned her. "Erasing weapons is easy enough. But to erase a person? To wipe out someone from existence? No. I will NEVER do something like that. Not even if that person was a mass murderer or something along those lines."

"Now then," his tone was cheerful all of a suddenly. "Ruby, why don't you go and wake up Weiss? I imagine she'll want plenty of time to shower and apply her make-up and then eat some breakfast before we go to class."

"Huh?" Ruby blinked, surprised by the question. "Oh yeah! Right!" she got up to leave.

"Don't forget your whistle!" Naruto told her without even looking away from his Pizza. Ruby noticed her whistle was on the table and picked up before marching into Weiss's room and closing the door behind her.

Yang and Blake watched as Naruto munched away on the pizza like there was no tomorrow. "Wow..." Yang blinked. "You really like pizza huh?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Pizza and Ramen top my favourite foods easily, not sure which I prefer more. If only there were a pizza flavoured Ramen...or a Ramen flavoured Pizza..." Naruto visibly drooled at the thought as his eyes became blank as he seemed to be staring at something neither of the two girls could see.

"Uh..." Yang walked over and waved her hand in front of his face. "Naruto? You alive?"

"Huh?" Naruto blinked as his eyes came back into focus and he shook his head. "Sorry, totally zoned out. Did you say something?"

"No," Blake said, though she was grinning slightly at the exchange. "Neither of us said anything at all."

Suddenly, Yang had an idea and grinned. "So whiskers," she said slyly. "Have you ever used your semblance to 'erase' a girl's clothes?"

Blake blushed at the sudden question and Naruto seemed to have frozen. He slowly- very slowly- tilted his head to the side as his mind took a second to process the question. Finally, it fully registered and his face turned red. "Wh-what?!" he stuttered. "N-no! Of course not! Why would you even say something like that?! Baka, baka, baka!"

Yang tilted her head. "What does Baka mean?"

Blake- on the other hand- was very surprised. Naruto had spoken in, what was supposed to be, a dead language. "He said 'idiot'," Blake explained. "Though I'm curious as to how Naruto knows what should be a dead language."

Naruto seemed to have notice his slip up and cursed, then schooled his features and looked at Blake. "I could ask you the same. I learned the same as anyone else, a lot of studying and practice."

While not outwardly showing reaction, Blake was actually suspicious inwardly. She had in fact learned through studying and practice...however, he had so easily slipped into Japanese. And Blake knew people only slipped into a language like that if it was their first language, or had been speaking it for a long time. And those two usually went hand in hand. This meant that Naruto's first language was Japanese. How? She did not know. But she was determined to find out. Then she would make him teach her how to speak so fluently! She just had to know!

Thankfully for Naruto, he was saved from further questioning when Ruby walked out of the room with a proud smile on her face. "Done!" she declared. "Weiss is awake and having her shower..." she then scratched the back of her head. "Though I could have lived without her trying to use Myrtenaster on me..." she grumbled.

"Did you blow the whistle really hard though?" Naruto asked.

Ruby nodded with a grin. "She was still complaining about her ears as she got into the shower."

Naruto motioned for her to come over before he gave her a slice of pizza. "Good girl. Here's a piece of pizza."

"Yay!" Ruby cheered. Outside of sweets and cookies, there were two foods that Ruby loved to pieces. Number 1 were strawberries. And number 2 was pizza! She took a bite.

A small girl clad in red was whimpering in the field as she was beaten by men, except they also appeared to be wolves. They repeatedly kicked and punched her, laughing all the while as they made her miserable.

"G-go away!" the girl cried. "M-my mommy will stop you!"

"Your mommy won't do anything girly!" one of the wolf men sneered. "And now that we're done messing with you...we're gonna have some 'fun' with you!" they grinned and began to move in to take off her clothes.

"N-no!" she screamed and backed away into a wall. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" she screamed.

A fist came through the stomach of one of the wolf men, who coughed up blood as he fell to the ground, dead. The other 3 wolf men turned, only to soon meet a same fate. The first suffered an uppercut to the jaw that sent him spinning into the air. While he was in the air, a powerful kick knocked off the head of the second wolf man, while the third had his throat crushed. As the first returned back to the ground, a fist punched his skull into the ground, crushing it.

The girl sniffed and looked up to be met by the smiling face of a blue eyed, blue whiskered man. He offered her his clean hand. "Come," he said. "I'm here to take you back home."

Ruby crumbled to the ground, sniffing and crying at the taste of the pizza. H...how could anything taste so amazingly good?! It shouldn't be possible.

"Sis!" Yang yelled in alarm and checked on her. "What's wrong?!"

"S-such good pizza," Ruby whispered as she took another bite, crying in joy.

"Huh?" Yang blinked, before looking to Naruto. He shrugged and offered her a piece. "Wonder what Ruby means by this being such good pizza..." she mumbled as she then took a bite.

A small blonde girl was laying on the ground as she was surrounded by the black creatures of darkness. Grimm. They zeroed in on her as they moved in to finally take her life. This was her fault. Soon she would be dead...maybe she'd finally see her mommy...

A roar of agony was heard. The girl looked up to see a man standing with a fist through the skull of one of the grimm. He turned and dropped his heel on another with an axe kick, vaporizing it as the massacre began. The man tore grimm to shreds, anything that tried to harm the girl never got within 20 feet of her, since he would be there to destroy it. That's all he did. Punch and kick, but his moves were elegant, as if he were dancing while he battled.

Soon, only the man and the girl were left. He crouched down and offered her a hand. "Come," he said. "I'll take you somewhere you can be safe." The smile she got as she saw his whiskered face and cerulean blue eyes melted her heart.

Yang sniffed as she dropped her head on the counter, now openly crying. "S-stupid pizza..." she whispered in a hoarse voice as she took another bite herself. Ruby was right. This pizza was good! No not good! It was the pizza of perfection!

Blake blinked and looked to Naruto. "Is the pizza that good?"

"For me it is," he said, no pizza left on in front of him as Blake cursed quietly. She needed to try that damn pizza after seeing the effect it had on Yang and Ruby.

"Was it store bought?" Blake asked.

"Nope," Naruto responded. "Made it myself, while you were all busy in your rooms. Left it in the fridge so I could cook it this morning."

At that moment, Weiss walked out of her room in her school uniform, huffing. "Okay, why was in the world was I woken up so early?" she then noticed Yang and Ruby. "Um...what happened to those two?"

The blonde male rolled his eyes as his fellow blonde and her sister were too busy sobbing over how good the pizza was. "You don't want to know," Naruto told her. "And I had Ruby wake you up because I thought you'd like time to shower and then eat before class. Since you are the heir to the Schnee Dust Company, it would be blasphemous for you to be late to something so important as your first class...right?"

Weiss didn't retort. What was annoying was Naruto was right. She may not have liked it, but since her sister Winter wasn't interested in the position, the position of heiress to her family's company was on her shoulders. And for that reason she had to be punctual, meaning she had to be on time and had to wake up on time.

Even if she didn't like it.

"Thank you for that," Weiss said finally, bowing only just slightly. She looked at the time. "8 o'clock...I guess that's enough time to eat before class," with that, she walked into the kitchen and began to make breakfast.

Ruby finally spoke up, having snapped out of her pizza trance. "One of us should go and tell Team JNPR about classes. There's a chance they may have forgotten."

Naruto paled a little, but nobody noticed as Yang nodded. "Yeah. Who wants to go?"

"Don't look at me," Weiss said. "I'm eating first." Technically they should go to the hall for breakfast, but they just didn't have the time right now.

"I need to eat too," Blake admitted. Yang and Ruby all nodded in agreement. And so- to his horror- they all looked to Naruto.

"Nope," he said immediately. "I don't care, I am not going!"

Ruby gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Come ooon! Pleaaase?"

Naruto tried to resist. "Nope! Not happening!"

Ruby's eyes became wider as tears looked like they threatened to fall. The blonde's will crumbled as he growled. "Fine!" he huffed as he walked to the door. "I'll go and tell them! But if I get killed by Pyrrha I'm holding Ruby responsible!"

"Why me?!" Ruby cried out.

"Because you gave me those damn eyes!" Naruto retorted as he walked out and slammed the door.

They were all silent before Blake spoke up. "Did he seem...afraid to you?"

Yang nodded. "Yeah. And why'd he specifically mention Pyrrha killing him?"

"Well Pyrrha went to Sanctum," Blake said after a second. "And so did Naruto. So there's a chance the two knew each other."

Weiss blinked as she stopped eating her English breakfast that she'd made in no time at all. "Blondie went to Sanctum? He must have graduated with Pyrrha then."

"Yes," Ruby nodded. "But still, graduating at 15 like me just shows he's really good."

"WHAT?!" Weiss practically screamed. "HE'S 15 TOO?!"

Naruto gulped rather loudly as he stood outside Team JNPR's dorm room. He was dreading this. He was honestly hoping that Nora would answer over her. Anybody! Anybody but Pyrrha.

Now, Naruto wasn't afraid of Pyrrha. No. Something had just...happened between them a long time ago that made him pale. He had initially come to Beacon as a means to get away from Pyrrha, but it looked as if she'd found out and followed him here.

Steeling his nerves, Naruto knocked on the door. He waited as he counted the seconds till his demise.





The door opened as Naruto's saviour stood there. It was Lie Ren, dressed in the school's uniform- unmodified- looking at Naruto with his magenta eyes. "Hello Naruto," he said politely, if not slightly tired. "What brings you here?"

"Hey Ren," Naruto returned, equally as polite. "I just thought you guys might want to know that classes start in about 55 minutes, just in case you forgot or something."

Ren blinked and sighed. "Matter of fact I think we did forget. Thanks for that."

Naruto waved it off. "Hey no prob man. What are friends for?" it was here Naruto got nervous. "Hey uh...is Pyrrha here?"

"Yeah," Ren nodded. "Do you wanna talk to he-"

"NO!" Naruto yelled out, startling Ren, but he quickly calmed down. "No, nope. Just wanted to see if she was here. Well, better get going, nice talking to you Ren!" he turned to leave...but stopped as the voice from his nightmares spoke.

"Hold it right there." Naruto froze and slowly turned to be met with the emerald eyes of Pyrrha Nikos. Ren had gone back into the room and Pyrrha had seen him, so she had chosen to stop him.

She smiled warmly, if not somewhat amused. "Are you trying to escape again Naruto?"

He gulped. "H-hey Pyrrha. D-didn't see ya there?"

"I can tell," she said with a small smile. "Why don't you come on and tell me why you tried to run away to Beacon, my darling fiancée?"

"I can explain!" Naruto argued weakly as he sat opposite Pyrrha under her stern gaze.

"Then please hurry and explain," she said all too sweetly. The rest of Team JNPR was in their Kitchen, not wanting to be a part of this conversation.

Naruto gulped. "Well...for one, I don't approve of arranged marriage!" he told her firmly. "I know our parents may have set it up, but I am no fan of arranged marriage and I never will be! In addition to that, I only found out we were engaged a few days before I applied to Beacon!"

Pyrrha looked at him. "Why wouldn't you go to Haven then, like I was planning on going?"

"I panicked!" he cried. "I just found out I was getting engaged to a girl I'd defeated 5 years prior! And to one I was fairly sure hated me!"

That got a reaction out of Pyrrha as she looked at him with surprise. "Why would you think I hated you?"

"Cause of how you acted!" Naruto told her. "You always turned and walked away whenever I tried to talk to you. You were always really aggressive in our spars. And your face kept going red from anger whenever you saw me!"

The red haired girl resisted the urge to face palm. While he may have been more mature than others his age, Naruto was still rather innocent when it came to stuff like this. Of course he wouldn't know! No wonder he thought she hated him.

"Look, Naruto, I-" Pyrrha began, but was cut off.

"I've got to go back to my team," Naruto told her, standing. "I hope we can be friends this time around." With that, Naruto left the room, heading back to his team.

There was a minute of silence before Ren, Nora and Jaune returned. "How did he react?" Jaune asked.

Pyrrha sighed sadly. "...He thinks I hate him."

"You mean to tell me that Pyrrha held you up?" Yang asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto sighed. "Yeah...Pyrrha and I went to Sanctum together, though she was two years ahead of me. But she always avoided me, when I always tried to be her friend." He hummed. "Now that I think about it, that may be because a lot of people just tried to use Pyrrha for her popularity. She did always hate that people just wanted to be her friend because of her strength and her fame."

It was at those words that Weiss hid an ashamed look. She had basically done the same thing. She had tried to befriend Pyrrha to get her on her team because she knew that the red head was strong and very famous. She had just wanted to further herself. Now she felt guilty...

"Why did she wanna talk to you though?" Ruby asked, tilting her head slightly.

The whiskered teen nearly gulped. "Uh...wanted some advice since she is used to doing leading rather then being led since she was the top student in Sanctum," he lied easily.

"Guess that makes sense," Yang said. "Anything else she wanted to talk about?"

"Nope!" Naruto said quickly- a little too quickly for Yang's taste- before he looked at the time. "Oh hey, it's 8:50! We better hurry or we are gonna be late for class!"

Realizing that he was right, they all got up and hurried out the room as they headed for their first class together.

"Monsters!" Professor Port- a man with short grey hair and a thick moustache- yelled out at the front of the class, with illustrations and notes on grimm behind him. Team RWUBY was not very impressed. Ruby was falling asleep, Blake looked bored, Yang was trying to pay attention but was getting sidetracked by Naruto, who was making her giggle. Weiss was taking notes, and Naruto was whispering to Yang about the pranks he pulled back at Sanctum. "Deeeemons! Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I merely refer to them as prey. HAHA!"

All his cheer did was snap Ruby out of her drowsy state. The silence from the room at his proclamation made Port feel very awkward. "Uh...and you shall too upon graduating this prestigious academy! Now as I was saying, Vale- as well as the other three kingdoms- are safe havens-"

"Looks like the Professor likes puns too," Naruto whispered to Yang, which made her giggling worse.

"-In an otherwise treacherous world!" Port continued, not hearing them. "Our Planet is absolutely teaming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsment! Huntresses!" he winked at Yang, which made her give a half-hearted laugh and look to Naruto, who chuckled.

"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what you ask? Why, the very world!" he raised an arm.

Someone at the back of the class did the same. "Eyyy-yah!" then the boy noticed the stares he was receiving and sat back down, looking at his desk.

"That is what you are training to become," Port said. "But first...a story. A tale of a young...handsome man...ME!" it was then he began speaking, but all the majority of the class heard was 'blah blah blah' repeatedly.

Ruby was doodling.

Weiss was taking notes.

Blake was reading.

Yang had her head on the desk.

Naruto was taking notes of the sketches and information on the Grimm BEHIND Port.

"Despite smelling of cabbages," Port continued. "My grandfather was a wise man. 'Peter,' he told me- bla blah blah..."

Ruby had finally finished her picture and lifted up. It was a doodle that showed a very fat Professor Port with the annotation 'Professor Poop'. Yang and Blake giggled, while Naruto chuckled. Weiss did not look amused.

"AH-HEM!" Port cleared his throat, making the Team look at him as he finished the story. "In the end the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my home with the beast in captivity. Celebrated, as a hero!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. He captured a Beowolf alive? That took a great deal of skill to accomplish.

Perhaps Professor Port wasn't all talk.

"The morrow of this story?" Port asked to them rhetorically. "A true Huntsman must be Honourable!"

'Uh oh...' Naruto thought as he saw Weiss's face getting angrier while Ruby was balancing a pencil, which was balancing a book which was balancing an apple- which was actually pretty fucking impressive.

"A true Huntsman must be dependable!" Port said as Ruby practically fell asleep, and Weiss only got more pissed off. "A true Huntsman must be strategic! Well-educated! And wise!" While he said all of this, Ruby was now picking her nose. "Now, does anyone here believe themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Naruto shoved his hand up before Weiss could even move. "I mean, why not right?" he said casually enough. Weiss gave him an infuriated glare, while Ruby, Blake and Yang all nodded, ready to cheer for him.

"Very well Mister Uzumaki," Port said. "We're about to find out." The cage to his right shook. "If you'd like to go change and grab your weapon, we can begin."

"No need sir," Naruto said, walking down as he pulled his gloves out his pockets and put them on, shrugging off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. "Humans must adapt to fight in any situation. I am no exception."

Naruto smirked as Port moved over beside the cage, and Azi Dahaka crawled along Naruto's arms as it activated.

"Gooo Naruto!" Yang cheered.

"Fight well" Blake called, waving a small flag that had 'RWUBY' written on it...where the hell did she get that?

"Yeah, represent Team RWUBY!" Ruby finished up. Weiss didn't cheer, just glaring at Naruto.

The blonde gave his team a smirk, before his gaze focused on the cage.

"Alright!" Port said, holding an axe. "Let the match...BEGIN!" he slashed the lock off.

A Boarbatusk jumped out. It charged at Naruto, who simply side stepped out the way. It turned and looked at the Blonde for a moment, but this time Naruto jumped. He grabbed one of it's tusks and lifted it into the air before slamming it on it's stomach and jumping away.

'Great scott!' Port thought in shock. 'A Boarbatusk is not light! To be able to lift it so easily...and while in the air!'

Ruby cheered. "Come on Naruto! Beat it down!"

The Boarbatusk charged again, and Naruto ran at it, Azi Dahaka glowing slightly. He threw a punch as it raised it's tusks. The two collided and the tusks won as Naruto was thrown over the Boarbatusk and landed flat on his back. He growled and jumped up. And something strange was happening as he did. His entire body was glowing with a strange, venom green aura.

The Boarbatusk charged again, but Naruto wasn't messing around anymore. He tripped it as he sidestepped, causing it to spin out.

"Naruto!" Ruby yelled. "Go for it's belly! There's no armour!"

The whiskered teen nodded, and his body glowed with the green aura even more hotly. "Time we tore everything to shreds..." Naruto growled. All the aura surrounding him ran into his eyes, which were now glowing with venom green light as they too had changed colour. The Boarbatusk stood and looked at Naruto, who glared back.

They made eye contact.

A second later, the Boarbatusk lay flat on the ground, before rolling over and exposing it's stomach. Everybody looked on in confusion as Naruto calmly walked over to the Grimm, and Azi Dahaka glew with the same sickly light that was coming from Naruto's eyes. "From darkness you came," he said in a deathly cold voice. "And to darkness you return."

He threw his punch, and the Boarbatusk screamed in agony, before it vanished into black smoke that retreated into the shadows.

Naruto took a deep breath as the glow around him and from his eyes subsided, his eyes turning to their normal blue.

"Bravo, bravo!" Port clapped. "It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntsman in training!" Port looked around as Naruto walked back to his seat. "I'm afraid that's all we have time for today! Please be sure to go over your assigned readings. And remember, stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

They all stood and Naruto walked to Weiss. "Hey Weiss, we need to talk."

She raised an eyebrow but shrugged. "Fine..." the two left the classroom together. The rest of Team RWUBY looked to each other.

"What was that about?" Yang asked.

"What do you want?" Weiss asked as she and Naruto stood in the courtyard.

Naruto looked at her, and Weiss flinched at his cold blue eyes. "Get over it," he told her.

Weiss blinked. "Excuse me?"

"I said get over it," Naruto growled. "I know that look in your eyes. Your jealous that Ozpin didn't pick you and picked Ruby and myself." Before Weiss could speak, Naruto raised a hand. "I'm not done. You need to get over it. Apparently you've heard nothing about Ozpin, but based on what I've read and heard, the man is literally a once in a life time prodigy. And every single Team he has made that has graduated, have become Legendary in their own right. I get you feel you should be leader, everyone has that feeling. I promise you that Blake and Yang feel like that a small bit. But my grandfather told me something important. Ozpin doesn't pick good leaders."

Weiss blinked at that. "Wha-"

"He picks the people that have the potential to become great leaders," Naruto told her. "You have great potential as a Huntress, but you are head strong, arrogant, and cold to people. And you have too much pride. I'll tell you now, it is those traits that made him not pick you. You have potential Weiss, and one day you'll be someone great. But just because your going to be the Head of the Schnee Dust Company, does not mean you are fit to lead a Team of Huntsmen. One day you might be, but not right now."

Naruto turned. "Just think about that," he finished as he walked away.

The Schnee heiress was in shock. "Is he right?" she thought aloud. "Is that all true?"

"Indeed," a voice said from behind. She looked to see Professor Ozpin. "Those are traits I saw in you, and are why I did not select you as a leader. But I saw other traits in you as well. You are not fit to lead Huntsmen, you are more suited to ordering those who are not Huntsmen, to take them to a safe place when there is danger, Weiss. I chose you to be on Team RWUBY because I saw one day you would be a great Huntress, and would be a valuable asset to Team RWUBY if you could get over your flaws." He too began to walk away. "I plead you to not make me think I made a mistake." And soon, he was gone.

Weiss looked down, tears flowing down her cheeks. "...I just wanted to catch up to my sister," she whispered softly.

Later that night, Ruby was still very much awake. She was up in her room, studying the things from Port's classes as she was slowly drifting off. A mug of coffee sat on her desk.

"Hey Red," Naruto said, patting her on the back, which jolted her awake. He chuckled and gave her another mug of coffee. "Here."

"Thanks," Ruby mumbled as she took the mug and drank. "Hey Naruto?"

He looked at her. "Hm?"

Ruby hesitated for a minute. "Do you...get the feeling you weren't the best choice as a leader?"

"I don't think I am fit to lead with you Ruby," Naruto said honestly. "I may act confident and all, but I believe Blake would have made a better leader than me, or Weiss. Hell even Yang. But we were chosen for a reason Ruby." The blonde pat her head. "We may not know now, but we were picked as the leaders for a reason. And I'm sure we'll find out just what that reason was...one day."

Ruby smiled. "Thanks Naruto, that really helped cheer me up."

He smiled in return, "No problem." He ruffled her hair. "Go get some sleep Ruby. You need it." With that said, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, glancing to his left to see Weiss. "Do what you have to do," he said simply before he walked into his room.

"...You are a strange person, Naruto..." Weiss mumbled. "But thank you..." she walked into Ruby's room.

Naruto changed into his pyjamas and crawled into bed, only to notice Yang was already there, asleep and snuggling up to him as soon as he climbed in. He sighed through his nose, but had a smile on his face. He relaxed as he wrapped his arms around Yang. "I could get used to this..." He mumbled softly as he closed his eyes and drifted off.