In the wee hours of the morning the day of TLC Roman felt like a teenager about to pick up his crush for a first date as he made his way through the deserted hallways towards Dean's hotel room. His heart was racing a mile a minute and his palms were actually fucking sweating; it was goddamned ridiculous.

Roman wasn't exactly sure what the hell was wrong with him, but he was sure it had a lot to do with the strange tension he'd felt so acutely the last time he'd seen Dean the night of the Slammy Awards. It had been the first time he'd ever felt nervous around Dean, who had given no obvious indication he'd noticed anything, though he did plead tired and sore rather early and headed back to his own room.

Maybe that was why Roman had decided to surprise him, afraid Dean would either plead tired again or perhaps flat out tell him he didn't want to see him. Dean had given no indication he had noticed what Roman had or that anything was amiss when he'd talked to him on the phone, and his fears did seem ludicrous when he actually thought about it, but that didn't keep his chest from tightening uncomfortably.

Roman had missed Dean more than he ever thought possible, and it was beyond frustrating to be stuck at home while Dean had to go it alone against that twisted fuck Bray Wyatt. Roman had made sure to call him every day and keep his ringer on full volume in case he needed him; still it was as though every blow Dean took broke his heart a little more.

Watching Dean be strapped to a stretcher had him pacing and breaking shit in his living room. He had no idea what the fuck to do. Roman had texted and called though he knew Dean was most likely unable to answer, which only heightened his panic. It was a little irrational but Roman had actually been on his way out to the car to drive to the airport he'd been so beside himself when Dean finally texted him back telling him to calm the fuck down.

Dean's feud with Seth had been a little different because Roman was there when he needed him, whether Dean simply needed someone to yell at or to make ice packs. Roman could at least have eyes on him and know what he needed to do. That whole thing had been hard on Roman. What Dean called Roman's Care Bearishness had kept him from getting too involved, that was until Seth had left him no choice…

Roman took a steadying deep breath before he wrapped firmly on Dean's door with inexplicable butterflies dancing in his belly.

"The fuck," Dean's confused sleep laden voice reach Roman's ears a minute or so later.

While it was slightly muffled through the door Roman's heart sped up and skipped a beat before the door creaked open. Dean's eyes widened as his jaw slackened when he saw it was him, but other than that Dean just stood there blinking at him; it made his heart drop. Roman pushed away his sudden panic at the less than warm welcome, but he was sure his smile still faltered.

"Surprise," Roman's voice came out a little weak as he sort of shrugged holding his hands out as if to say here I am, unsure of what else to do.

A long uncomfortable moment went by with Dean blinking rapidly at him as though he was trying to clear his vision. The urge to simply flee was almost overwhelming, yet Roman seemed to be frozen in place as he thought about how stupid of idea this was. Roman imagined it going a thousand different ways, but none of them included Dean simply blinking at him. Maybe, Dean didn't miss Roman as much as Roman missed Dean.

This was definitely worse than if Roman had just called and Dean told him to fuck off. Now Roman knew his smile faltered as he turned away with both cheeks and eyes burning. It made him feel incredibly stupid and way more embarrassed than he already was; still at least it unfroze him.

Dean's hand suddenly clamped down on his arm just as he was about to step off and flee back to his own room. As the other man's fingers dug into his flesh Roman's cheeks flushed farther sure Dean could feel the way every cell in Roman's body seemed to vibrate at his touch. Roman was about to yank his arm from Dean's grip positive he could feel that strange tension surrounding them, it was impossible to miss this time.

The grip on his arm tightened almost painfully before Roman felt himself rather forcefully spun around. As it was happening Roman wondered if his best friend was about to punch him, but what actually happened stole the air from his lungs just as effectively, if not more so, than any sucker punch Roman had ever experienced.

It was the most intense moment of Roman's existence as Dean's lips captured his own causing him to feel as though electricity was coursing through him. Without even a split seconds hesitation, though Roman's brain seemed to have stopped working in his shock, Roman's lips molded to Dean's as though it was what they were made for.

A surprised but satisfied gasp escaped him as the tip of Dean's tongue traced Roman's bottom lip simultaneously granting him entrance. As his best friend's tongue caressed his own in an almost desperate way Roman's fingers dug into Dean's side eliciting the sexiest moan he had ever heard. The feeling was almost indescribable as his vibrating cells sped up surely giving off enough heat that the other man could feel.

Roman's brain seemed to shut down as he got lost in everything Dean; his best friend, his brother, who he missed so unbelievably fucking much.

The intensity and tension increased as Dean's fingers tangled in his hair pulling him closer. It was almost more than he could take when Dean's impressive length pressed up against his own matching hardness causing a deep rumbling growl to emanate from him; wanting more, needing more.

Roman actually felt himself pout as Dean pulled away, though the other man was gentle about it. Roman opened his eyes slowly to find Dean's eyes blazing with a fire akin to what he knew must've shone in his own, though somehow Dean was simultaneously glaring at him. Now it was Roman's turn to simply stand there and blink as his brain tried to process what the hell just happened with his pulse racing, while still being distracted by his almost painfully throbbing cock.

"Next time book an earlier flight asshole," Dean's words broke him out of his confused, but somehow still euphoric daze affording him the ability to focus.

Roman felt a smile spread across his lips as he realized Dean was telling him he missed him, and coupled with the way he'd just kissed him; Dean missed Roman just as much as Roman missed Dean. It made his heart flutter in and gave him courage.

"Kay," Roman replied with his smile widening at Dean's glare before gently kissing him again.

Roman's nerves were on end as he pulled back; partially due to the spark that accompanied the small kiss and partially due to the strange turn of events. Roman's heart fluttered even more so as the loving but slightly shy smile on Dean's face registered through his haze of nerves, unfathomable desire, slight confusion, jet lag, and almost giddy happiness.

They stood there smiling at each other for another moment before Dean reached out and intertwined his fingers with Roman's tugging him into the room letting the door slam behind them. Roman's butterflies returned when Dean let go of his hand and climbed into his bed with an adorable yawn before looking at him expectantly.

Roman swore he was going to have to find a good cardiologist as his heart fluttered once again before missing another beat when once he was settled, with the most adorable sleepy smile Dean curled up into his side burrowing into his chest. Roman kissed his head and tightened his arms around him eliciting a contented sigh from his best friend who then closed his eyes before quickly dropping off to sleep.

As Roman's own exhaustion overcame him and feeling somehow whole with a peacefully sleeping Dean wrapped tightly in his arms he gently pressed his lips to his head before letting his own heavy lids slide closed with his own contented sigh and a softly whispered…

"I missed you too."

A/N: We're gonna call this Series The Evolution of Ambreigns I think lol I dunno...:-) Anyway...I started school again so it won't all be as quick as it was in the summer and I have had a hell of a time with my account recently, but I'll do my best! Let me know what you guys think :-) You guys are awesome!
