Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. I just mess with her characters.

A/N: my beta is Raising-Hell14

Summary: This is a story about Bella and Emily. Emily is not Sam's imprint but his cousin not Leah's. Bella is Leah and Seth step brother and sister. Emily is a wolf that imprints on Bella but Bella is not your normal female either. Can a wolf and goddess work together and become mates...

Chapter 1

Bella POV:

I have always knew I was different not only in liking girls but there was something else too. I like odd things too.

Like reading about history and what happen in the ancient time. Some have said there is no point in knowing about the past but I am not like everyone.

I love to read and learn about what the ancient people did, how they build things and work in their time with what they had back there.

When I was 14 went to my mom Renee and told her that I for one like girls and she was that I was going through a phase and that many teenagers go through and I will grow out of it.

So two years later, one day I got home from school and I went to my mom Renee. "Mom I want to move out and live with dad." I say trying to sound convincing.

"Bella, why do you want to leave home or me? Where will you go?"

"I already told you to live with dad. I feel like I need a change from Phoenix." I say already knowing this conversation isn't going to end in my favor.

"That is not an option Isabella. I forbid you from living with that man!" My mom says as she shakes her head violently. So i sighed as I agreed to finish off my last two years at home.

Once I was at school I meet with the school counselor and told me about colleges that will be coming to the school to talk to all the students in the school.

That is when I had an idea and had to ask "Miss Jones, are there any of these colleges have will history as a major?" She pick up on some papers and look through them.

When she was done, she pull a folder out from her draw and look at me smiling a little.

"Well Bella accord to your grades here you excel well in history I mean you and a student well really an honor a student. So I think it would be great idea for you to look at some colleges from either the east coast or the west coast." I look at Miss Jones "So you think I should look into these colleges?"

She nodded her head and then speaks "Yes I do think you should." You know what I will make it easier on you Bella, I will make an appointment with each advisers and you can meet with them here in my office.

"If you would like I would be here to help with all the questions." I was smiling nodding my head yes. I waited in her office as she make the calls and looks at me as she talk with them.

After a some time of talking with these college adviser and found two possible colleges that I might go to.

One was in the mid-west in the state of Colorado and the other one was in the northern west in Seattle, Washington.

They are both the two best colleges and I couldn't pick which one I want to go to. Then I had an idea hit, I had to ask them both,

"Okay I have to ask you both something and maybe you too Miss Jones. How are my grades for me to go start going to your college up in Settle and then I could finish my degree in Colorado?"

They all at each other thinking of what I had ask. Miss Jones answers first, "Well Bella your grades like i said you are in honor roll in history and I think what you said is a great thing don't you both agree.

UW in Seattle and University of Colorado Denver (UCD or UC Denver) are two of the best colleges in U.S. Plus you both will get one of best student we have here. Don't you both agree?"

Mr. Smith and Ms. Grandy both nodded and spoke "Yes we agree. Bella can start with Mr. Smith in Settle and then move to Denver and finish her classes to get her degree there."

Finally we had all agree upon this and I would be starting in Seattle next months instead of next year which was fine by me because my dad lives there and it should be easy for me to get to schools daily while I lived at home.

I went home later on and told my mom and Phil and told them that I would be moving soon because I will be going to colleges before the New Year.

Renee started to cry because I was leaving home, luckily for me my mom had her new husband, Phil, to help me deal with her crying. He wrapped his arms around Renee's waist to comfort her while she cried.

I left them alone and went to my room to pack all of my clothes that I needed for my move to Forks.

I went to my desk and pick up my iPhone 6, so I could call my father and tell him that I

was moving out to him. The plane had just landed in Port Angeles.

I pull my overhead bag down and started to move off the plane to make my way to the terminal to where my dad should be waiting for me but instead of my dad I found a beautiful bronze skin girl standing there. I was not sure about it till she walks up to me that she was there for me

"Hi are you Isabella or Bella like the way you like to be called?" I smiled like a fool this girl is hot and fine looking. I wonder if she is single.

Shaking my head clear what would a beautiful female like her want anything like me as even a friend.

The girl standing in front of me frown when she saw that I shake my head thinking I'm not who she is looking for I stop her from leaving,

"Wait sorry, yes I'm Isabella or Bella but not many people call me Bella." This girl smiled so big I think she just made it brighter in this place.

"That's good that you are Isabella, sorry your dad couldn't be here to pick you up he got busy at home getting it ready for you to live there with him."

I nodded my head and started to pull my other luggage that I had gotten once I was off the plane.

I turned to this girl and had to know, "Uhm, sorry but may I ask what is your name?" the bronze goddess look at me shyly smiling, "Im sorry I should've introduce myself I am Leah Clearwater." She held her hand out for me to shake it which I took shaking it.

"Well it's nice to meet you Leah. So why are you picking me up instead of my dad, not that I'm complaining but just want to know." Of course I wasn't complaining since it's a hot, beautiful, female picking me up.

"Can I explain this once we reach La Push, I promise to explain everything?" I just nodded my head and headed into her car. We took off to this place called La Push.

I was looking outside the window of the car once we pulled up to this two story home guessing it's her home but couldn't get why we were here and not at my dads home in Forks. Leah looks over at me, "Bella come inside and I will explain it all to you."

"Leah did something happen to my dad?" I started to panic I threw that car door open and run to the house busting the door open and run into another woman.

"Bella what's wrong?" I look up at her "Where is my father and why am I here and not in Forks?"

My face must have shown my panic because the woman calmly place a hand on my shoulder. "Bella your dad is at work. He is fine nothing happen to him just something good." Looking at her face again I could see she was smiling.

"Ok sorry for running in here like I was nuts and sorry for running into you wait you are Sue Clearwater, Harry's wife."

"Bella, yes I am Sue and I was Harry's wife but he pass away about 1 year ago." I walk over to the couch and sat down.

"Sorry about your loss Sue. So why am I here again, what is going on?" Sue was smiling again so I can tell she is happy,

"Well Bella your father are going to get married and you and he will be moving here with us. Well this is our new home once we are married next week."

I look over at Sue who was smiling at me but I could see she was worried about how I would react to this information.

"My dad and you are getting married next week? We are moving here in this new house?" I can tell she is worried about this and it showed on her face.

"Sue please don't worry about this. I am happy my dad found someone and that it is you. So Leah is your daughter right?" On cue Leah slowly walks in and sits on the floor near her mom and looks at the floor.

I can tell there are other things that they want to talk to me about but are not sure if they should or not. I let it go for now. "So do I get a room or what?" I ask.

"Of course you do Bella and it's the second door on your right. If you need anything just let me know. Your dad should be home tonight for dinner and maybe we can all go to the beach to have dinner with everyone else and have bonfire." I nodded my head but before I went up Leah stop me.

"Bella Im sorry about what I said before making you thinking something happen to your dad." I can tell this was bugging her.

"Leah its okay really it okay." She nodded her head I could tell something is bugging her.

"Hey, Leah want to help me unpack I could use my sister option on where to put some of my things in my room?" Leah smiled at my statement about her being my sister.

"Sure come I got to help in painting your room." So Leah showed me my room and my mouth drop to the floor. The room is painted in an Earth tone, there was trees, plants and wild animals but my two favorites was the pack of wolves and the tigers.

"Leah, I love my room this is so cool thanks. Love the wild animals but love more the wolves and tigers." Leah was beaming as I complete on the paint job.

"Thanks I'm the one who painted the wild animals, Seth our brother painted the trees and the plants and my friends help paint the rest of the room. I hope you like the Earth tone room? If you don't I could always have my friends come back to repaint it for you."

I walk over to her and place a hand on her arm. "Leah don't you dare try and repaint my room. I love it just the way it is thank you." I look over to where to my bed is and my jaw drops again.

"Are those tribal symbols near my bed?"

I ask as I walk over to my bed and gently run my fingers over the symbols amazed that they were there and looked so accurate. I would love to go to school and learn about them. Well not only those, but all tribe symbols like these.

Later on that night we all walk down to the beach I was walking with Leah and Seth. "Oh, Bella by the way my friend's cousin is here too. She is from the Makah Tribe. I'm sure you two will get to be friends too." I was worried that Leah would not talk to me anymore when everyone here would find out that I'm a lesbian.

We finally reach our destination and see there was a huge bonfire lit. There were about four huge tables loaded down with a lot of food. I guess they were expecting a lot of people here tonight. I was looking around when my eyes land on this beautiful sexy woman with long raven black hair that reached all the way down to her waist.

She was wearing shorts that showed off her long toned bronze legs that I could image them wrapped around my waist as we made love.

Whoa! Where in the hell did that thought come from? I tried to look away but it was like my eyes couldn't leave her body to save my soul.

I was thinking about what her face looks like. I was pull out of the trance by Leah gently bumping my shoulder with hers to get my attention.

"Bella I see you've spotted my friends, well boyfriend's cousin at least. Would you like to meet her?"

I look over to Leah and saw that she was smiling and she whispered near my ear,

"You like her don't you?" I was shock that she pick up on that. I quickly looked down hiding behind my long brown hair.

"Bells what's wrong? Are you scared of something or are you worried that everyone here will judge you because you're different?"

While Leah was talking to me I could resist looking over to where that woman was. We end up locking eyes black met brown. I saw her start walk over to where Leah and I were standing. Her eyes never left mine.

"Hi I'm Emily, and you must be Isabella correct?" She spoke with a husky yet sexy voice and I felt like I would melt.

"Hi...Hi I'm Isabella. I... I mean yes I'm Isabella." I stuttered, since when do I stutter I don't do that but come on this female is so beautiful and I'm plan compare to her, we'll plan for now. Emily smiled when I spoke to her.

"Hey Bella would you like to get something to eat?" Leah ask me but I couldn't take my eyes off of Emily, but I did try to nod my head yet it wouldn't move.

Leah started to pull me from where I was rooted near the beautiful bronze goddess, my goddess. Whoa wait, where did that come from? I had to shake my head to clear my mind of that dangerous thought.

When I finally walk away with Leah to the table to get some food I try not to let my senses wake up and take over because if they did my secret would be out.

I couldn't let it out. Not yet, I need to be able to trust these people my father's new family and friends.

I had a feeling that Emily was looking at me but I didn't want to give her the chance to break down the walls I built around me because of the secret that I have to keep.

The only one who knows what I am is my father, Charlie, of course and he has not told anyone because he is just like me...

A/N: I have school and will post when I can.