It had been a rough month for Starfire but it seemed to be getting better. She had decided to accept Beast Boy and Cyborg's invitation to the mall. It was the first time in a month that she had gone outside besides for missions. She had a wonderful time with her friend while they shopped and ate junk food. They had grabbed some pizza and were on their way home. But why had it been a bad month for Starfire? It was the fault of Kitten.
When Robin had begun dating kitten, she had felt betrayed but was able to keep it well hidden. She figured it wasn't serious and soon Robin would come back to her. The first few months had been OK. She decided that until that time came, she would be supportive and do her best to distract herself from Robin's romance. She took it upon herself to clean up whenever there was a mess. She would spend time with Beast Boy, by going to the mall, and Cyborg by lifting thing that were heavy so he could work on them. She buried herself in Earth magazines, determined that when Robin's relationship fell through that she would be waiting, ready to pick up the pieces. And she spent time meditating with Raven. Did she spend a lot of time meditating with Raven. At first, the empath was wary of her, but as time went on Raven became increasingly used to the Tamaranean girl being there when she meditated.
But then, the Brotherhood of Evil incident happened. It seemed that being frozen and nearly losing his entire team had had a severe effect on Robin. When he had been frozen the last thing he thought about was Kitten. The Boy Wonder realized that in what could have been his final moments alive that of all the things he could have been thinking about his on thought was Kitten. So after the bad guys were put on ice and the rest of the Titans were on there way home he went to Kitten's house. And then. Robin did the most horrible thing he could do to the Tamaranean princess. He asked Kitten to move in with him.
Kitten had had of course said yes with her father frozen and moved into the tower the next day. When Robin broke the news to the team everyone was shocked. Was their leader crazy? Nevertheless, they decided that if the was their leaders with, then they would follow his lead. Well, all except for Starfire. When she heard the news she did not react. The knowledge that Robin's relationship had proceeded to such a level was a shock to her. She had no idea how to respond.
The following month had been an experience for everyone. To say that Kitten and Robin had been affectionate would be like saying the Pacific ocean was a lake. They were inseparable and rather intimate with their public displays of affection. Whenever they walked into a room the air seemed to stiffen. Raven had taken to avoiding the common almost completely due to it. Cyborg spent even more time with the T-car in order to stay away from them. Starfire began to follow Raven constantly and when she wasn't with Raven she was in her room. And Beast Boy... well Beast Boy was trying to keep his friends together. He tried to talk to Raven on daily bases. He still played video games with Cy. But what really spent a lot of time with Star in her room. He knew it was hardest for so he did anything he could to keep her up. He transferred into different animals and did tricks and even at some of her alien cooking. Star enjoyed the attention of her green friend but when he asked her to go to the mall she then he gave her the Face. She couldn't deny the Face so she relented.
It was seven at night when they walked into living room. There they gasped. On the couch Robin had his pants down. Kitten was servicing him with a dear in headlights look in her eyes. Robin was confused by the look on her face and began to turn around, only to see his team watching him. No one said anything for a moment. Slowly, Cyborg and Beast Boy looked from Robin to Kitten and finally settled on Starfire. They prayed that the naive alien girl did not know what she was witnessing. Unfortunately this was not the case. Starfire said nothing, she just floated off to her room without a word.
"Dude, what the hell were you thinking?" screamed Beast Boy with a scowl "Do you know how long it took me to get her out of that room?"
"Yeah dude. Why on Earth did you guys decide it was a good idea to do that on the couch?" questioned Cyborg.
"Well...uh well... you see the thing is uh" Robin babbled.
"Whatever. Cy can you take care of this? I need to go talk to Star." Beast Boy said, clearly not having the patience to listen to their leader excuses.
"Yeah BB. We are ll going to have a LONG talk about respecting the household. Go check on Star." Cyborg replied. With that Beast Boy left.
Beast Boy hurried down the halls towards Starfire's room. When he arrived he could hear Starfire's crying. He knocked on the door and waited a few moments. The the door opened and to his surprise he found Raven was the one who opened the door.
"Girl talk. Come back later." Raven deadpanned and closed the door.
Beast Boy stood in aw. He hadn't expected Raven to be so quick to respond to Starfire's distress. Deciding he could not deal with his leader and his foolishness and that he was no longer hungry Beast Boy headed to the roof. 'Maybe some air will do me some good to cool off' thought the green Titan. Since it was already dark, he transformed into an owl and took off. As he was flying he spotted something strange. He saw somebody on a roof. They were feminine and had pink hair done in ponytails...'I know that hairdo anywhere.' Seeing a chance to play a prank felt like the right thing to do to get his mind off of thing. And well if he died from Jinx's retribution well, it happens.
Beast Boy landed on the roof and quickly transformed into a cat. He then meowed loudly. The young heroine turned around defensively and when Beast Boy saw her he knew that there would be no prank.