So I literally spent the whole day writing and editing this. I hope you guys like it, I think that it serves as a proper ending...with that said please enjoy!

To say that telling his mother that she was grandma went by smoothly would be an understatement. First, she thought that he was messing with her and then when they left his office and she saw that Gabi had brought Wyatt with her, Donna realized that he wasn't joking and that Wyatt was his. Days had passed since Donna learned the truth and he still got chills every time he heard that his mother was coming over.

Gabi was a wreck as well. Even though Josh finally telling his mother allowed her to bring Wyatt with her every day to work, the minute Donna walked through the door Gabi would get very paranoid and lose focus. One day it got so bad that she ended up burning what she was in the process of making for lunch, which caused his mother to dislike her even more. Of course, Donna couldn't see that Josh was partly at fault for the night he and Gabi slept together, Donna just saw Gabi as someone who took advantage of his emotional state in order to sleep her way to the top and get a rich baby daddy. While Donna was warming up to the idea of having a grandson, she did not take a liking to the way Wyatt came into the world or the social standing of Wyatt's mother.

The tension could be cut with a knife whenever the three of them were in the same room, so it came as a surprise to Josh when Wyatt's birthday party came around and they were all still breathing. A few of the plans had changed, the guest list was slimmed down only to include Sofia, Elliot, Allan, Yolanda, his mother, and Heather. Gabi understood what Josh's intentions were with keeping the party family only but at the same time he hoped that she didn't catch onto the fact that he had ulterior motives for keeping her friends away. She was already being judged harshly by his mom and he was sure that his mother had discussed her disappointment with her friends, so he didn't want Gabi's friends to judge her as well. That and he knew that the party was going to be awkward, there was no need to make it more awkward by having them ask all kinds of questions that neither he or Gabi were ready to answer.

The day started off slow, Heather insisted in making his living room look like a party store threw up in it by plastering it with Happy Birthday banners and balloons. That and his sister insisted that he take the day off, not because it was his son's birthday party but that it was a Saturday and he needed to learn how not to work all the time.

Gabi and Wyatt arrived a few hours before the actual party began, which allowed the three of them to have some quality family time for probably the first time since Wyatt was born. "Can you believe it's been a year?" She asked him as she finished icing the cake that she had made the day before.

He shook his head as he let his son take hold of his finger and lead him all over the apartment. "For as entertaining as this year has been and all the drama that's filled the past few weeks, it seems like I would but I don't. It still feels like yesterday when you were trying to hide the fact that you were in labor."

"Hey," Gabi started which made Josh laugh, "There is such a thing as Braxton Hicks you know."

Josh nodded, "I also know that Braxton Hicks don't cause you to look constipated or that you're about to pass out."

"In my defense," Gabi added, "I figured that you wouldn't notice because Elliot would bluntly tell me that I looked constipated every day for the last month of my pregnancy."

"True. I'll give you that one but hunching over in pain every ten minutes gave you away pretty quickly."

Gabi laughed as she finished frosting the cake and placed a candle on the cake, "I'm so glad that you can laugh about my pain so easily."

"I think I'm allowed too, I almost had to get my hand amputated because you refused to get an epidural."

Gabi just rolled her eyes as she set the finished cake aside and then asked, "So, are we okay? You're mother hasn't turned you against me?"

Josh stared at her in amazement, how could she possibly believe that? "Of course not? We've been over this, I don't blame you. What happened was as much my fault as yours. You wanted to leave, I asked you to stay. Besides that night is the reason we have Wyatt and I don't want to live in a world where he doesn't exist."

Gabi nodded, "Me neither." Their conversation ended after that and they didn't have a chance to add more to it. Soon the party was in full swing and they were too busy watching everyone, even Donna, dote on Wyatt and share funny and cute stories about him and his first year of being alive.

Yolanda loved telling Sofia and anyone else who would listen about how she could tell from the moment she arrived at work that Gabi was in labor and laughed at how badly she tried to hide it. Elliot rolled his eyes the whole time while Allan kept saying things about how he liked other people's kids but couldn't imagine having kids himself. Normally Gabi would ignore their "kids are horrible" comments but it bugged her when he added how kids completely change someone's life and that he couldn't see how that change could be for the better.

Luckily for Allan, Josh saw how tense Gabi was getting and decided that it was time for them open presents. The two of them sat down on the couch with Wyatt in-between them and started to open gift after gift. Most of them were toys and clothes. Sofia bought a stationary bike that was supposed to be plugged into the TV to play games with but she said that she got it so Wyatt could have his own private spin class with his Aunt So-So. Gabi laughed while Josh looked horrified at the idea. "Don't worry. Wyatt is starting this new thing where he looks at you weird and then leaves the room when he doesn't want to play anymore. Sofia won't even know what's coming for her," Gabi whispered in his ear.

They continued opening all the presents and when they were done, Josh was surprised when his mother gave him a white envelope. "What's this?"

"What?" Donna asked, "You seriously think that I wouldn't get something for my own grandson?"

"I didn't think you would."


Heather rolled eyes, "Come on mom, you've never been too thrilled with the idea of being a grandmother. Add that to the fact that you just learned that you were one, it's not that surprising."

Donna nodded but didn't reply as Josh opened the envelope and read the letter that was inside. "You bought him stocks?"

"Yes. It's never too early for someone to start investing and this way you won't have to pay for absolutely everything when it comes to the wellbeing of your child."

"Mom," Heather exclaimed.

Donna ignored her daughter's outburst and added, "This is a good stock and it always has been. It will grow tremendously in the next seventeen years. It should be more than enough to pay for his tuition to college, if he even goes to college. I'm sure that his head will be filled with all kinds of silly notions by the time he's eighteen."

"What do you mean by that?" Josh asked standing up.

"Just simply that neither of his parents went to college. So by the time college rolls around for him, he'll just expect that everything will be handed to him anyway so why would he bother? I'm hoping he has more common sense than that."

Josh was getting more infuriated by the second so he took a deep a breath and asked, "Mother, what are you implying?"

Donna laughed, "Oh dear, the chances of him turning into a freeloader probably aren't that bad, but this is just a precaution in case he does."

Gabi noticed how tense Josh was so she said, "Josh it's no big deal. She's just helping us out, thank you for the kind gift Donna."

"No Gabi, I refuse to stand here for another minute and listen to this. Mom, I understand that you're still adjusting to having a grandson, but if you're going to be disappointed in someone, be disappointed in me. Stop treating Gabi like she's nothing. We may have never had to worry about living paycheck to paycheck but we still suffered. Just because Dad finally left us and took his gambling problems and debt with him doesn't mean that you can act like you're better than everybody else. Yes, Ethan went to college and because successful, but so did Heather. Heather refuses to give up on her clients and makes sure that they succeed no matter their social standing. I am doing just fine on my own. I've built many businesses from the ground up and I did it all without a college education." He looked back at Gabi and then added, "And Gabi is the best thing that ever happened to me. She gave me the greatest gift, which is the one thing that I never knew I always wanted. And I love her for that."


Before Gabi could say anything else, Donna asked, "You love her?"

Not paying any attention to his mother or to the others in the room who were staring at him, he turned towards Gabi and stared into her eyes. He could tell that she was holding back tears and saw the faint blush creeping onto her face. He did his best to convey how much he meant it as he replied, "I do. I have for a long time now and it's about time I stop pretending. I love you Gabi and I'm probably never going to stop." Everything that was going on around them didn't faze him, all he could see was Gabi. He leaned down and kissed her. It wasn't wild like the one he dreamed about a few weeks ago but it wasn't sweet and friendly like the one they shared when he spent the night at her place. It was like two people who knew that they were meant for each other, telling each other how much the other meant to them.

They continued to kiss for what seemed like minutes and finally stopped when Yolanda cleared her throat. "You two crazy kids can do that on your own time. Right now, your guests really want some cake."

Gabi nodded, "Yes, of course," she picked up Wyatt and brought him to the kitchen where Heather was lighting the birthday candle. Josh and the rest of the guests followed her. They sang Happy Birthday to Wyatt and laughed as Wyatt reached for the cake but didn't try to blow out the candle. Josh did the honors while Gabi put Wyatt in his highchair. Heather and Yolanda helped cut and serve the cake while Gabi and Josh watched their son get frosting all over his face. The party started to dwindle down after that and the guests started to leave one by one.

When it was just Josh, Gabi, Wyatt, and Heather remaining, his sister finally asked, "So have you two had a chance to talk since you know?" she turned around and acted like she was making out with someone.

"No, we haven't," Gabi said as she cuddled next to Josh on the couch, "We've been so preoccupied with the party."

"Yeah," Josh added as he looked down at her, "But I did notice that we haven't stopped holding hands since the cake was served." Gabi smiled as he leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead, "So if I ask you out are you going to turn me down again?"

Gabi shook her head, "No, it was too hard the first time. Just promise me that Wyatt won't get hurt, not matter what happens between us? Because even though I love you, I love him more and don't want him to get hurt."

Josh smiled, "You love me?"

"Yeah I do," she replied while glancing up at him, "And I think that its time that I take a page out of your book and stop pretending that I don't."

"So, will you go out with me?"

She nodded, "Yes, yes I will."

"And with that," Heather started as she stood up, "My work is done. Getting you two to finally see what was between you was probably the hardest job, I've ever had. Now if you excuse me, Sofia offered me your couch for the night."

"Why?" Gabi asked.

"Because, after we watched you two eat each other's faces out. We realized that you two would probably want to be alone tonight and why would you spend it in a small two bedroom apartment when you could be in a spacious penthouse with an amazing view of the city? So it wasn't too hard to figure that you'd ask me to stay somewhere else tonight. So I'm saving you the time and kicking myself out, but I'm going to need your car Gabi. I don't have one and I'm taking Wyatt with me so I need one with a car seat. Otherwise I would take Josh's Porsche."

Josh smiled, "Go ahead take it. The keys are in my office."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," He looked down at Gabi and gently pushed some of her hair behind her ear as he said, "As much I want to be alone with Gabi, I want to spend some quality time with my family," He pressed his forehead against Gabi's and added, "our family."

Gabi smiled and Heather just nodded before quickly running to get the keys to her brother's Porsche and leaving the apartment so the new couple could finally be alone. "You know, I meant what I said about how I'm never going to stop loving you."

"I know and I hope you never go back on your word," Gabi replied, "Because I don't think that I could stop loving you even if I tried." They both smiled like crazy teenagers in love and then proceeded to make out like they were in high school. He didn't care how the two of them had turned into one of those cheesy couples that other people rolled their eyes at when they talked about them. He was too happy to worry about it and he was going to make sure that he never let Gabi slip through his fingers. It took them to long to get to where they were now and he didn't want to waste any more time with her.

18 Months Later

It had been a while since he walked past the familiar headstones, he was always afraid of cemeteries when he was young and part of him figured that's why he was always uneasy when he came to visit. He found the tombstone that he was looking for and hunched down. "Hi, I know it's been a while. I just had to figure out what I was going to say. Before I get to that, I should tell you that Wyatt is doing great. He can't seem to stop talking these days. His first word was dada and now it seems like he speaks a paragraph at a time. You'd love him, I hear that he looks a lot like you." His back was starting to hurt so he sat down on the ground and then continued, "I guess I should get to reason why I'm here. You see, I'm in love with your daughter. I have been for a while now and well," he reached into his pocket and took out a little black box. "I want to marry her and I want you to know how much she means to me."

"Josh?" he heard Gabi ask behind him, "What are you doing here?"

He did his best to hide the ring box and then said, "Oh just having a chat with your mom. I didn't think with all the press you've been doing lately that you'd have time to visit her today."

She sat down next to him and then added, "That's very sweet of you but I always make time to visit her, especially today of all days."

"I know how much she means to you," he replied while putting his arm around his girlfriend and squeezing her shoulder, "I knew that you asked Heather to clear your schedule for her birthday. I just wasn't sure if she'd be able to do it."

Gabi nodded, "The blog took off faster than we thought it would and every talk show in the San Francisco area wants me for their cooking segment. She thinks that she can cookbook deal in no time but she also said that doesn't think that me taking a few days off will ruin those chances. It was actually quite easy for her to make it happen."

Josh smiled, "Good, it's about time Wyatt and I get you all to ourselves."

Gabi laughed, "You know I didn't expect this to happen, my career taking off like this. Your sister really knows what she's doing."

"Yeah she does and I'm happy to say that I was wrong about her. She has managed to take on more clients and not drop you in the process."

"I'm sorry for not being around as much as I used to."

Josh smiled, "Gabi I love you and I love it that you're getting everything that you want career wise. Besides, I told that I was never going to stop loving you. Which means that just because you have to travel every once and while doesn't mean that's going to change." Gabi looked at the ground and he knew that was her way of making sure he didn't see her cry, he put his hand under her chin and made her look at him, "Hey, do you really want to know why I'm here? Because I know that you didn't believe my excuse earlier." She nodded and he smiled as he said, "I came here to ask for her blessing."

"For what?"

His smile grew bigger as he stood up and offered Gabi a hand. She took it and stood up as well before he said, "For this." He took the ring box out of his pocket and got down on one knee, "I told you once that I was going to stop pretending not to love you and I realized that I was beginning to pretend with you again. I was pretending that I was happy with the way things are and the truth is I'm not. I love being with you and the fact that you and Wyatt finally moved in with me is great but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I want more. Gabi Diamond, will you marry me?"

"Oh my God, Josh!"

"Is that a yes?"

She smiled as she nodded her head, "Of course it is! Yes, I'll marry you!"

He did his best not to drop the ring as he slid it onto her finger and then stood up and kissed her. Every time he shared a big moment with her, he thought that he could never be happier but he was wrong. He had spent the best eighteen months of life with Gabi but he had a feeling that some the greatest moments of his life were about to happen. He didn't know it then, but Gabi Diamond entering his life turned out to be best thing that ever happened to him.

Okay so I know that there are errors so if they were easy to spot, sorry I just really wanted to get this posted.

Thank you to everyone who read, favorited, followed, and reviewed this story. Thank you for being patient with me, I know that there was a time where it looked like I had forgotten about this story. Anyway it's been fun to write and I'm glad that many of you enjoyed it.

Please leave me a review and tell what you thought of it, whether you've reviewed every chapter or not, I would appreciate the feedback.

Thanks again.