Oh boy. It's actually been three whole years since my last post on this fic, that's quite a while.
So, it's happened. I've become one of those fic writers, leaving my fantastic readers hanging high and dry like some kind of amoral scumbag in the guise of hiatus.
Don't get me wrong, I put this fic on hiatus (a word that sends my blood-pressure sky-rocketing every time I'm forced to type it) in 2017 for a better chance at making it into uni, and I made it. But as much as I'd like to say it was the joys and wonders of uni life that prevented me from returning to this fic these past two and a half years, it wasn't that. From writer to reader, you deserve that measly bit of honesty. In fact I found myself stagnating in the ridiculously long breaks uni life brought more often than I was swamped with work, and in those breaks I did try to return to this fic, I made a few edits and tried my utmost to pump the life back into this fond, dusty memory it spurned my every effort.
This was my first fic, and the humble number of followers it curated cemented it in a sentimental, meaningful pocket of my life. I don't want it to be just another abandoned work on this site, like its something I've outgrown even if many of the readers have outgrown it. I want to see it through, I want to be able to say I created something from beginning to end and that perhaps some people found it enjoyable.
But if I am going to do this within my lifetime, a rewrite is in order.
Rereading this fic made me realise that for all the 13 chapters I wrote I had barely made any progress towards a foreseeable ending. When I wrote this, I wrote it indulgently, aimlessly, spurred onwards by unpredictable bursts of creativity, rambling like I had all the time in the world. I don't. Especially if I'm going to juggle work and study alongside this endeavour.
SO. These past few weeks I have been scouring this piece of work, picking out the essence of the story I wanted to tell when I first started it: Tsuna and the Sawada family and their ridiculous double-lives of crime, and how his induction into the criminal world would go if he had an older sibling (who'd been there done that) to tell him "I wouldn't advise it". After stripping this fic down to these bare-bones I managed to come up with a plot I could see the beginning and end to.
This rewrite I have planned will:
- Be smaller in scope. Namimori-centric, as in extremely Namimori-centric anything that's outside of Namimori will have to come to Namimori. I ain't setting a single foot outside of the damn place (maybe within Japan at most).
- Be faster-paced and with a clearer overarching plot (so far its turning out to be something like a crime fic/ coming of age story)
- Be toned down on the crack. It will be a clear shift in tone from what I've written here, which once again is an indulgent, whimsical mess with a serious case of sudden mood swings when I run out of ridiculous scenarios. Currently its leaning towards something serious with a persistent underlying feel of mild absurdity. Ridiculous situations will still be a feature of the fic, but they are much more understated and will be as a product of plot.
- Revolve around the Sawada family, all four of them. That being said...
- Have several OCs (aside from the obvious Akira). Namimori is a small place and there are roles that need to be filled. However the new criteria is that every OC will have a clear purpose, a role that starts from the moment they are introduced. Many OCs you are already familiar with will likely make their cameos in the rewrite. At the same time, the non-essential ones will be cut. Cold as it is, I am trying to see them now as tools to further the plot.
OCs won't be completely out of the blue. Most, if not all will have ties with canon organisations/ characters. For example, so far I have two characters playing the roles of police officers: Officer Kurokawa and Officer Sasagawa. Three points to the person who can guess who they're related to.
- Be completed. Posting this is will be the start of my commitment.
Feel free to message me about anything related to the rewrite. I will try my best to answer. Progress will be updated on my bio to avoid having this fic pop up as updated every so often.