A/N: HEY! thanks for reading and sticking with me. I hope you enjoy this chapter, don't forget to review and comment. Love you all!
Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit.
Tauriel was frustrated, to say the least.
They had been journeying for almost a week hearing any more word of Legolas.
"I am very surprised that we should not have found him yet," she remarked to Aragorn as they walked together.
Aragorn shrugged. "It seems that Arda is larger than we originally thought," he answered.
Tauriel frowned. "I've seen more of it than you have, friend, yet it exceeds even my previous thoughts. But surely we shall come upon Prince Legolas. If your friend has seen him, we know he at least still lives."
Aragorn raised his eyebrows, hearing her tone.
"You shall not tempt any information from my lips. I am following his wishes. My conscience is clear, my honor is satisfied. I really owe you nothing."
Tauriel sighed and muttered in Sindarin under her breath.
Aragorn, hearing her, laughed openly. "It is not as bad as that. It is a few days more to the place where Legolas seen. We shall pick up the trail from there. Do not be so despondent."
Two days' journey, and they were nearing Rohan.
Although she could not quite explain it, she could feel it. Something in the call of the birds, in the smell that the gentle breeze brought, in the color of the morning as the sun burned into the sky.
It was a wilder country they were coming upon, and it excited her. S Aside from Aragorn, humans were unfamiliar to her. he wanted to meet the inhabitants, see the way they lived. Her hopes were to be disappointed, however, for they met Legolas before they came to the settlements.
She let out a cry when she saw him on foot, his tall profile standing out against the flatness of the plain they were on. He was far from them, and it would call for much more walking to reach him, but he was there.
She turned to Aragorn nervously. "I can see him."
He squinted in the direction she was looking, then shook his head. "Are you sure?"
"Of course. We have some distance to cover, but we should meet him soon."
"Do you think he sees us?"
"I am sure of it, for he waits."
"Very well, I shall trust your eyes."
An hour brought them to each other. He did not look as if he was worse for ten years wandering Arda. In fact, he looked more lively than he had at his father's court.
Tauriel stepped forward and greeted him in Sindarin. "It is good to see you again." She smiled tentatively. He smiled gently back at her, and nodded.
"The pleasure is mine. Tell me, who is this friend of yours?"
Aragorn stepped forward and spoke, "My name is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, sir."
Legolas' smile faded a little, but he didn't appear to be less happy.
"Truly?" he asked. Tauriel nodded.
Legolas reached out and clasped Aragorn's hand.
"I have long been searching for you. You must dine with me tonight, though it is meager fare, and we shall exchange tales."