Hi there!

This summer I decided to write some fics as I had a head full of ideas that I had to write down. It took me awhile, cause I have some other writing tasks, but here it is! While watching the episode "Say Her Real Name", where we meet Will Halstead for the first time, it's been never revealed why at the end of the episode we see Will beaten up in Jay's kitchen. So my story begins right in this moment and includes my idea about what might have happened. I hope you will enjoy reading this!

(Of course I don't own the or the characters. They all belong to Dick Wolf. Just this storyline is my own work.

„I might not have told ya everything about why I left New York." Said Will holding a packet of ice close to his head.

"Let me check your head and then we need to talk." Said Jay after a dozen of seconds of silence.

"It's just a couple of bruises, nothing serious."

"I'd rather take a look."

"Jay, come on, I'm a doctor, trust me." Will nervously laughed.

"Can I? Can I trust you after you didn't tell me you're in deep trouble?"

"It's not like… Ehhh… Jay, calm down, let's sit down and I'll explain this to you." Will moved a kitchen chair in Jay's direction, put the pocket of ice into the sink nearby and sat down across his older brother.

"So, I'm listening." Jay was still serious and slightly angry.

"As you know I had owned a medical practice with two of my friends."

"Yes, you were so kind to inform me about this."


"Okay, go on."

Will knew Jay had the right to be upset and angry because he failed his trust, but it wasn't that easy to explain all of this.

"Mostly we were doing plastic surgeries. Rebecca Hastings' case wasn't anything unusual. Just breasts implants. And she wanted to remove some scars as well."

Will stopped for a moment, not sure if he should pass the whole story to his brother.


"And her… husband got mad at me for interfering with his plans."

"What did you tell them?"

"That her spine is not strong enough for the breasts he wanted her to have."

"And that's it?" Jay was suspicious.

"That's it. He was crazy, obsessed or something. And that case made me feel sure that I need some changes in my life."

"So what is he doing in Chicago? How did he find you? What for?"

"He's a businessman. Travels a lot. He called me when we met at the district. I needed to give him his money back."

Jay wasn't so convinced by the story Will told him.

"But he got angry because of our talk. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut some more often." He laughed and got up. "And that's the story. Thanks to this guy I made a decision to make my life better."

"You're sure that's all you want to tell me."

"Man, I know you're my older brother and you want to be protective, but chill out a bit. I'm not in danger anymore. Everything is okay. Relax." Will patted Jay on his back reassuring him in what he told him just seconds ago. "Any Hawkes game on TV today?"

"Yeah, in half an hour…"

"Great, so let me order a pizza, grab our beers and let's get ready!"

The next day was Saturday, which meant that Jay had a day off. But he didn't sleep long due to his talk with Will the day before. He should trust his brother, but he couldn't help it, he was worried. Is he being overprotective?

He got up, took his favorite T-Shirt, sweatpants and sneakers and went out for a morning run. There's no better way to clear head and gain well needed energy. And he hit the bull's eye with that idea. The weather was perfect. The scent of the evening's rain was still distinguishable and the sun and cloudless sky topped the climate up.

Clearly it wasn't only him who likes to wake up early in the morning and hit the road. Although there wasn't as many runners as it usually is. Maybe because it was Saturday after all. Some of those people were replaced on the streets with still not completely sober party people who slowly walked, if you can describe it as walking, towards their homes. Jay only smiled and focused on the road.

And then it hit him. The idea. He knew what he has to do to dump the feeling of uncertainty. But first… he has to finish the run.

Tired, but satisfied, he put the key into the lock on his apartment's door and noticed that it's open. He reached for the door handle and let himself in.

"Will?" he asked, looking for his brother.

"Over here, in the kitchen!"

Jay went into the kitchen and saw Will with two other men sitting by the kitchen table.

"Hi, Jay!" Will greeted him.

"Uhm, hi." Jay responded.

Will got up and pointed at the men.

"Do you remember my buddies from high school? Johnny and Jim?" Both men waved to Jay .

"Oh, right, sorry guys, I haven't recognized you! How are you?"

They talked for a while, reminiscing about the old times and then Will asked Jay to go out with them in the evening.

"Sorry guys, got other plans, but you have fun. Keep an eye on Will for me, please. Lately he's short tempered and impulsive." Jay winked at the younger Halstead, teasing him.

Jay went to take a shower and when he came back his brother and his friends were all gone. He noticed that Will left some coffee for him, so he poured it to his cup and searched for his phone. When he found it, he dialed one of the contacts he had on speed dial and waited for the person to pick up the phone.


"Hi, Antonio."

"Hey, Jay, what's up?"

"Nothing much. What are you up for today? I was thinking maybe about a couple of drinks at Molly's tonight?"

"Can't man, I'm spending the weekend with my kids, so…"

"Don't you even apologize! I thought maybe you are bored or something."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, positive. Say hi to the kids from me and have fun!"

"Thanks, Jay, see you on Monday!"

And they hung up.

"Okay, Jay, you're overreacting. Nothing's happening, enjoy your day off." He told himself as he got up, turned his favorite radio station on and began preparing breakfast.

"Nothing's happening."

A/N: The story starts slow, but I can guarantee it's gonna get faster and more dynamic. If you liked it, you can always let me know by posting a review. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

(P.S. Have you seen that promo of season 3? I literally couldn't catch a breath after watching! I kind of predicted it might happen, after reading spoilers, but anyways... wow!)