Blood Bondage 2: Inseparable

*From the author: Here is the sequel that all of you have been waiting for!*


The clear blue sky was illuminated by the bright sun. The dinosaurs were aroused from their sleep and began their daily routine.

In their own private area, the Velicoraptors, Blue, Delta, Echo, and Charlie awoke, but did not bother getting up right away. Their alpha, Aurora, on the other hand was an early riser.

"C'mon girls! It'll be a beautiful day today," Aurora insisted, but the raptors ignored her.

"What's wrong with you lazy bums?" Aurora asked and that's when Delta got up.

'Who are you calling lazy?' she chirped and then snarled. That made Blue get up and snap at Delta.

"Easy girl," Aurora insisted and pats Blue on the head. Blue purred as she nodged gently at Aurora's touch. Ever since they were reunited in the afterlife, which they call 'Home', Blue and Aurora became inseparable.

Echo and Charlie got up, yawning and stretching, while Aurora washed up by the waterfall. When Aurora was finished, Blue sniffed the air for anything. Right on cue, a flock of chickens clucked by.

The raptors chased after them while Aurora watched and laughed as they struggled to catch one. Blue stopped in her tracks and Aurora knew she was thinking of something.

Out of the blue, a few chicks appeared, peeping. "Oh Blue, you're not going to eat babies, are you?" Aurora asked and the beta raptor frowned.

'No, wasn't thinking right, let me try again,' Blue replied and began to think.

Then, Aurora felt something at her feet and she dared to look down. "Ekkkkkk!" she squealed when she saw living rats. "Blue, you did that on purpose!" Aurora exclaimed, as she climbed up a tree.

Blue shook her head vigorously. 'Something's wrong with me, I cannot concentrate,' she chirped.

"Alright, just take a few deep breaths," Aurora commanded Blue, "Let your mind go blank." Blue obeyed and her mind went blank. "Now, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?" Aurora asked.

Then, out of nowhere, a live goat appeared, belting at them. 'Oh why did I think of that?' Blue chirped, 'I guess it will have to do.'

Blue chomped at the goat's neck, killing it instantly and Aurora watched in disgust as her best friend ate it up.

Aurora and the raptors realized that Home was filled with magic. If they were hungry and thought of food, it would appear out of nowhere. They did not have to hunt any prey, leaving the helpless dinosaurs alone.

Aurora thought of a bagel with cream-cheese and it appeared right in front of her. She offered a piece to Blue, but she spat it out.

'What the heck is that?!' she chirped at her alpha, 'It's the strangest thing I ever tasted.'

"You always say that about human food," Aurora replied, but Blue shook her head as if to say 'No I don't.' "Oh really? What about the time I fed you bacon? You told me that you would never have it, again," Aurora adds.

'Because it was salty,' Blue replied. Aurora shook her head and cleaned the goat's blood off of Blue's muzzle.

"Where do you want go today?" she asked.

'We haven't covered the south bend,' Echo said.

'It's because it's dark there, feels like someone or something is hiding in there,' Delta replied. The south bend was where a river streamed through a patch of thick jungle. The trees blocked out the sun, creating night time in the daylight.

'Let's just give it a shot, if it's too scary then we can leave,' Charlie chirped and Aurora began to think.

"I agree with Charlie, let's go," she said and gets on Blue's back. They then began their trek towards the south bend of Home.

'Delta, did you eat my stack of blackberries?' Charlie asked.

'I did not,' Delta replied, but Charlie gave a sneer.

"What's the matter?" Aurora asked the youngest in the group.

'Charlie's stash of blackberries disappeared last night,' Echo explained and Charlie snarls.

'Because Delta ate them!' she chirped.

'I did not!' Delta replied in a chirp.

'Yes you did!' Charlie accused.

'Did not!' 'Did!' Didn't!' they bickered back and forth until Aurora commanded them to stop.

"You can always think them up," she pointed out, "I'll help you a hiding spot for them."

Charlie chirped and the group continued their journey, passing a group of Triceratops at the pool. They then saw the dark jungle ahead.

I know it's short, but I would like to start things up. Kind of like warming up a car in the dead of winter and then it comes alive. I hope that this will be as good as its predecessor. Please leave reviews!