A/N:And this one draws to a close. Took forever, but that's what I get for thinking I could write today.
When they came to a stop outside of the cafe, Jaune was treated to a rare sight; an ear-to-ear smile from Blake.
"I love this place." She opened the door. "They keep the corner table open for me... Did Yang tell you?"
"No- I thought you'd like it, that's all." He reminded himself to buy Nora's breakfast for the next week or so.
She looked him up and down out of the corner of her eye. "Surprisingly intuitive... for a man who didn't realize Weiss was gay."
"Hey, I knew she liked blondes, though." He pointed out, waving a hand around.
Blake rolled her eyes and looked distinctly unimpressed, but her smile didn't fade.
Blake took a sip of her cappuccino, shaking her head at Jaune's story. "What did you do?"
Jaune flashed her a smile. "I... got beat up by my sister's girlfriend." He admitted, shrugging.
Blake had the grace to hide her laughter behind her cup.
"Hey!" Jaune protested. "No shame in getting beaten up by a girl. Pretty sure all of you can take me."
"I might take you up on that..." Blake purred, running a foot up the side of his leg.
He choked on his coffee, and Blake couldn't help but laugh.
Blake reached up to grab the book, pushing herself up as high as she could, but couldn't quite reach.
Jaune grabbed it easily, handing it to her without another word, his nose buried in his comic.
She sent him a grateful smile, and started heading to the register.
Jaune's laughter echoed through the halls as they headed back to their rooms.
"You guys actually got Weiss. Weiss Schnee, to-"
Blake laughed along with him "Hold on, hold on. Ahem." She adopted a ridiculously Upper-Echelon Atlesian accent. "You listen here you little shits! I will not allow my grade- Ruby, why are you laughing? Yang, if you don't control your sister I'll- What is so funny?!"
Jaune laughed harder.
They came to a stop outside of their rooms, and Jaune's hand immediately went to the back of his neck, reflexively scratching as he tried to think of a smooth line.
Blake smiled up at him, wrapped her hands around his neck, and pulled him into a quick kiss. She pulled back a few inches, gazing into his eye. "I had fun. We should do this again."
Blake smiled, brushed their lips together again, and walked into her room.
Jaune stood there for a moment, gazing at the door.
He broke into a wide smile, turned on his heel, and walked into his room, whistling a jaunty tune.