So there we stood, gazing at one another in the utmost intensity, his weapons drawn and my body tense and sore. There was little chance of me disposing of Link as I had the hedgehog, nor did I want to. So far as I could tell. Link was little more than a strange man who seemed to have some kind of speech impediment. I thought that, perhaps, I could talk Link down.

"Hey… listen, I don't know what you want here. If its money you want, I have like twenty dollars here." I stood slowly, Link didn't even flinch. He just stared with the blankest of stares – eyes still wide. I went for my wallet, and pulled it out, as soon as I did Link's expression changed suddenly.

"GUHUHHH!" He gasped before jumping back in an over exaggerated manner.

"It's just a wallet dude." This did not calm link down any, he jumped forward in violent succession, quickly striking the wallet out of my hand, and with it, the tip of my pinky finger.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed before dropping to the ground, "That's my pinky! THAT'S MY PINKY!"

"HEEYEAEEEEAAAHH!" Link replied, now rolling frantically around the floor followed by a succession of back flips.

"RRRRGHGHH!" I grunted while grabbing my hand.

"HUUUHHH HAAHHH!" Link retorted side stepping left and right before putting his weapons away and running towards my pinky tip. He then made a bizarre serious of gestures by it, before holding it high over his head with both hands, causing it to float in the air and spin slowly – resulting in my watching with my mouth open. A cheery tune of success played, and then Link put the pinky on his belt pouch.

"Did you just… take my pinky?" I asked in disbelief. He rolled to me and the fairy creature once again began to float around me. Link then gave me a dead stare as he pulled the pinky out of his pocket and held it in front of me, it floating in his hand. I looked at the pinky, then at him, then back to the pinky, "You can uh… you can just have it…" I said weakly, before sitting back and letting out a sigh, "Just keep the floating pinky."

"HAAAAH!" Link put the pinky back into his pocket, and then rolled off into the sunset. His fairy following behind him – leaving me pinky-less in the middle of the street. All I could do at that point was sigh and mutter to myself. Thus ended one of the most potent experiences I have with Link. But it certainly wouldn't be the last.