The Impala rolled up the dirt path to the bunker; the road was still wet from the previous night's rainfall. "Home sweet home, huh Cas?" Dean interjected, breaking the silence. "Yeah," Cas said, his voice just louder than a whisper. Castiel was still trying to get used to being human. He was cold, but he didn't want to tell Dean. Cas felt hungry, he felt tired, and he felt sore.

Dean pulled up right next to entrance and pulled his keys out of the ignition. He got up and out of the car, and motioned for Cas to follow him. "Dean?" the former angel asked, "will Sam be okay with me here?" Oh shit. Dean had forgotten. That had been the reason he had told Cas to leave in the first place. "Yeah Cas, Sam's doing better." Dean forced a smile. In reality, he had no idea if Sam had been doing better on not, with Ezekiel still hanging around inside of his brother and all.

Cas could pick up on the uneasiness of Dean's response but he was too cold and too hungry to attempt to over-analyze the hunter right now anyways. Dean pulled out the bunker keys from his jacket pocket and unlocked the door for the two of them. Cas followed him in, glad when the warm air of the bunker rushed against his face.

"Hey Sammy!" Dean called out into the vastness of the bunker. Sam stumbled out of the hallway, still in his pajamas. "Dean?" Sam's hair was tangled and messy, he looked like he had just gotten out of bed. "Sorry to wake you man, but it is 11am. How ya feeling?" Dean asked, setting his bag down on the table. Sam rubbed his eyes and looked up at the two men standing in front of him. "Cas?!" Sam's eyes lit up a little bit at the sight of his friend. "Hey!" Sam pulled Cas in for a hug. The former angel stiffened up a little bit at first before realizing that he was supposed to squeeze back. "Hello Sam, how are you feeling?" Cas pulled back and looked up at the sleepy hunter before him.

"I've been better haha," Sam half laughed, half yawned. "Where have you been man?" Sam questioned, pushing his hair behind his ears. Cas looks over to Dean, wishing that Dean would just explain so that he wouldn't have to. Almost like how a kid looks over at their mom when the doctor asks what's wrong.

"I umm, I've been working at a mini-mart, near a gas station. I'm human now, as you know." Cas looked down at his shoes once he had finished speaking, as if admitting some kind of guilt.

"Hey umm, I'm gonna get us some food, okay?" Dean interjected, gesturing towards the kitchen. "Hey Dean?" Cas quietly called out, "Yeah?" The hunter replied. "I like peanut butter."

This made Dean smile. Of course Cas would like peanut butter, just like Sam did. "Okay then, some peanut butter sandwiches coming right up." Sam smiled, his little family was finally back together again.

"Cas? Do you want to change, or shower or anything? I'm probably gonna get changed too." Cas smiled softly, looking up at the tall hunter.

"Yes please." He followed Sam down the hall, where he showed Cas around a little bit, where bedrooms were, and the bathrooms. Sam gestured to one of the many bathrooms, "Here, use this one. You can use the room to the right. I'll bring some shampoo and soap and stuff. We'll go on a run to the store to get some more stuff." Cas looked around the bathroom and then back at Sam.

"Thank you," Cas replied, "for everything." Sam just smiled, "Of course, we're glad to have you back." With that, Sam stepped out and went back to his own room to grab the things for Cas. The former angel had barely sat turned on the shower before Sam had come back, arms full of soap and other toiletries. Castiel thanked him again, and Sam left to go get changed.

When Cas finally emerged from the shower, there was a change of clothes set out on his bed, with a note on top. "These are Dean's, I thought mine might be a little too big." This made Cas chuckle. He dried himself off and went to put the change of clothes on. Boxers, worn in blue jeans, a white undershirt and of course, a flannel. The long sleeve shirt was soft to the touch, a dark green color.

Once Cas was dressed, he wandered back into the open area, whatever it may have been called where the table was; that wasn't quite a dining room. When he entered, both hunters turned around. Sam gave a little smile and Dean's eyes widened. Cas's hair was still a little wet, but he was freshly shaven. The jeans hung a little too low on his hips due to the lack of a belt, the green flannel's sleeves were too long and covered his hands.

"You look like a hunter now, huh?" Sam said, motioning for Cas to come sit down at the table with them. Cas smiled, but his eyes went straight to the sandwich in front of him. By the time Cas pulled his seat out, Sam had already stuffed a huge bite of his peanut butter banana sandwich into his own mouth.

"I umm, I didn't know if you'd like peanut butter and banana so I made you peanut butter and honey. Cause umm, you like bees." Cas laughed a little at this, oh right, the bees. "Thank you Dean," he smiled and took a bite of his sandwich. Mouth full, the former angel went on. "this is really good! I was so hungry.." He only trailed off to take another bite. Sam took a sip of his beer before speaking up, "So guys, get this. I think I might have found us a case." The hunter picks up his laptop from the other end of the table and opens it.

"You sure you want to hunt Sam? I mean, do you feel okay and everything?" Dean asked, worriedly. Sam fiddled around with some of the tabs on his computer before replying.

"Yeah, yeah. It looks pretty easy. A low-level witch is my guess; nothing that we can't handle." Sam turned the computer around to show them the article he has pulled up. Dean groaned, "Man I hate witches. Always spilling gross fluids everywhere, yuck…" He grimaced and made a little face.

"Look, it's only a two hour drive away. This dude, Mark Stevens, it says here that all of his teeth fell out of his head, and that his eyes turned to jelly. Look, it's not a big case. I just, I don't want to stay in the bunker any longer. Please Dean?"

The eldest brother took a swig of his own beer, he was going to regret this.

"Yeah sure, fine. But I hate witches man." Cas hadn't interjected into the conversation at all because his mouth had been full of peanut butter, honey and bread, but now there weren't even crumbs left on his plate. "May I accompany you on the hunt?" he asked. Dean laughed a little bit, "Cas, you're human now, okay? We wouldn't want you getting hurt." Cas looked down at his hands, and twiddled his fingers a little. "I can be helpful, watch your backs. If it's as easy as Sam says that it is, I don't see why I shouldn't go. All we have to do is find the witch, and kill her."

Dean shrugged, how bad could it really be? It was like as if they were to take Cas on an easy salt and burn run. No big deal. "Yeah sure Cas, you can come too. Sammy, grab your stuff, we'll head out in an hour."

The drive over was quiet. Dean played some Metallica over the stereo, but softly enough for Sam to fall asleep against the window. Dean looked up into the rear-view mirror.

"How ya holding up back there, Cas?" He asked after glancing over at a sleeping Sam. "I am alright Dean. I am glad that you are letting me accompany you and Sam on this hunt. I promise I will be useful." Dean smiled and laughed, shaking his head.

"I know man, you'll do fine." Cas sat back, his shoulders slouching down in relief. "Dean?" The former angel interjected, "is Sam alright? After the trials… he is doing better, correct?" Cas had furrowed his brow and cocked his head, Cas's usual body language whenever he didn't quite understand something. Dean swallowed, remembering that Ezekiel was still holed up inside his little brother. "Yeah," Dean started cautiously, "Sammy's doing alright. He's getting back to his old self; he'll be good as new soon. We just have to help him along I guess. That's why I said we could all go on this hunt. It'll be good for Sam. Ease him back into things slowly." Cas nodded, he understood what Dean meant. Cas too was trying to find himself again; Sam and him were kind of in the same boat.

The rest of the ride was silent. But it was the comfortable kind of silence; not the kind where every moment you feel like you need to say something just to fill the empty space. Comfortable silence.

Dean pulled into a motel parking lot not too long afterwards. He nudged Sam's shoulder gently, "Wake up buddy, we're here." Sam rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and pushed his hair back behind his ears.

"Already?" The hunter yawned. Dean went to get out of the car; Cas followed Dean's motions after retrieving his own duffle bag from the back seat. Sam and Cas followed Dean up to the front desk.

"Hello, welcome to The Pinewood Motel, how may I help you?" The young girl at the front desk asked as she shuffled some papers around. She has shoulder-length curly black hair and hazel eyes. She was short in comparison to the two hunters and ex-angel. Her blue shirt bore the motel logo, and what appeared to be strawberry jam stains. Dean pulled out his wallet and set it on the desk, "Any rooms that will fit three?" He looked back and Sam and Cas; Sam was looking through his phone and Cas gave him an awkward half-smile. "We're here on business," Dean states, pulling out his fake state trooper ID cards. "So," he looks down at the hostess's nametag, "Ellie, any rooms for three?" Dean flashed that smile of his and the young girl's cheeks flushed. "Yeah, umm" she began to reply, "I have a room with two twins and a pull out couch. Will that be okay?" She smiled up at the three men, hoping that she had been helpful. "Perfect," Dean said, as Ellie handed him the key. The three men turned to leave the check out desk, "Room 223! Enjoy your stay!" the hostess called out, waving at Dean.

Dean handed the keys over to Sam who unlocked their room. It wasn't too bad. It didn't smell weird and the beds looked clean.

"I'll take the couch," Dean volunteered, setting his stuff down on its cushions. Cas raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch," The ex-angel offered. Dean looked up and smiled at his friend, "Yeah Cas, I'll be okay. I only need four hours as is. And there's no way gigantor over there can fit on his couch," He joked, gesturing over to Sam, who was yawning; obviously still sleepy from the brief nap that he had taken during the car ride. Sam smiled softly after he had finished yawning, "Thanks Dean."

Cas went over to the bed closest to the door. Dean usually slept closest to the door, out of habit. Sam always slept closest to the window. As Dean had explained it to Cas (when he was still an angel) that Dean had picked up the routine when they were little. Because if anything ever tried to come in, they'd have to go through Dean before they could get to Sam. Cas smiled to himself over the fondness of the memory.

Sam had sat down cross-legged on his bed, already looking through his laptop. "Okay guys, so this guy Mark, it says here" Sam pointed to the news article on his screen, "that all of his teeth pretty much jumped out of his head and his eyes blew out too." Dean grimaced; witches. Gross.

"It also says that this guy was married. I say we track down this guy's wife and see if she'll talk." Dean nodded, "Sounds like a plan. Get changed into your fed threads and we'll head out." Each of the men started rummaging through their bags for their suits. Once they had all gotten changed, 'team free will' set out for the wife of the victim's house.

It was a short drive from their hotel, maybe fifteen minutes. As they pulled up to the house, they noticed a cop car pulling out of the driveway. Dean led them up to the door, and knocked. A woman answered the door. Her eyes were red and she was wiping her cheek off with the palm of her hand. "I'm sorry, this isn't really a good time..." The woman went on to say. Sam lowered his head a little bit, to try to make his build seem less intimidating, "We're very sorry for your loss Mrs. Stevens. This would only take a few short minutes," Sam pulled out his fake FBI agent ID, "if you would be so kind as to speak with us for a short while." Upon seeing the ID, the woman stood up a little bit taller and sniffled. Dean then went on to introduce them, "I'm agent Hendrix, this is agent Morrison, and agent Anthony."

"Oh, alright. Come on in." Mrs. Stevens said, beckoning them inside. They three men followed the grieving widow into her living room. The room was decorated in a traditional fashion, but looked comfortable and lived in. There were wedding pictures on the mantle and fishing awards nailed up on the wall. "I already talked to the cops," Mrs. Stevens explained.

"We know ma'am. We were just sent to come check things out." The woman's face twisted in confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't understand. Check what out?" She inquired. Cas, who was standing next to the couch instead of sitting down piped in before either Sam or Dean could answer. "We have reason to believe that your husband was poisoned." Dean's eyes shot straight up to Cas's face. Poisoned? "I guess, I guess that would kind of explain what happened to him…" Mrs. Stevens replied, her words trailing off. "You see, this umm, this has happened before. A few towns over, but recently enough. The FBI thinks there may be an individual attacking people at random, testing poisons out on them." Dean's eyes jutted over to Sam. He knew his brother was a good liar but he just rolled with it. That's when Dean finally decided to chime in, "Mrs. Stevens, is there any reason someone may have wanted to hurt your husband?" The widow frowned at the hunters' question. "No. Mark has plenty of friends, lots of them too. He was always real friendly with the guys at work. My family never liked him much though. But we don't talk much anymore." Sam looked over at Dean, giving him the 'okay' look, which meant to keep going. Sam had always been better at reading people than Dean was. "Your family, Mrs. Stevens? Your husband Mark and they, didn't get on too well?" He folded his hands in his lap and smiled. Typical case, he thought to himself. It would be easy. It would be good for everybody. Dean just had to keep reminding himself of that, instead of worrying too much over newly human Cas and still-healing Sam.

"Yeah," Mrs. Stevens started to say, glancing over at a picture of her and her late husband that was placed on the coffee table. She sighed, "my family, they wanted me to marry someone more successful. Mark was a humble guy, had lots of friends. He didn't care about money much. My sister, she was the one who hated him most. We used to be really close before I married Mark. Once him and I got married, she stopped talking to me. I miss her a lot. We were best friends." More tears started to well up in Mrs. Steven's eyes, her face now splotchy and red.

"Would you happen to have the current address of your sister?" Cas interjection. Mrs. Stevens looked up at him, and shifted awkwardly in her seat. "Yeah, umm I think so. Why, why would you want my sisters address, we haven't spoken in years." Dean had begun to rummage through his suit pocket for a pen and small pad of paper when Sam intervened. "We, um, we just want to make sure that the cops have informed her of your husbands passing. Families can help each other through times of need." Cas looked down at the two hunters, family really did get through everything. Mrs. Stevens only replied with a soft, "Oh." Before taking the pen and paper from Dean's outstretched hand. She quickly scribbled down the address and handed the paper back to Dean, who folded it up and returned it to his suit pocket.

"Thank you for your time ma'am." Dean said smiling, "We best be on our way." Mrs. Stevens gave a week smile, "Have a nice day agents."

Sam and Castiel followed Dean back to the impala and got into their respective seats. "Nice, quick thinking back there, Cas," Sam commented, smiling into the rear view mirror. The former angel returned the smile, "Thank you Sam. I hope that I am being of use." Dean put the keys into the ignition, started Baby's engine and started headed for their next destination.

Thankfully Mrs. Steven's sister still lived in the same town, just a half an hour drive over to the other side of town. On the way over, the newly reformed team discussed possible theories about the case. They all had agreed that Mrs. Stevens' sister was most likely their witch. She was the only one who seemed to have a motive to kill off Mark.

Dean parked the impala across the street from the house. From where they were parked, the house looked completely normal, except for one little detail; all of the window blinds were closed. Sam pointed out the oddity to Cas, who still didn't quite understand typical housing customs. Sam and Dean both already had their guns tucked into their waistbands, but Dean went around back to the trunk to grab a gun for Cas. He handed the metal object to his friend, "Dean, I'm not very familiar with the usage of guns…" Cas sounded nervous, but took the gun anyways. "It's okay Cas," Dean assured him, "it's not too tricky. If something comes after you, pull the trigger. There's some top-notch witch-killing juice in those bullets. Made 'em myself." Dean laughed to himself and patted Cas on the shoulder.

"Alright, here's the plan. We go in, talk to her. Try to scope the place out a bit. If she's our witch, we'll come back tonight and get her." Sam declared confidently. He always was good at plans. Dean nodded and so did Cas; who was trying to follow Dean's lead. The three friends walked across the street and up to the house. "May I ring the door bell?" Cas asked innocently, looking up at Sam for approval. The two brothers both chuckled, "Go ahead buddy." Sam told him. Castiel smiled and pressed the button, "I've always wanted to do that." He confessed. The door swung open, revealing a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Mrs. Stevens. She had light brown hair, dark eyes and an athletic build.

Sam and Dean both pulled out their fake IDs, Cas then followed suit, trying to keep up with the two hunters.

"Cynthia Johnson? Hi, I'm agent Hendrix, these are my partners agent Anthony and agent Morrison." Dean said, introducing himself and his counterparts. "May we have a moment of your time?" The woman cocked an eyebrow and ushered the three inside her house, wordlessly. Sam, Dean and Cas put their badges back into their suit pockets and walked inside. The woman shut the door behind her and stood with her arms crossed. She didn't lead them into the living room or her kitchen; something was off.

"What is this about…" she looked Sam up and down, "agents?"

"You are the sister of Debbie Stevens?" Dean questioned. Cynthia's arms uncrossed at the mention of her sisters name. "Yes," she replied. "Did, umm, did something happen to Mark?" Dean quickly turned to Sam and gave him the 'this is the one' look.

"Ma'am, I didn't mentioned anything about your sisters husband." The woman's eyes widened, realizing what she said. In the blink of an eye, she took of running up the stairs. "Sam! Go!" Dean shouted, pointing towards the upstairs. "Cas, you stay by the door." Dean ran up the stairs after Sam, gun in hand.

For a small woman, she sure was fast. Sam had managed to follow her into what appeared to be her bedroom. Sam did his best to keep up, but he kept stumbling over her shaggy carpet.

Once Sam entered the room it became quite clear that she was definitely their witch. There was a dead cat hanging next to the bed. Sam drew his gun but before he could pull the trigger, the witch muttered something too quickly and too quietly for the hunter to hear. Suddenly, a big spinning orb of green light hurled through the air, and hit Sam, square in the chest; knocking him back against the wall. "Sammy!" Dean called out, barging into the bedroom. The witch backed up, and knocked into her nightstand. She tried to start speaking, but Dean's instincts were too fast for her. She shot her through the head, a clean hit. Her body crumbled and fell to the floor.

"Sam? Sam!" Dean called out, looking around the room. He was about to step out when he noticed something; a pair of clothes, right up against the wall. They looked like Sam's… His head started pounding; oh shit oh shit oh shit no no no!

But then the pile started to move. A pair of big brown eyes popped up out of the flannel and denim. It was… a toddler? The realization then hit Dean; it was Sam. "Arrrrhhhg!" Dean yelled out in frustration, throwing his hands up into the air.

"Dean?" Cas called out. "Just gimme a minute Cas, okay?" Dean grunted in response. Little Sam was completely swamped by his normal sized clothes. He looked like he could be no more than two or three years old.

As much as Dean could come across as a hard-ass, he was a big softie. The thing that we was the biggest softie for? His baby brother.

But now his baby brother was a literal baby. As frustrated as Dean was, he couldn't help but smile at his brother. For at least the past fifteen years, Sam had been bigger than Dean, and now, Sam was the small one again. Sam looked up at Dean with his ever-present puppy dog eyes. "D-Dee!" He giggled, his mop of brown curls falling across his forehead. Dean bent down and picked Sam up, bundling the now ginormous plaid shirt around his tiny body. Sam threw his arms around Dean's neck. The older hunter was trying to make sense of what happened. The witch had hit his brother with a de-aging spell; that much he knew was true. But did Sam remember his adult life? He had tried to say Dean's name. Then Dean thought back, way back, to their childhood. It had always been his job to take care of Sammy. Their dad had hardly spent any time with Sam when he was little, and even less time with him once Sam had started school. Dean shrugged, so maybe Sam really was little Sammy again. He even sounded like a toddler too; words jumbled and soft.

Dean hugged Sam close to his chest, "Shhh Sammy, everything's going to be okay." He said, smiling down at his brother. He then made his way down the stairs towards the front door, where Cas had been waiting patiently for them. "Dean? Did you kill the witch?" Cas asked as soon as the hunter came into view. But as Dean came closer to the bottom of the staircase, Cas noticed Dean's arms were full. "Dean? Why do you have a small child? Where is Sam?" Cas cocked his head and raised his eyebrow, classic ex-angel confusion look. Sam turned his head away from Dean's chest and looked over at Cas, "Daddy!" the toddler exclaimed, reaching an arm out for Cas. Dean's eyes widened a little in shock but he tried not to show it on his face too much, he didn't want to overwhelm Cas any more than necessary. "Cas, this is Sammy." Cas's face looked more puzzled than ever. "This, this is Sam?" He stepped forward to look at the toddler in Dean's arms. "Dee!" Sam said again, burying his face into his brothers' chest. This was going to be interesting to say the least. Dean smiled at the former angel, "Yeah, this is Sam; just little Sam."