AN: Hey guys! I know I took way to long to update! I have had a major writers block! But I am back and I hope to start updating more! Don't forget to Review, Favorite and Follow! And Check out my other stories! -xoxo Attiebear

Today was the day, the day where Carlisle was finally going to see if he could figure out the sex of the baby and Bella couldn't be more excited, She know's that Rose and Char are hoping for a girl while the guys are hoping for a boy, well besides Jasper and Embry who state that they just hope the baby is healthy. "Jazz when are they going to be here?" Bella whines, she was starting getting restless and had barely slept the night before. Jasper sighed heavily and looked down at her before answering her "Soon darlin'" He wrapped his arm around her waist and began to guide her down the steps where the others are all laid out doing their own thing.

Bella looked up at Jasper as he tells her to sit and relax while he figures out how much longer it will be. With a huff she walks over and sits down beside Embry who instantly puts his hand on her belly with a smile and starts talking "Relax momma, they will be here soon and you will get to know how the baby is doing and if you are having a boy or girl" He sat back further with her and snuggled up to her. The attention Bella always got from Embry was strange to her because it wasn't like a lover, it was more of an older brother or best friend. She honestly expected her mates to have an issue with him always touching her stomach but they really didn't care, it was when one of the others got too close they would all growl or hiss at them.

It had been a few hours now since Bella had her ultrasound with Carlisle and Rosalie and Charlotte had yet to stop talking about all the Pink stuff they were going to buy. It wasn't like the guy's were any better though, talking about how they were going to teach their Nephew to play football and ride a horse "You know Our little girl can learn how to ride a horse too.." Bella pointed out to them from her position against Jasper who had his hand resting over their twins. The guy's looked up at Bella with wide eyes as they began their shouts of outrage "No! What if she falls off!" Emmett shouted, followed by Jacobs "She could get seriously hurt!" Bella couldn't help but laugh "Oh okay, but my son will be able to ride because he's a boy and it'll be okay for him to get hurt… nice logic guys." She rolled her eyes at them, a little startled when Embry suddenly came over, sitting next to her "No, he can't get hurt, he shouldn't be able to ride either." He looked like he was close to tears at the thought him getting hurt.

After a while of playful bantering between everyone it was decided that they would head out and go shopping, everyone eager to start getting stuff for the babies.

Everyone piled into two different cars. Bella, Jasper, Jake and Embry in the new SUV they had just bought not too many months before while Rosalie, Charlotte, Emmett and Peter piled into Emmett's Jeep. On the way into town Bella let her mind wander, she was still slightly in shock at the fact that she had two babies growing inside her belly and not just one.

When they got to the huge baby store Bella really fell into the excitement, seeing all the little shoes and clothes had really made it set in that she was in fact going to be a mom, something she had written off for herself long ago. Bella walked over towards a rack that had a bunch of little blankets on it, spotting a blue one that had small wolves all over it, a wide smile spread over her face as she picked it up. She heard Jasper chuckle at the blanket "Geez.. the one thing that can kill us and you want it in for our son" He teased, causing her to laugh and lightly smack his chest "I think it is perfect…" She looked at it a little longer, still smiling before she put it in the cart that she was pushing.

Over the next few hours the group of eight moved around the store, picking out blankets, clothes, shoes, toys, stuffed animals and really anything the babies could ever want or need. They even picked out the furniture, Bella decided the twins would sleep in little bassinets in their bedroom for a while before being slowly introduced to their own bedrooms, no one knew really how fast they would grow but they hoped it would be slow enough to get use out of all of this stuff. Bella had picked out matching pink and blue bassinets then moved onto the other, bigger stuff. For their baby-girl's room she decided to go with light colors, baby pinks and yellows and white furniture, and for their baby-boy's room she was going with a sky blue for the walls that would have different animals and trees painted around, Bella really wanted it to be like the forest back home in Forks.

After paying for everything Bella was starving so It was decided that While Rose, Char and their mates took all the big furniture home Bella would go out to eat with Jasper and the wolves "I'm happy I won't be the only one eating" She said with a laugh as they sat at the table in the diner, looking over the menu. When It was time to order Jasper couldn't help but laugh at the look on the waitress's face when the boy's ordered enough to feed a small army. Although his amusement was cut off by Bella's order, "Can I have a steak, rare with a side of fries and onion rings… Oh! And i'll have a sprite to drink." She finished smiling, handing it over and looking at Jasper "Since when do you like rare steak?" He asked, raising a brow. Bella laughed and shrugged "It just sounds really really good!" She slipped her hand into his and smiled as her soda was set in front of her "Thank you" She told the woman and looked across at the guys "I have been meaning to ask you guys… When the babies come are you going to have to leave?" She honestly hoped they wouldn't she loved having them around more than anything. Jacob smiled and shook his head "Actually Bell's I think we will probably stick around for a little bit after… If that is alright with you?" He asked, Bella smiled and nodded "Of course it is! I love you guys being here!"

When Bella and the guy's got back to the house she was instantly whisked up stairs by her two female mates and smothered in kisses "I missed you too" She smiled and moved to sit down on the bed, tired from everything they had done that day. Bella smiled when she felt Rose pull her back against her chest and Char move so she was next to them, holding both their hands. It wasn't long before their innocent cuddles became heated make-outs, the heated make-outs became touching until it all meshed into a heated, passion filled night between the three mates.