Chapter 9 - The Wedding

The Burrow was a flurry of activity on the beautiful, sunny day that had dawned for the historical quadruple Weasley wedding. As the invitations went out, the Daily Prophet got wind of the event and since three of the biggest heroes of the Battle of Hogwarts were taking part, they quickly decided to make the wedding front page news. After careful research had been done, they also found that this was the first quadruple wedding in wizarding history. Double weddings were not uncommon and there were records of two triple weddings, the last being 120 years previous, but this was the first quadruple wedding. Reporters had started camping out days earlier and only desisted when Mr. Weasley hired a private security squad of basher goblins. After a bit of negotiation, the Prophet was allowed two photographers and one reporter to attend. In exchange, designated family members had to approve all text and pictures that would be published. Also, the Prophet was banned from any speculating on the reasons for the quadruple wedding, although it wasn't much of a secret.

Inside the Burrow, the living room had been converted to a bridal room and all four of brides were busy dressing, applying makeup and having their hair done. Each had opted for different shades of blue, so that when they stood in order right to left the shades would progress in an even pattern. The grooms would wear robes in matching blue shades, but they had been relegated to a tent outside since they took much less time to prepare. Each of the brides was glowing and it was hard to not glow with them. In the previous month, Mrs. Weasley had come to terms with the situation and now she smiled as she flitted around the room. Angelina and Hermione's mothers were also present, but Alicia's mother had died many years previous. Her sister was nearby though and was performing many of the maternal duties of preparation. Angelina would be the first down the aisle, wearing the darkest shade of blue. Combined with a sophisticated cut, the dark color made her now very obvious twelve week bulge barely noticeable. Next would be Hermione, then Angelina and finally Ginny. There had been much discussion on the order of the brides, but they had finally agreed to go from most pregnant to least.

At two in the afternoon, bells outside began to ring and that was the sign for the brides to make their way to the ceremony tent. Each proceeded down in order and took their groom's arm when they reached the front. Soon, all four couples were arranged before the Ministry officiant and the ceremony began. Each bride and groom in order first recited their individual vows. Next, parental representatives for each bride and groom came forward to place their wands on the heads of their couple and invoke the traditional parental blessing. Hermione's parents came forward and placed their hands instead of wands. Next, each couple exchanged rings.

The whole ceremony took a while, due to everything having to be done four times, but when it was finally complete the officiant made the unique final announcement of 'all grooms kiss your brides'. As each couple began kissing, it seemed that a contest was underway on who could hold out the longest. Alicia gave in first, but after two minutes, the officiant finally had to pull Ron and Hermione apart. Then each groom did something that they and their brides had planned, but that they had not told anyone else about. Each groom knelt before his bride and placed a kiss on her stomach. The six hundred odd guests gasped, squealed, hollered and generally made a riot of the place at that point. Meanwhile, the parents of the brides and grooms all stood in stunned shock and Angelina's cousin, who was a senior healer, thought for a minute that her professional skills would be needed to revive a few of them.

With that final announcement complete, the brides and grooms ran down the aisle and headed outside for pictures. Meanwhile, hired house elves began serving guests hor-doeuvres and wine while they waited for the long process of getting all the pictures complete.

At one point, Mr. Weasley huddled with all the grooms briefly and shook his head.

"Really, was that last statement necessary?"

Ron was the first to respond.

"Yes it most certainly was. None of us are ashamed of our children to be and want the world to know."

Mr. Weasley looked at his shy, youngest son for a full minute, marveling at how it seemed that Ron had grown up very quickly.

With the pictures finally complete, the couples made their way to the reception tent. They each took a first dance to open the floor and then they went to the head table to quickly inhale some food before they were required to mingle and dance with the rest of the guests.

About an hour into the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were slowly turning on the dance floor as one of their favorite songs played. The tent was subdued for the song and only a general hum of conversation could be heard. Then a loud scream broke the tranquil air.

"Beell..eet iz time."

Everyone turned to see Fleur grab her stomach as her water broke. Angelina's cousin quickly materialized to help, as did Hermione and another junior healer. An emergency portkey was arranged to St. Mungo's and, just before Bill and Fleur left, she turned to the brides and grooms and insisted they continue with the party. It took a few minutes, but eventually the party began in earnest again.

Several hours later, Bill apparated back into the reception tent with the news that baby Dominique had arrived and all was well. A loud cheer went up and everyone refilled their wine glasses to offer a toast. Bill thanked everyone gathered, wished the couples well and apparated back to his wife and newborn daughter. This was definitely a wedding no one would forget.

Shortly after, the bells rang again to indicate that the party was over. Each bride and groom summoned prepared bags from the Burrow, kissed all their parents, said goodbye to all their guests, and then each apparated to a separate special location to begin their honeymoons.

The article in the Prophet the next day declared it the wedding of the century and it was the talk in all wizard households for weeks to come. The title of the Prophet's article: 'Make it a Quadruple!' soon became a catchphrase heard on many lips, including those of a few muggles.