Hey guys! This story has been stuck in my head for a long time now, and I finally put it on a Google Doc, and now it's here. If you like this story, search 'soulmate AU' for PJO and see what comes up. Their are some pretty good ones. Enjoy my new story, Stung By Love.

The first time Percy hears about soul mates, he's eight. It was in his class after he was grabbing his lunchbox from his cubby. It was the same thing everyday (PB&J with a juice box) but he doesn't care that much. He's just glad his mom made it for him.

Percy doesn't have a dad. He never asked for details (not that he knew what that word meant) but understood that his mom loved him very much. If she loved him then that was good enough for Percy.

Percy doesn't understand what love means. He heard that one song explaining what every letter stood for, but that didn't feel like a set meaning.

He sat alone, like he normally did, munching slowly and watching the other kids talking to each other. He used to be jealous of how much fun they seemed to have without him, but he got over it. He knew his mom would be home when he was. Then she would listen to him.

When the class was back in the classroom, Mrs. Kerr told them that they were getting a new student. Percy was excited. They'd never had anyone new in the class before! Maybe they would want to be friends with him!

Then he walked through the door, and everything happened at once.

Alice was a really pretty girl. She was never shy, and she always liked to talk. Percy thought maybe she loved her own voice, but that confused him about what love was even more.

But even she was at a loss of words when the new boy came in. He was taller than Percy, and his hair was a really shiny blonde. Percy wondered briefly if they had a crayon that color.

Then his arm began to glow. It was the same color as his hair, if only for a second. It began to dull down, becoming less shiny. Percy had to look away because it was hurting his eyes.

But there was another glow behind him, too! It was just as bright, and Percy involuntarily winced at it. It was the same light, but it was coming from Alice's arm this time!

When the light had died down, Mrs. Kerr took the boy out of the room and then asked Alice if she'd come out as well. She was dumbfounded, but stood and began to make her way to the front. For once in his life, Percy saw that she didn't like that all the eyes were on her.

"Look at her arm!" Someone from right next to her yelled. Alice flinched, then gasped at the thing that was on her arm. It was almost like magic, and Percy was convinced it might've been a present from Santa.

Even as Alice tried to hide it, Percy saw what had imprinted itself onto her arm. A name: JREMY RICEHARDS. Percy was confused. Who was dreamy and why did they like hard rice?

The next few hours were a blur of teachers chatting nervously outside the door like the kids couldn't hear them. A few of the kids right by the door got a few words, then whispered excitedly down to their friends. Percy got a few lucky words. Soulmate... Too young... Not usually...

The principal eventually had to step into the room. He was a porky man with large Harry Potter glasses and a permanent sunburn. He was sweating badly and wiping it on his handkerchief.

He told Percy and the rest of the class that their parents were going to pick them up as soon as they could. Most of the kids cheered and began to pack their things up. Marie, one of Alice's friends, packed Alice's stuff for her.

While the rest of the class was gone quickly, their parents coming to pick them up, Percy had to wait hours for his mom to get off work. He got to see Alice and the new kid get put in the teachers lounge until their parents got there. They all seemed very excited for some reason.

When Percy's mom finally came, she rushed him home. She told him about how, somewhere on his body, he had a mark. A mark that meant his soulmate, his other half, was out there, waiting to meet him. She told him about how you get their name on your arm, and how that's what had happened to the new kid and Alice. He was Dreamy!

Percy went to school the next day and they had a lesson about soulmates in class. Many of the kids must've had talks like he had, because they knew a lot about soulmates, too.

Percy listened more than he ever had in his short life. He soaked up every little bit of information he could get on his new favorite subject. And later, while all the other kids talked excitedly at lunch, Percy daydreamed that he was meeting his soulmate, and she'd be as happy to see him as he would be to see her.

Maybe 'soulmate' could be his meaning of love.

No beta. I'm a bit territorial when it comes to my writing. Criticism is appreciated! Comments of praise are awesome too! (BASK IN MY GLORY, GOSH DANG IT!)

LHG :)