DISCLAIMER: I am Watashixx and I own nothing. *sobs
"I'm not even going to get mad anymore, I just have to learn to expect the lowest from people, even the ones I thought the highest of" – Word Porn
What the hell is happening? All I want is to take a shortcut to my house.
A Raven hair colored girl was running as fast as she could, for she was being pursued by a middle aged man. He was stinky and his face was not shaved. The Man was a typical creepy man who can be labeled as Kidnapper or a Rapist.
All I wanted is to go home immediately to celebrate this year's Christmas with my family
Adrenaline rush came to save her, she was not really athletic but she can still manage to run away from her pursuer whom she met in the back alley. She clings unto her bag on her shoulder while tears are starting to fall from her eyes and mentally asking for help.
C-could someone….
She cannot bring her thoughts into words, she couldn't shout. It's getting harder to breath. All she could do was run while on the verge of tears in this endless back alley that she's not familiar with.
..Someone….. Please….. Help me.
And there she tripped and fell on the ground after she turned around the corner. She felt all the pain and weakness started to come over her body. She couldn't stand up, was it because of the pain or her fear? She saw some people at the back alley but they only give her a pity look, avert their eyes and walks away
Of course there's no way that they'll help me, they also wanted to be safe, that's why I hate humans.
This enrage her, she slowly stand up and ransacks through her bag
I'm an idiot for hoping that someone will save me
She could hear the footsteps of her pursuer, it's getting louder and louder and she could tell that he is getting near at her. She mentally prepared herself and when she saw the man who just turn around the corner the raven haired girl run as fast as she could towards the man while holding a stun gun, she planned to tackle the pursuer as hard as she could. When they are about to collide she placed the stun gun in front of her and press it on his abdomen. Both of them fall hard on the ground, ruby eyed girl on top of the attacker. She stand up immediately and eyed the pursuer. The pursuer didn't even flinched from the stun gun.
Nothing happened?! She stepped back while checking her stun gun, she click her tongue. Tsk I forgot to charge it.
The pursuer stand up while raven haired girl inwardly groan for her silly mistake. Before he walk towards the girl, the raven haired girl started to run already towards the path opposite from the pursuer
This is really an unlucky day. She also run as fast as she could and did manage to make her distance far from the pursuer. When she took another corner she found a dead end but luckily on her left there was an empty lot enclosed by high railings, also a pile of large plastic for garbage to be stepped on. When she reach the dead end she stepped at the pile of garbage and tried climb on the railing as fast as she could but it's hard to climb on the railing. She saw the man turning at the corner holding something
A-A K-knife?!
When the raven haired girl saw this it cause more panic to her, more adrenaline were injected to her. She tried to climb faster desperately, she somehow manage to reach the top of the railings but when the raven haired girl was about to take the last step to escape to the empty lot, the pursuer grabbed her ankle she couldn't climb, she's resisting the force of the man who's pulling her down, until she felt pain on her ankles, she release her hold on the railing and fell down lying next to the man.
She held her ankle while growling in pain, blood were running through it and then the man caught her attention when he took a step, her sight travels from the middle aged men's shoes up to the knife that he's holding, some blood were visible, her blood is visible on that knife, her mind shut off after seeing all of these, she lose all of her hope. She heard the man laugh and smile mischievously drilling a stare towards the raven haired girl, she laughs halfheartedly at her situation as she closed her eyes, waiting for what will happened
I'm glad that I'm going to see all of you again Kotorou, Kokoro and Ko-
Before she could finish what she's thinking, sharp pain radiated all throughout her body, her shout is the only noise that can be heard on that dead end alley while she was continuously slaughtered by the middle age man.
Time passes and her murderer got tired and had enough of enjoyment, she leave the raven haired girl on ground lying on her own blood, she couldn't move her body. She heard the footsteps fading and opened her eyes with all of the energy that she had, all she could see was the ground with her blood until she notice something white falling and melting on it, she turn her face towards the sky and saw snow all over the sky, some of it landed on her face but she couldn't feel anything, her whole body become numb from the pain that she's having.
After a few seconds of watching the snow, she saw something different, she saw white feathers gracefully falling down on her, she didn't seem to be faze by it and just watch it, being entranced with the scene in front of her. Until she perceive a shadow on her, she tiredly turn her face towards the owner of the shadow and there she saw, an amethysts eyes bore into her and the crimson hair that is gently flowing with the wind of winter, the girl is standing beside her with a blank expression
"Wh-who…. Are… you?.." The raven haired girl manage to say but she receive no reply, the girl just watch her not moving a single inch, just staring down on her and then she felt the tiredness, everything is starting to become dark.
But before she's become unconscious she heard the other girl. "What a pitiful human" she said with a deadpan voice
And then darkness envelope her and was cut off from this world.
Hiya Guys? Here's a multichapter from me.
How is it? It's a NicoMaki! Yay!
As always forgive me for my grammar and mistakes
Feel free to leave your reviews for this prologue, it will really make me happy.
Until next time, Ciao~ (・8・)…