Located at the outskirts of Japan, an all boys private school is there, where children of famous and wealthy people resides in. Top education, technology, professors and more are in that school; it's the top school in Japan and perhaps the top school in the world.
Teiko high school, despite its well kown reputation, in reality, it was a school that isolates students from the outside world. Devices that uses internet like cell phones are banned here, leaving no form of communication to students. Some say it's for security purposes, but the real reason remain unknown to all.
Despite Kuroko's background, he somehow made it here wtih hard work, putting his utmost efforts into his studies, unlike others who only have to pay the fee and get in easily.
Kuroko felt that he was a fool thinking that he can have a normal school life in a well known school. He was proven wrong big time. First, the school system is completely and utterly different than other schools; instead of class years, the amount of repsect you hold for each other is base on your family background. That said, Kuroko's at the bottom of the food chain. Second, the school chooses 5 students with top scores to get to rule over the school, kind of like the student council body except these five gets to have many more privileges. Lastly, the points system: students earn points by winning contests, getting A's on the exams, following school rules daily, and more. These points will be exchanged for food, supplies, etc, so it's like money basically. All points will be stored in an ID card. This lets students get a feel of "earning" money, so that no one slack off in this school.
Now, Kuroko was walking around the campus, getting more familiar with his surroundings. He entered a huge garden filled with all types of flowers. The aroma relaxes him and it makes his body feels light all of a sudden. There was also round stone tables in the garden where students get to drink tea and hang out. This school was like where royalty lives in.
Walking further in the garden, Kuroko spotted bright red strands of hair displaying on the grass. Walking closer, he realized that it was a student.
Kuroko couldn't help but be fascinated and amazed on how handsome the stranger is in front of him. He looked at the stranger's chest, rising up and down, and he too followed his movement. He reached out his hand nervously, touching the stranger's hair, surprised on how silky and smooth it is. The feeling on his hand felt so good that he couldn't resist in touching his hair more. This made him wonder if he had a hair fetish or something?
Looking at the stranger's hand, he unconsciously reached out and grasp his hand. Kuroko lets out a small gasp, finding that the stranger's hand is only slightly larger than this and it's like their hands fit together like puzzle pieces.
Feeling the warmth of their collided hands, he failed to notice that the stranger was already awake, staring at him the whole time.
"Hey, do you do that to everyone you met?" The sudden voice startled Kuroko and he turned his head quickly, only to find the redhead gazing in his eyes with a smirk on his face.
Failing to notice the light blush creeping on his face, Kuroko was mesmerized by the redhead's heterochromatic eyes. Yellow and red. Those two colors fits together so perfectly and it makes the redhead more handsome than he already is.
The redhead coughed, bring Kuroko's attention back. He stand up abruptly and bowed. "I'm sorry! Forgive me!" He ran away before the redhead can say anything. The redhead only stared at Kuroko's back, a smile rested on his face.
"Interesting." His eyes gleamed while forming a plan for his future lover. Oh, he's not known as the emperor for no reason. Yes, he'll make Kuroko his or else his name wouldn't be Akashi Seijuro. But... why does he have the feeling that they already met before?
Kuroko placed his hand on his beating heart, leaning on the wall, trying to catch his breath. The blush wasn't fading away anytime soon, in fact, it was even more darker than before.
"Oh God, what have I done? He must hate me now!" He couldn't explain why he done this because he doesn't know too. It was like he had this sudden urge to touch the redhead. Nonetheless, it made Kuroko feel that he was a pervert, touching someone whom he only knew in a matter of seconds. But at that moment, it felt... so right for some reason!
When he regained his breath, he walked on and accidentally bumped into someone. The contact made both parties fell backward.
"Ow." Kuroko nursed his wound on the forehead and look up to see who he bumped into. "I-I'm so sorry!" He stood up and extended a hand, but only get harshly slapped away.
"I don't need your help, scum! Someone like you shouldn't even be here! Know your place, peasant!" A tough looking boy with silver hair exclaimed, throwing insults at Kuroko and Kuroko couldn't do anything. When he was finally done, he walked away but suddently stopped. He turned back and gave a hard punch on Kuroko's face, making his lips bleed. He then spitted on Kuroko before walking away, feeling satisfied.
Kuroko touched his cheek, wincing at the pain and clumsily walked to where the infirmacy was located to get medicine. When he arrived, he turned the doorknob and walked in, only to see a student with the nurse nowhere around.
"Excuse me, where's the nurse?"
"She's in a meeting. Do you need anything?" The student replied and pushed up his spectacle.
"I just want to get some medicine for my injury." Kuroko replied and glanced around the room, trying to find medicine. Kuroko is independent, and wants to do everything by himself. He doesn't want to burden others with his problems.
"I'll help you." The student stand up and walked to the cabinet, taking out the necessary things. He gestured Kuroko to sit on the chair before applying medicine gently on his cheek.
"Thank you, um..." Kuroko paused, not knowing how to address the student in front of him.
"Midorima Shintaro. Nice to meet you," he extended a hand for a handshake, which Kuroko gladly take.
"Likewise. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya." Kuroko introduced. He then exited the room after giving Midorima his gratitude.
He sighed, thinking that today was a rough day. Some much had happened and most of all, he wasn't sure how can he face the redhead from earlier if they do meet again. A part of him wished he doesn't need to face the redhead due to his embarassment, but a part of him wants to see him again, for he definitely wants to know more about him.