Ok, this wraps up loose ends we do a little time hopping but think I got em all labelled. Hope you enjoyed and stuck with it to here thanks and let me hear it.


"Make the damn call" she barked.

Slowly he opened his eyes and put his feet on the floor. Reaching across to the phone he dialed.


"Agents to OPS now" called Hetty as she headed up the stairs.

As they filed in to find her and Owen already there, she nodded to Eric saying "go" and there was director Vance sitting on the edge of his desk.

"Owen, Hetty, agents" he began "I have been looking thru agents for 7 months for a replacement for Detective Deeks. It hasn't gone unnoticed that you have been thru 4 partners in the time since he left Agent Blye." Kensi simply looked down and put her palms out in supplication. Anyway I finally found him coming out of FLETC. Owen and Hetty have reviewed his file and seem satisfied. I am comfortable this one will work or I may have to consider other options." That got the agents attention. Going on "he was top of his class at FLETC, has on the job experience in several related fields and Mr. Hanna. He came within 1 question of matching your scores in mental and physical abilities." THAT got their attention.

"When do we meet this humanoid" chuckled Callen looking at Sam. "Did you make him out to be bald also? That got smiles and eased the apprehension in the room.

"If the timing is right just about now."

Back home in Los Angeles was what they heard being sung to the tune of "Back Home Again in Indiana". Kensi noticed Owens eyes were sparkling and he was definitely swallowing a full out laugh. All of a sudden someone came thru the door in a nice polo shirt and jeans. Clean Shaven except for a small mustache and goatee plus he had a high and tight haircut. They all noticed he seemed to be carrying about 20 lbs. more mostly in the upper body and the shirt was straining at the sleeves where his biceps were. He also had some nice definition in his neck and shoulders. That didn't go unnoticed by anyone and they all filed it away to find out how.

"Sam Dog, how ya been" and then they all reacted to that smile and those eyes. "What no welcome back hugs? You don't want me?" Sam was the first one there but G and Kensi quickly followed then a handshake from Owen and a hug from Hetty.

Vance finally said "meet Agent Martin Deeks but I believe you have history with him. And Sam, the rumor is he dumped 2 questions so as not to beat you." Deeks just grinned. Shortly the 4 were jabbering like nothing had happened. "He will be partnering with you Agent Blye, is that acceptable?"

Her answer was that smile that Deeks had missed so much-and it said it all.


Over the 5 months they had caught up mostly finding out that after Kensi left, Deeks started seriously working out and running. His goal had been to be in better shape all around as the rehab from the arm and other injuries had taken longer than he thought it would. He had started reading anything he could get his hands on regarding the current state of affairs and NCIS's involvement in them. They found out a little birdie had been passing on some NCIS bulletins on the Q.T.

It had been a bitch of a day and case. They had skipped lunch, after having started early barely grabbing a donut on the way out the door. It required Deeks and Kensi to go undercover as husband and wife. He still had on the same suit he'd worn the first time Thappa was in town (Cornflower blue) although it fit a little tighter she thought he still looked good enough to eat. She was still in the red and black outfit from the mission with Draeger and the spy book. It ended after 6 pm in the boatshed with G and Sam finally getting a confession to everything. As the transport unit took the prisoners to LAPD holding and eventual booking G said, burgers and beer-I'm buying." Getting affirmative nods from Kensi and Sam they looked at Deeks.

"A yea well guys I actually may have plans."

"You may have" said Kensi quizzically.

"Well that depends on Fern. I would like to take her to dinner-official date. We're already dressed for it. I will abide by the curfew and any and all rules your big brothers dictate. Thought I'd take you to the restaurant where it all started so we can start all over. This time just a guy and a girl in a pickup with all the time in the world. This time we do it right, no frozen lake, dancing around it. Just one step at a time."

Thinking a minute she answered with a huge grin and dancing eyes "I don't know it's kind of complicated."

"Not from where I stand it isn't."

"I have a boyfriend."

"That's ok, so does my girlfriend" and there was that million watt smile.

"Well kinda depends on what my big brother's think doesn't it?"

"Yea it does so what say big brothers" and they turned to face G and Sam who were looking at each other. Sam nodded to G.

"OK, 3 rules 1-do not hurt her, 2-curfew is when she says it is and 3-we trust you both to know the rest but remember you can cease to exist and never be found more importantly SHE can still hurt you" and with that they all smiled. Deeks extended his hand and Kensi took it as they started out the door she bumped him with her hip and they both were giggling like high schoolers. Before the got out of ear shot G looked at Sam and offered "Our kids have grown up Sam, we did good." And the 2 of them started laughing as they headed for beer and burgers.

Then they heard "Deeks is back."

"And Kensi's got him."

That's it fade to black and cue credits so let me know, you like the story and the ending? See ya next time if I ever get another idea.