The first son of Artemis

I slowly walked up the street towards Tranmere private school. The large pristine school almost glistened in the sun light. I was twelve years old now, and it was my first day at this new school. My father and I had moved here to New York, from Minnesota. It was certainly a change, going from the small normally snow covered town, to this sprawling metropolis. I had my dad drop me off a small ways down the street so I could walk up by myself.

My father and I were on the wealthy side. My father had got a job as a professor at NYU, as an earth scientist. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being wealthy. My dad dropped my off near the school in a jet black Porsche. It was the car I was promised when I could drive.

We both enjoyed the same things, like hunting, science, mythology, we were mostly the same, hunting was his favorite however. He liked to take me hunting, and it was weird how well he knew animal's habits and such. He always could identify animal tracks and was great with a bow and arrow. I had never used it before, I used a small rifle. Also for some reason he only took me out at night.

I finally found the front door to the school. I was told in a letter to just wait at the entrance for a teacher. I had a few look from children passing by, mainly girls, which I had gotten used to.

My hair was an auburn brown, and my eyes always amazed me. They weren't any normal color. They were silver. My father didn't have the same eyes, and from what he told me nobody in my family did. My dad told me I just had some weird arrangement of pigments in my eyes. I never really questioned it, I liked the ways my eyes looked. It was weird however, I never seemed to have any feelings for the girls who flirted with me. Even though, I had seen the TV shows. I'm 12 I'm supposed to start having feelings for girls around now, however I had never even seemed to notice them. It was weird to me.

I heard a pair of heels walking down towards the hallway towards me. A high sweet sounding voice spoke to me. "Hmm excuse me, Mr. Nicholson? Jason Nicholson?" The tall women asked me.

The tall women, who I assumed was a teacher was quite odd looking. She was tall and lanky, taller than me and I was pretty tall at 5 foot 9. She wore high jet black heels, and grey stockings. She had an ugly brown colored suit and pants on, with thick black rim glasses and bright red lipstick. Her hair was up on the top of her head in a bun.

"Yes ma'am that's me." I said in a nice voice.

Her voice was overly sweet which freaked me out a little. "Well, you are just adorable dear! Please, follow me, I will show you to your first class at Tranmere!" She said gesturing for me to follow.

The oddest thing about this women was her repulsive smell. It was without a doubt a bad investment in perfume by her. She went on and on about the school, looking back every once in a while with a sort of longing look. It was beginning to scare me.

"Here you are young man, your first class here. Please, come visit me in the gymnasium after your first period." She said with a smile.

I gave a weird confused look. I wanted to protest, however I thought it wouldn't be the best idea for me to say no to the teacher on the first day. "Umm okay ma'am." I told her quickly ducking into the classroom. My teacher was an old man, with a grey beard and a bald head.

He quickly noticed and smiled at me warmly. "I'm Mr. Jones, you must Jason. This is history class. You can take any seat that's open go on." He said smiling and waving me on.

I smiled, and scanned the room. No kid seemed to notice me, they were all busy talking and texting waiting for the bell to ring. A few girls noticed me and flashed smiles my way, but as usual I just ignored them.

I spotted an open seat in the back. Each desk was big with two chairs, so each desk sat two people. The only other person at the table, was a girl, her head was buried into a textbook. I walked over and tapped her shoulder trying to be polite.

She was a very pretty girl, which was weird for me because I never called a girl pretty. She had shoulder length curly blonde hair, which she had pulled back into a loose ponytail. Her eyes were a stormy grey color. I don't know what it was about her, but I seemed to feel kinda, comfortable around her. She had this sort of energy the emanated from her, she felt like me.

She just stared at me with her stormy grey eyes, seeming to be analyzing me. "Um do you mind if I sit here?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No, go ahead." She said going back to her book.

I nodded my head and slung my backpack onto the chair. I took out a notebook and just sat looking up at the white board. Mr. Jones had something written on the board, they were some really long words that I've never seen before. I really did hate my dyslexia sometimes, I just decided I'd wait for class to start and him to explain.

I looked over at the blonde haired girl who had her face buried into a book. "Um I'm Jason Nicholson, Jay I like to be called, I'm new this is my first day." I said to her breaking our silence.

She looked back up from her book. "I'm Annabeth Chase, I'm kinda new to. I've only gone here for a few days." She explained to me.

"Oh cool, I gotta admit I'm pretty nervous. My dyslexia hasn't exactly gotten me good grades in the past. I hope it's better here." I explained to her for some reason.

Her eyes went wide. "I knew I felt something about you… do you ADHD to? And do you only have one parent?" She asked me

I almost fell off my chair. How could she possibly know that I had ADHD to? Also how did she know about my mom…?

"H…how did you know about those things?" I asked her, with hurt in my eyes.

She looked like she mentally slapped herself. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Which parent do you have?" She asked again seriously.

"My dad… why are you asking me these questions." I said with tears threating.

Annabeth saw this and put a hand on my shoulder. Before say could say anything the bell rang, to signal the start of the class. Annabeth looked at me apologetically. "I'll explain to you after class." She said pulling out a notebook.

My head absolutely swirled, tears threating to drop from my silver colored eyes. I never knew my mother ever. My dad told me they had met while he was on a hunting trip back in Minnesota. He told me she was the most beautiful person he had ever met. He had told me she was the reason he was such a good hunter and knew so much about animals and the forest.

He told me after I was born, my mom went on a solo hunting trip, she never returned from it. He never talked about her, he didn't have any pictures of her. He never talked about what she looked like, he told me how he met her and what happened to her. That's it.

I just sat in a daze the whole class. I couldn't help but stare at Annabeth, she noticed but didn't seem to mind. She must know I have a good reason to be staring at her.

"Now who can name all twelve Olympian gods, and goddesses?" Mr. Jones asked.

Annabeth's hand shot into the air. "Ms. Chase, you have answered every questions in the few days you've been here. Why don't we let our new student have this one?" he said.

All the eyes looked at me, which startled me away from my thoughts. I knew the answer, my father and I were experts on ancient Greece.

"Umm there's Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hestia, and Dionysus." I said.

Annabeth looked at me impressed. "Very good Jason, now as you all know these gods have had many affairs with humans. They all have had children with humans called demi-gods, these children-"He started.

I don't know what came over me, but I interrupted him. "Not all of them have had children." I blurted out. I earned a weird look from everyone except Annabeth next to me, who just smirked and looked at me impressed.

"Oh is that so? Please explain your argument Jason?" Mr. Jones asked.

Again, I didn't know what came over me but I just explained. "One of the goddesses Artemis has never had children. She's the goddess of the hunt, and the moon, and virginity. She stayed a maiden her whole life, never had children." I said.

Mr. Jones looked impress just like Annabeth did next to me. "Very good Jason, I completely forgot. Now do you know the story of Artemis and Orion?" He asked.

Again my mouth just started moving with the answer, "Artemis and Orion were hunting partners. Orion was the only man that ever captured her heart. However her brother Apollo, was protective of his twin sister's maidenhood. So he tricked Artemis into killing Orion. Soon after she killed Orion, Artemis discovered what Apollo did. She decided that she would turn him into stars. Since she was the goddess of the moon, she had the ability to turn him into a constellation. That's how today we have the constellation Orion." I said to them.

I have absolutely no idea how I knew all that. Of course I knew the basics about the Olympian gods, but how did I know the story of Artemis. Mr. Jones shook his head impressed, then he continued on with the lesson.

Annabeth shook my shoulder and I looked over at her. "Wow that was impressive." She said whispering loudly.

I leaned over to her. "I have absolutely no idea how I knew that! I knew the basic ancient Greek myths before, but the story of Artemis. I have no idea how I knew that." I told her

She had a thinking look on her face, her stormy grey eyes not leaving my silver ones. Before she was about to say something the bell rang to signal the end of class. After the bell rang and I was standing Annabeth grabbed my arm.

"Come with me, don't ask questions now." She said mysteriously.

We took a few steps outside the class when I saw something fall out of her backpack. I looked on the ground and my eyes widened. A long sleek knife fell out of her bag and clattered onto the floor.

I slowly reached and picked it up off the ground when Annabeth didn't notice. I saw we were right outside the girl's bathroom near the gym.

"Umm, Annabeth…" I said to her.

She turned around and looked at me stunned. "Where did you get that!?" She exclaimed.

"It fell out of you bag… um why do you have a knife in your, OW, god dammit that hurt." I said as I accidently cut myself along my palm.

Her jaw dropped when she saw the blood slowly come off my palm. "Wait a second that hurt you!? That knife cut you and it actually hurt!? You felt it!?" She asked me.

Annabeth seemed like a really nice girl to me don't get me wrong. However she was starting to scare me. She knew that I lost my mother after about five minutes of knowing each other. She was carrying a knife with her, and she was freaking out that it actually cut me.

"Yes, of course it hurt me why wouldn't it? It's a knife. Now I think it's time you tell me who you really are and how you knew those things about me. How did you know I didn't have a mom!?" I demanded from her.

I may have been being a little harsh, but I didn't care. She looked around frantically. "Well I wasn't planning on this, dammit. You wait right here don't move, I need to contact someone." She said urgently before attempting to go into the bathroom.

I grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around. "No, you tell me right now what's going on!" I demanded of her.

She looked as if she was about to flip me over her shoulder and stab me with that knife. Her stormy grey eyes had a dangerous slightly worried expression.

"Listen, I'll explain everything. Just wait here for me. Don't. Go. Anywhere." She stressed.

I grimly nodded. She disappeared into the bathroom. I waited, practically bouncing on my toes. Who was this girl? Was she going to stab me? Was she going to abduct me or something? My curiosity got the best of me, I gently leaned open the door to the girls bathroom. Being careful to make sure the hallways were clear.

I saw Annabeth over the sink. The strangest thing, I had to wipe my eyes to see if I was dreaming. A rainbow was over the sink, and in it, I could see a big brute of a man. He had a long black shaggy beard, he seemed to have a bow and quiver of arrows slung over his back.

"You're saying you found another demi-god?" The man asked.

"Yes Chiron, I can't tell from first glance who his mother is. He doesn't show any resemblance to any of the campers with goddess parents! When you sent me to take out these dracaena I didn't expect to run into him!" She exclaimed.

"Hmm you said he had silver eyes?" the man asked.

I froze, demi-gods? What in the world was she talking about!? The gods and goddesses weren't real. It was just ancient myths. Zeus, Artemis, Apollo, Poseidon, all those gods weren't real! And what camp was she talking about?

"Yeah, silver eyes, and auburn hair. He doesn't seem like a son of Athena, i can tell that much." Annabeth said.

"Well he could be a son of a minor goddess?" The man suggested.

Annabeth shook her head. "No, he has an Olympian parent I'm sure of it. He pretty much radiates power. I'm surprised no monsters have gotten to him yet." Annabeth explained.

"WOAH monsters!?" I blurted out.

Annabeth instantly waved her hand through the rainbow causing it to disappear straight away. She turned and looked at me her eyes wide.

"Jay! I told you to wait outside!" She yelled at me.

I slowly back up pointing at her. "You're crazy! Talking about demi-gods, sons and daughters of gods, monsters. I'm out of here stay away!" I said turning to run

"Jay wait! They're here!" I heard her yell as I exited the bathroom.

I burst through the doors to the gym hoping to find an exit. I ran across the hard wood floor only to run straight into someone. I fell straight backwards onto my back, through the pain I looked up and saw the teacher that had escorted me to my first class.

She didn't even budge when I ran into her. She looked down at me with and evil looking smile on her face. Her smile sent chills down my spine, fear rang throughout my body. She seemed like she was going to eat me. She had that murderous look on her face.

"Ahhhh son of the moon goddesssssss, it took my sister and I took much time to track you down. However it seems that now we finally have you. My sissssster went to search for you at your houssssee. However it seemsss I'm the lucky one, to have you." The teacher hissed at me.

Fear raced through my veins like venom through a rattlesnake's body. The women, her skin began to melt off of her body. She began to grow green scaled skin, growing a long green tail. After her whole body had finally melted off, she was like a tall green scaled, snake women. My mind raced through the research my father and I did on ancient Greece.

"…you're a dracaena!" I stammered out from the gym floor.

She flashed a wicked grin, as she drew a sword. "Yesssss, such a smaaaarrtttt boy. My sissssster and I have been following you, and tracking you for monthssssss. It seemssss I'm the lucky one, to find you. My sisssster had no luck at your houseeeeee. Now, you will finally meet your doom!" She hissed at me.

My body froze on the floor. For the first time in my life, I couldn't move. She said she had a sister, and she was at my house. Today my dad was home….wait that meant my dad was in danger!

She approached my with her sword drawn. She wasn't going to get away with this. I had no clue how she was real, but she had attacked my dad. My father had been the only person who had been there for me my entire life. I never fit in with other guys in all my schools. The girls did nothing but hit on me, they never attempted to be friends, they just wanted me to date them.

I slowly got to my feet. My knees buckled, my legs filled with led. My arms felt like jelly, my mind in a fog. I remembered something my father had explained to me one time on one of our hunting trips.


The tent flap blew slowly in the wind in the middle of the Minnesota wilderness. My father had his face dug into a book, so I slowly made my way out of the tent. It was a full moon tonight. I always felt more active at night, I never understood why. My small ten year old body found the nearest tree it could. A tall pine tree with several low hanging branches.

My small hands moved up the tree with swift grace, it was in no time before I found myself perched on the highest branch. I never understood how I could climb such intricate trees, so high, and so confusing to most. It was just something about being in the forest, under the beaming lights of the moon. It seemed to just sharpen my senses, within seconds I was near the top of the tree.

I sat myself on branch and looked out into the distance. I could see the brilliant Minnesota wilderness in the distance. The bright light of the shinning full moon seemed to course through my veins, rejuvenating me. I heard the branches rustle, and turned to see my father had just climbed the same tree.

"Always climbing trees huh kid?" He said sitting next to me

I nodded my head. "I don't know what it is Dad, I just love being under the moon. I feel just more fresh, and great under the stars." I said whimsically.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, you get that from your mother." He said

"What happened to mom dad?" I asked.

He had a grim expression on her face. "She went on a solo hunting trip. I assume she most likely got lost, I've never seen her since. You remind me of her." He told me.

I just nodded and we sat there enjoying the view of the moon. "You know Jay, your mother is up there right now. In the moon watching us, you know the last thing she said to me before that hunting trip was to let you know she loves you. Loves you with everything she has. One day I think she'll be back and you'll meet her. Almost all her skills were past to you, and you'll see that one day." He said.

End of Flashback.

I was snapped out of my memory by a girl's voice behind me. "Jay! Get away from that thing right now!" I heard.

I turned and saw Annabeth running into the gymnasium, her knife drawn poised to attack. Her stormy grey eyes filled with fire and determination. She stood in front of me her knife pointed at the lizard woman.

"You get away from him! I'll send you back to Tartarus, I swear it!" She said standing in front of me.

The sight of the Dracaena laughing made my skin crawl. Annabeth however, seemed completely unfazed. It was almost as if she faced things like this every day.

"Ahhhhh I daughter of wisssdommm. I think I will kill you first, I will bring the boy to my sissster." The monster spouted before approaching on Annabeth.

The two clashed in a large clang. Knife met sword and Annabeth moved so gracefully it's as if she had been fighting with that knife her entire life. The dracaena however swing hard with her sword, Annabeth blocked the strike but was sent stumbling back.

"JAY! MY BAG!" She yelled over at me as she deflected another strike.

I wasn't about to question her, I sprinted over to her bag. I straight away dumped its contents onto the gym floor. I could hear Annabeth struggling in the background. A few things dropped out of the bag, but it was clear what she wanted me to grab.

A second long knife, like the one Annabeth had dropped from the bag. The blade seemed to be longer then Annabeth's, but it seemed to be made of the same metal. I grab the blade and wrapped my fingers around the grip, it was a leather bound grip, as soon as my hand wrapped around it, and it was like a switch went of inside my body. I looked up and saw Annabeth was backed into a corner, the Dracaena had its sword raised ready to try and finish her off.

"Hey! Come on, you've wanted me for so long come get a piece of me!" I said taunting her.

The monster just laughed and advanced towards me. Sweat trickled down my brow, my knuckles were white from gripping the blade so hard. Suddenly a kind, caring, calm, soothing voice went through.

'Let your instinct take over Jay.' The voice said to me.

'Who are you' I asked quickly.

'There is no time now, go on Jay. I know you'll make me proud.' It said.

The voice was feminine, it soothed and calmed my nerves. I was snapped back into reality by the battle cry of the dracaena. I looked up and the dracaena was swinging its sword near the right side of my body. I side-stepped the attack, and grabbed the sword arm if the beast, and threw her across the gym floor. I looked at my hands in awe, with my dagger still in my hand I ran towards the monster.

It was on its feet now it also charged at me. It charged back at me as well, gripping its sword with both hands. She swung her sword horizontally. I did what the voice said, I let my instincts take over. I did a baseball slide across the gym floor, directly under the creature's blade. Before it even had a chance to look surprised, I slashed the dagger right across the back of its knee cap.

The monster screamed in pain, it turned back to face me with malice in its eyes. It staggered towards me, but before it could even take two steps, I let my instincts take over again. I launched the knife from my hand, and it implanted itself into the monsters skull.

Its body slowly dissolved into a mix of golden dust. Before I could be amazed by what I just did, I heard a loud moan from the corner of the gym.

I ran over to Annabeth, who was slowly getting up with a large welt on her head.

"Annabeth, are you alright!?" I asked her holding her upright.

"Uhh, yeah I'm fine. Stupid monster, what happened to it?" She asked finally able to stand up on her own.

The reality of what I just did came back to me. "I… I killed it. I have no idea what came over me, I just fought and killed it." I said with my hands trembling.

Annabeth placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and my trembling stopped. "Don't worry about it Jay. Stuff like this, it's just what life is like for kids like us." She said.

I stepped back a few steps and stared at her. Her blonde hair had become dirty, and her storm grey eyes were looking at me quizzically. "Who are you, and don't you lie to me." I said with a dose of venom in my voice.

She sighed. "My name is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle strategies. I was at this school to track and kill that dracaena, I never expected to find someone else like me." She said.

My heart stopped in my chest, daughter of Athena? Suddenly what she said in the bathroom made sense to me. "What do you mean someone else like you? I…I'm just Jay, I'm just Jason Nicholson. My dad is a professor at NYU, I'm just a kid from Minnesota." I said not wanting to admit what I knew had to be true.

She slowly and hesitantly put a hand on my arm. "No Jay, you're not. You're not just a kid from Minnesota. You're Jason Nicholson, and you're a demi-god." She told me.

I sat there and absorbed what she said. Mom was a goddess. Dad had always said she was a goddess the few times he did talk about her. I never thought he meant it literally.

Then my body took over I turned and ran towards the door of the school. I could hear Annabeth running behind me.

"Jay wait where are you going!?" She yelled.

I stopped and turned to her. "The Dracaena said she had a sister. She said it was at my house." I said on the verge of tears.

She looked at me, her stormy grey eyes full of sadness. "Your dad… look Jay, I know you wanna go back but… he's mortal. He would never stand a chance against a monster." She said trying to reason with her.

Part of me knew she was right. I turned back to her. "I. Don't. Care." I said before running down the street from the school.

I heard Annabeth mutter some curse in some odd language, before she followed me down the street. My house was a few miles from the school, I broke out into a run remembering the route I took in the car this morning.

The buildings of New York pass me by. It was almost 5 now, and the sun was starting to set. I heard Annabeth behind me, pleading with me to slow down. I didn't listen, my eyes never even turned back. By the time we reached the gate to our huge house. The large black entry gate had been torn down, and our large front lawn was torn up into pieces.

A large tree was uprooted and strewn across the lawn. Bushes and shrubs had been torn up and tossed all over the lawn. Our flower beds were uprooted and tossed aside. I saw the driveway and the black Porsche that my dad dropped me off in this morning. It had a huge dent in the hood, I just stood in the driveway stunned. The rays of the full moon shined down, along with the small lights from my yard, I couldn't move.

I heard footsteps behind me, then heavy breathing. Annabeth had finally caught up with me, we had been running non-stop for almost an hour. Somehow I felt completely fine, I felt rejuvenated. However Annabeth wasn't so lucky, she looked at the car and gasped.

"There's no way one dracaena could do this much damage. There has to be something else with it. From the look of that dent, it looks like it could be a… oh gods no! Jay get down now!" She said grabbing my shoulders in an iron grip and helping me duck behind one of the bushes.

I looked up and walking out of my house first was a Dracaena, it must have been the sister the other one was talking about. Next outstepped a huge humanoid looking monster. It had to be at least 12 feet tall, and wore nothing but a loin cloth, with rough leathery skin. It had one enormous brown eye in the center of its head. When it stepped out of the house Annabeth's hands tightened so hard around my wrist that I'm sure it turned white.

"C…CY...cyclops." She muttered.

The giant monster carried a lifeless limp body on its shoulder. Annabeth had to hold my shoulders down to stop me from springing up into action. I noticed the messy brown hair, the green shirt, the bow and quiver of arrows slung over his back. The monster was holding my father's body over his back. My blood absolutely boiled. My hand went for the dagger that I had used back in the gym straight away. Annabeth held my arm and shook her head.

"We have to wait, let's figure out a plan first." She whispered loudly at me.

I was about to say something before the cyclops spoke. "Such a shame this one had to put up a fight, they taste better when they are alive. I wish we had found the boy, I wanted to be known as the first cyclops to feast on a child of the moon." The cyclops said.

"Child of the moon?" I mumbled to myself.

The dracaena spoke next. "Yessss it would have been wonderfullll, it seemsss we now have to contact my sissterrr to see if she had any luck and the schoolllll." The dracaena hissed.

"Okay then, no more use for this one then." He said grabbing my father's body and throwing it in our direction.

Annabeth and I ducked and my father's body landed right beside us and I rushed to his side. I could see his face had been badly mutilated, bruises everywhere, with multiple slash marks across his body.

My anger reached a new high. I ran my hands over the bow my father had slung over his shoulder. I gently took it around from his body and held it in my hands, along with the quiver of arrows.

"Those arrows are celestial bronze. Like the two knives I had in my bag, they can harm monsters. Only celestial bronze can. He knew, your father knew they were monsters." Annabeth said quietly.

I slung the quiver over my back, and gently pulled back the bow string testing it. I pulled an arrow from the quiver and notched it into the bow. "Well, are we gonna do something or what?" I asked Annabeth.

She unsheathed her dagger. "Jay, you're not trained yet. Cyclops there nothing to mess around with. You could be killed." She exclaimed, still whispering however.

I looked into her stormy grey eyes with my silver ones. "I'm going to kill those things, I don't care if I'm a demi-god or not. I don't care if I'm trained or not. I'm going to kill them." I said before stealthy moving away from our hiding spot.

I heard Annabeth curse in the same language she did before. I turned around and suddenly she was gone. My eyes widened but I didn't have time.

I quietly with only the light of the full moon to guide me got into a shooting position on one knee. The dracaena was in my sights. I pulled the bowstring back. Then it hit me, my father never showed me how to fire one. I had no clue how to work it. I had never used it before, even though I had asked my father many times. He just always said cryptically, "You'll learn how when you most need it". Now seemed like the time I needed to learn most. Too bad my father wasn't alive to show me!

Suddenly the same soothing voice that came to me in the gym rang in my head again.

'Your arrow will always fly straight Jay.' The voice said.

'You again! Who are you? And what do you mean my arrow will always fly straight?' I asked.

'Under the light of the moon, you are almost invincible. Let your instincts take over, and fire. I must leave now, I know you will make me proud.' The voice said.

'Who are you?' I asked again.

'You will meet me one day, remember the moon will always give you strength. Make me proud, I love you… my son.' The voice said before fading from my mind.

"Mom?" I softly said to myself.

The voice did not return. My anger had been quelled, however it was still there. I raised the bow and aimed at the dracaena 'Your arrow will always fly straight' my mother had said. I hoped she was right.

I took in a deep breath, and as I let it out I let the arrow fly. I heard the arrow wiz through the night sky, I heard it impact. I looked up and saw the dracaena wailing in pain with an arrow protruding from its forehead. It slowly dissolved away to dust. The cyclops looked around panicked. I stepped out into the light and it saw me, I quickly drew back another arrow shot it. It found its target in the cyclops knee.

"Owwwww, you will pay for that demi-god!" It howled before rushing at me with his club in his hand.

I quickly took the bronze dagger out from my pocket. He swung his club at me from the right side. Don't ask me how I did it, but my small body flipped backwards and I landed gracefully on my feet. While the cyclops was stunned by my moved I quickly dashed towards its knee and slashed at his knee cap, causing the beast to bellow in pain. He kept trying to swing his club at me. I don't know how I was doing it but I just kept moving out of the way, at speeds I never even knew I was possible at moving at. I moved even faster than I did at the gym. The moonlight seemed to coarse through my veins causing my movements to be even faster.

Suddenly just before I was about to dash forward to strike at the cyclops knee, he roared out in pain. I looked up on his shoulder and my jaw dropped.

"ANNABETH!" I yelled.

I saw Annabeth clinging to the beast shoulder, she had stabbed it right near its collar bone. The beast shook its shoulders violently, causing Annabeth to lose her footing. The Cyclops grabbed her from her back and tossed her across the yard.

"NO!" I yelled running over to her.

Before I could bend over at her aide, I felt a large object hit me directly in my rib cage. I could instantly feel a bunch of my ribs crack. I flew almost twenty feet back and slammed into the downed tree. I leaned back against the trunk with both my arms wrapped around my rib-cage, my breathing was starting to slow. The blow almost definitely hurt my lungs somehow.

The cyclops sauntered over to me, putting his big ugly face and eye only inches from mine. He flashed an evil smile and chuckled, giving me a huge smell of his terrible breath.

"Hahahaha, you put up a very good fight, son of the moon. For that I will eat you quickly, give the least amount of pain possible. Any final words?" He said smiling wickedly.

I coughed up some blood, and reached up near my shoulder. "Yeah one thing." I said weakly.

I gripped the point of the second to last arrow that was in the quiver. As quickly as I could with the last of my strength, I ripped the arrow from its quiver and stabbed it into the cyclops big brown eye.

The beast stumbled backwards, clawing at its eye in an attempt to remove the arrow. I looked next to me and saw my father's bow, which I must have dropped. I grabbed it and notched the last arrow into its string. The beast who had finally removed the arrow from his eye.

I smirked slightly before firing the last arrow. It zoomed through the air and found home right in the beast heart. It fell to its knees and slowly disappeared turning into dust.

I felt pride only for a second before the pain in my ribcage finally set in. I leaned back against the log and looked up at the moon. I heard footsteps and saw Annabeth walking towards me her head rummaging through her bag.

She pulled kneeled down next to me and pulled out a flask. She put the flask to my mouth.

"Drink this now." She ordered.

I wasn't about to complain. I drank, and what I expected to be water, tasted oddly of chocolate chip cookies. I felt the cuts around my body begin to slowly heal themselves, but the pain in my ribs did not go away.

Annabeth looked at me worriedly. "No, no, no the nectar is supposed to fix this! What do I do!?" She asked herself not letting go of my hand.

Something my mother had told me in my mind came back to me 'the moon will always give you strength' she had said. I looked directly into the full moon. I don't know what I was trying, but I focused all my will power on the moon, and on the pain in my ribs. Suddenly I heard Annabeth gasp, and I felt a small burning sensation in my ribcage, it didn't hurt me, but it wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Jay, what are you doing what's going on!?" She asked looking at my midsection.

My midsection around my ribs was glowing a beautiful silver color, like the color of my eyes. I kept all my focus on the moon, and its ray that were beaming down at me. Within another minute or two the light subsided, and I suddenly gasped loudly, as my breath began to go normally.

My ribs felt completely fine. I was breathing okay and I had no pain. Annabeth hugged me in surprise and looked at me in astonishment.

"Jay… how did you do that!? That was amazing, you fought like you've been in training for years!" She exclaimed.

I was about to answer, but I suddenly felt huge fatigue come over me. My eyelids fluttered, I could feel myself drifting away due to the exhaustion. Whatever I did with the moon, it had taken a lot out of me.

"My dad…" I said finally before I drifted off into blackness.

(A/N) Hello to people reading! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first PJO fanfiction! :)

So I want to say a few things. As you can obviously tell by the title and obvious hints in the chapter, Jay is a son of Artemis. This is an AU story, it will follow the books with the quest and such, but in this AU Artemis has one child, Jay. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THIS PLEASE READ SOMETHING ELSE DO NOT LEAVE A HATEFUL REVIEW!

I promise that the Hunters will still be in the story. It will be explained next chapter how Jay is Artemis's child, and how Artemis didn't break her vow despite having a child. I swear it will be explained in the next chapter.

So now that that's over, how did you like this chapter! What did you think of Jay? What other powers do you think he will have as Artemis's son? What do you think the camps reaction will be when he is claimed? How do you think Olympus will react?

Finally the big question I want you guys to try to figure out is, how did Artemis have Jason, but is still a maiden?

So I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter! I am back to writing, so you can expect updates for "The 72nd Hunger Games" "The Pokemon Master Cup" and This story as well this week! Have a wonderful day!