"Georg I need you to do something for me later" said Max approaching from the terrace. Georg sighed "What is it this time Max?"

"My, my, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"Max I dont have time for this right now, I will help you later, have you maybe seen Fraulein Maria?"

"Maria Darling it's Maria" said Maria whilst walking up to her rather annoyed Captain.

"She is right you know. You will be husband and wife in 3 weeks Georg."

I like the sound of that Maria said quietly.

"Dont you think I know that Max."

"Dear me" Maria said walking towards Georg. Max could see he was unwanted by Georg and left the room.

"Come now my Captain, tell me whats wrong with you this morning."

"Nothing is wrong love, I have just been a little frustrated I guess"

"Frustrated?" Maria said teasingly "would you care to explain Captain?" She led him into the empty ballroom and closed the door behind her.

"What are you up to?" Georg said rather surprised.

"Me?" Maria said with a little giggle "I am not up to anything Captain." She put her hands around his neck and kissed him, Gerog almost instantly put his hands on her waist.

"Now Captain, tell me what is frustrating you"

Georg hesitated a bit at first but then finally said "you are Maria, your the one frustrating me."

"Me? how in the world am I frustrating you?"

"Easy" Georg said "with your sky blue eyes, kissable lips, slim figure, golden hair."

"Oh so thats what you mean" Maria said whilst smirking at her fiancée.

"Yes Maria, Im not one for letting small things bother me but unfortunately with all the CHAPERONES around the house I find it hard to, to ..."

"To show me how you feel about me" Maria completed his words.

"Yes exactly Maria, to show you how I feel about you"

"I feel the same way" said Maria while looking lovingly into his eyes. Georg looked into Maria's eyes and saw that her words were completely true, so he leaned forward and kissed her deeply.

"Wow" was all Maria could mutter when they eventually pulled apart for air. Suddenly Georg couldn't help himself and he pushed Maria up against the wall and started kissing her deeply and forcefully just when Maria was started to kiss back the doors of the ballroom opened.

"Oh sorry Georg I didn't know you had company" Max said with a wide cheeky smile on his face. Maria knew that what was about to happen would not be a pretty sight.


"I am sorry, I simply wanted to talk to you about our conversation earlier and I couldn't find you so I decided look in here and found you..." Max trailed off " AND Maria" he said, smirking.

Maria bowed her head in shame, when Georg saw that Maria was embarrassed he stormed up to Max.

"Max how dare you, this is my house and Maria is my love and I won't allow you to make her feel so uncomfortable!" Georg shouted raising his hand to swing it at Max when suddenly he felt a firm grip on his elbow.

"Darling please I'm sure Max didn't mean it" Maria said slightly shaking with tears forming in her eyes. Georg felt awful that he had scared her in such a way and apologised to Max and Max finally left the room.

Georg turned to face Maria only to find her quickly walking to exit of the room whilst crying. "Maria wait!" Georg shouted but Maria kept on walking, slowly running after her Georg felt deeply dissipointed that he had hurt her.