Hey! I'm starting ANOTHER fan fiction! I just get so many ideas I have to write them down! Although this idea I'm actually going to post right away. For all of you who don't know (I literally mean all of you because no one knows) I'm writing several fan fictions at the same time but I don't plan on posting until I finish them. This however I plan on updating as I go along. I'm not that great at updating so if you want more TOO BAD! You'll have to wait like the rest of the world. Anyway, time to start the story!

No. I will not do a disclaimer. People should already know that I do not own Danny Phantom or Gravity Falls.

Yes. I will start the story now.

Yes. I will stop answering unanswered questions as soon as I start the story. Which is now.

It was a normal day at the mystery shack. Which is, in fact, not normal. Usually there's always something crazy that happens, but today was just not one of those days.

Dipper was reading the journal, Mabel was watching Ducktective with waddles upside down on the couch, Wendy was slacking off by throwing a ball across the room and catching it after it bounced back, Soos was taking his muffins out of the oven using pink gloves and wearing a pink apron, and Stan was creating new oddities to put on the shelves. Yep. That was the average day.

But soon Dipper finished the page he was reading, Ducketective ended, Wendy's ball went through the window (She decided to blame that one on Soos), Waddles ate all of Soos's muffins (He'd also already mourned them), and Stan ran out of animal parts (Saying that out loud now sounds very creepy).

Mabel walked around the shop trying to think of something to do. "I'm booooorrred!" She complained and fell flat on the floor. Waddles walked over to her and sat down, oinking. "Awe. Waddles your so adorable I feel slightly less bored now!" She cooed.

Dipper then walked up to her. "You know, I don't think we've done anything adventurous in a week! The least we should do is go out somewhere." He said and Mabel sat up.

"I know! Why don't we throw a party!" She suggested.

"I don't think Grunkle Stan would be okay with that."

Wendy was searching the store for another ball when she found one with a question mark on it. "Cool." She said and walked back to the register. She picked up an apple and took a bite as she started bouncing her new ball across the room again. Looking to her right she put down the ball, picked up a newspaper, and started to read.

Soos who had walked into the room said hi to the twins and came up to Wendy. Immediately she spit out her apple and it went all over his face.

"Guys, check this out!" She yelled, pointing to the headline of the newspaper.

She looked at Soos. "Sorry." She said. He bent over to read the headline she was pointing at.

"Gravity Falls...Haunted?"

Dippers head perked up. "What? Let me see that!" He ran over to Wendy and grabbed the paper. He began to read.

"Many residents in Gravity Falls have reported seeing ghosts. The photo above is a real picture of a ghost spotted near the water tower."

The picture showed a woman with blonde braided hair, green skin, red eyes, and a long blue dress.

"Sheriff Blubs, the one to take the photo, states 'I knew it was a ghost cause it was all glowy. So my first thought was to take a picture on my phone.' There are others who said they've seen glowing figures late at night. Could Gravity Falls be infested with ghosts? See page 2 for more info." Dipper finished.

"Well now it's obvious what we should do! Let's be ghost hunters and catch all these ghosts!" Mabel said. She had walked up next to Dipper when he started reading.

"But we don't know how many ghosts are out there or how powerful they are! Besides, what would we catch them with?" Mabel looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Vacuum cleaners!" She finally answered.

"I'm not sure if that would actually work. But we might be able to test it out. First, I think we should find out why ghosts are appearing here in the first place."

"A new adventure? Sweet!" Soos said and fist pumped the air.

Wendy leaned back in her chair. "You can count me in. Running for our lives sounds a but refreshing right now."

"Alright." Dipper took out the journal and started turning pages. "There's got to be something in here...I think I found something!" Dipper stopped flipping and started reading the page.

"If a large amount of ghosts start appearing it is most likely because of a ghost portal. Ghost portals are gateways to the dimension where all ghosts reside. It is commonly referred to as the ghost zone. Ghost portals usually appear in places with the least amount of human attraction and can last from a couple minutes up to...a hundred years."

"So basically there's some portal that might close tomorrow or it might stay open for the rest of our lives, constantly inviting ghosts to gravity falls." Wendy summarized.

"But it's not like they've done anything yet. Maybe they're friendly ghosts who mind they're own business?" Mabel inquired.

Out of nowhere, the lights began to flicker and the store items started to shake. The four stood startled for a moment until three snow globes flew off a shelf and towards Dipped. He quickly jumped out of the way, the snow globes shattering against the counter. Afterwards everything went back to normal.

"Dipper! Are you okay?!" Mabel asked, worried for her (very very slightly) younger brother.

Dipper got up, picked up the book, and brushed himself off. "Yeah. I'm fine." He said trying to act cool and like his life wasn't in danger a few moments ago.

"Guys, I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I think that was a ghost!" Soos said.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Yeah. And not a friendly one."

"Okay so these ghosts will definitely be a problem. Is there any way to close the portals manually?" Wendy asked and Dipper reopened the book to the same page. This time, taking out his black light to see if there was any hidden info.

"There's some kind of ritual we have to do. It's not very descriptive, but we can pull it off. I just need a little time to get what we need." Dipper said.

Mabel perked up. "Let's find the portal tomorrow. That way there'll be enough time for all of us to pack!"

Everyone agreed that it was better to save the excitement for the following day. In the meantime, Dipper searched for the items needed in the ritual, Mabel looked for a vaccum, Wendy kept playing with her bouncy ball, and Soos was contemplating which of his question mark T shirts to wear (To the human eye they all looked the same, but Soos could see a significant difference).

At the end of the day they all went to bed, wondering what would await them the next day.

They would soon find out.

Yeah okay I really didn't know how to end this chapter but I needed to because I have nothing more to write for this chapter. I promise to you, the next chapter will include Danny and the two shows will actually be crossed over as intended. I have a lot planned for this story so I hope you'll stick through it with me. In the middle of the chapter I kind of inspired myself to write a one shot so that happened. It was actually my first one shot. I haven't posted it yet or...maybe I have? I don't know. It's not posted as I'm writing this but I won't post this chapter until I have the second done so by then I probably would have posted my one shot. Anyway,

have a magnificent day and stay awesometastic. -C.R. (Y)