I look at my watch and see it's already 2:04 pm. Shit. I am four minutes late.

I run as fast as my very tired legs can take me to the auditorium, where all Bellas practices are held. It took me a few more minutes of crucial running till I got there. I run in and see all the Bellas staring at me with a sympathetic yet terrified looks.

Ugh they know I am gonna get my ass kicked real hard by my pretty mad girlfriend.

I groan, bending down to catch my breath. God, I sound like a dying rat.


Whomp, here it comes. I see a very familiar legs stopping in front of me, I can recognize those legs even if they were covered in a garbage bag. They're all what I've been thinking about for the last two months. I move my eyes slowly looking up at Aubrey, with what I hope is a smile and not a grimace after that painful running. "Hey, baby…"

"Baby!" Aubrey scoffs while crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Oh no, you do not call me baby in practice, this is work, be professional Stacie."

The way she bit hard on my name is just so sexy. I can take her on the floor right no-… Pull your shit together Conrad, it's not the time for you to be horny.

I move closer to Aubrey hoping my very revealing grey top would win her side. I was going to speak but Cynthia Rose beat me to it. "She is using the big boobs card, that's not fair."

I throw a glare at her and I can see fear in her eyes. I guess spending some time with Aubrey is rubbing off on me.

I look back at Aubrey smirking. I move even closer to her my breasts are touching the back of her arms that are still crossed in front of her chest. I can see distress and hesitation in her eyes, she's clearly trying hard not to cave in.

"Aubrey…" I call her name seductively while putting my arms around her neck.

"You are late ten minutes Stacie" Aubrey says between her gritted teeth, she is so close to breaking.

I pout, giving her my best puppy eyes. I swear I heard her whimpering when she looked at my lips.

I take a quick glance to where the other Bellas were standing and I can see them all staring in anticipation, waiting for what will Aubrey do next.

"Bree, Please, I won't be late ever again." I moved my face next to hers blowing hot air into her ear. I can't stop the smirk that cut through my face when her body tensed. God, this teasing is really turning me on.

"If you let me off the hook, I will make sure to reward you with a mind blowing sex tonight." I whispered in her ear so the others won't hear.

I see a few drops of sweat sliding down the side of her face. She looks so hot and beautiful when she sweats. "Baby, you look so beautiful and sexy … I can eat you up right now."

Okay, maybe I got way too much into this but I can't help it, she always makes me horny-…

"Take a lap for every minute you missed and two more laps for calling me baby twice."


It all happened too fast. Aubrey moved away standing next to the laughing Bellas giving me an apologetic look. Beca is doubled over on the floor with an exaggerated laugh, too much for being my best friend. "Shut up!"

I stomp past the girls to the bleachers and I can still hear them laugh.

I flip them without looking back at them.

"Better luck next time, buddy" Beca mocks. "Maybe if you didn't try to slut your way out of this it might have actually worked."

I look back at Beca and give her a death glare. This body always gets what it wants. "No one can resist my body." I scoff.

"Yeah, totally." Beca mocks again.

"Whatever." I give Aubrey a last look before I put my bags on the bleachers and do some stretching before the painful and very long cardio that I have do.

"She looks like a mad dingo." Says Amy.

Damn right I'm mad! I can't believe my goodies didn't work on Aubrey.

Through out my stretching I can feel Aubrey's eyes on me, checking me every now and then. I'll make her regret her decision for ignoring my sex offer.

The girls were practicing the choreography with Chloe. Aubrey was standing in front of them mentoring their moves, so I waited till her eyes fell on me again behind the other Bellas, and slowly moved my hands to the end of my top, playing with the edges a bit before pulling the top above my head and taking it off. Now I'm only standing in my black sport bra and white shorts.

When my eyes fell back on Aubrey's I bit my lower lip seductively and her jaw literally dropped to the floor. Gotcha!

I walked to the stairs standing on the first step ignoring Aubrey's stare that's been roaming allover my body. I bend my upper body down pretending to be tying my shoelace, giving her the perfect view of my ass. I really feel bad for doing this to her but she hurt my sex alter ego feelings.

I stand straight up again and start climbing the stairs without looking back at Aubrey, who I'm sure is still staring at me.

When I reached the stairs on the other side I automatically grabbed my boobs to make sure they are not jumping too much but then I remembered Aubrey was still watching and I let go of them. Be free my babies, do your work.

Finishing my first lap, I look up at Aubrey, damn she looked like she has just came out of a sauna, her face is redder than Chloe's hair, and she looks flustered. Serves her right.

I throw a devilish smile at her and go back to my cardio. If she's going to make me suffer twelve laps of pure torture she might endure it with me as well.

I was on the sixth lap when I felt a hand grabbing my elbow forcefully, stopping my cardio. "What the hel-"

I choked mid-sentence when I saw a very red faced Aubrey. "Oh my god, are you alright Bree?"

I move my hand to touch her face but she grabs my hand putting it down gently but not letting go of it. "I am fine."

I look into her eyes and realize that her eyes are darker than normal, full of lust. I see a glint in her eyes I've never seen before, I can't figure out what it is but it sure as hell satisfies me.

"You need to put on your top."


"I am sorry, come again." Aubrey practically shoves my top into my face. "Put your top back on."

I take my top but still confused why she asked me that. "I'm not sure if that was a request or an order but why do I need to wear it again?"

"You are distracting some of the Bellas and I need them all to be focused during practice." I gave Aubrey an incredulous look. She's been looking at anything but me.

I look at the Bellas and see that in fact, Aubrey was right. Cynthia Rose, Fat Amy, Jessica and Chloe were shamelessly ogling my body with their mouths slightly open. I think CR might even be drooling a little bit. Well, that makes me feel better and more confident about my body.

I look back at Aubrey and catch her staring at my boobs with that weird look in her eyes. I swear if the other Bellas weren't here I'd literally jump her bones and maul her.

I decided to take things up a notch and see if she can handle more teasing. I use the shirt in my hand to wipe away the sweat around my neck and chest. I can see her eyes following my hand, gulping loudly when I slowed the movement of my hand. "Are you sure it's the Bellas who're distracted and not you, cap?"

"Uh… wha-… mhmm yeah." Aubrey shakes her head as if she's clearing her thoughts. Yeah right, even a five year old can see through that lie, babe.

"I don't like the way they're staring at you." I'm pretty sure Aubrey didn't mean to say that out loud by the looks on her face.

Is she jealous?

"Oh my god, are you jealous?" I whisper yell at her shocked. I never thought that I'd see Bree look so vulnerable like this.

"No, I'm not" Aubrey says, obviously lying though. "Okay, maybe a little."

When she said those words a sudden rush of adoration and love went through my body. This woman is so precious.

I grabbed her neck, pulling her into a passionate yet gentle kiss. I heard a moan but I'm not sure from who it did came out.

I open my mouth, sliding my tongue across her bottom lip seeking for an entrance that she obliges to immediately. Our tongues slide together fighting for dominance before she starts sucking on my tongue. Her hands move across my abdomen, her fingers scratching the skin -which I'm sure will leave some marks.

"YOU ARE WORSE THAN GINGER AND SHORTSTAK HERE. ENOUGH!" Fat Amy's sudden loud voice made us jump away from each other, both out of breath.

"What is wrong with you lesbians? Always going at it like some dingoes in heat." Amy says, moving her eyes between Aubrey and I, and Chloe and Beca.

"Dude, don't pull me into this." Beca defends rather aggressively. "They are the ones who've been acting like some horny teenagers."

"Oh, like you haven't been eye-fucking Chloe everyday, hobbit." I bite back. Fully knowing that hobbit is Beca's least favorite nickname.

Beca just gave me a deathly glare, before Chloe walked up to her and rubbed her back. "She called me a hobbit." Beca said in a low voice to her girlfriend but I am sure everyone heard her loud and clear.

"I know baby, I know." Chloe replied, still rubbing Beca's back comfortingly.

I turn my attention back to Aubrey and for a moment I forgot what I was going to do –and maybe how to function like a human. Jesus, her eyes are breathtakingly beautiful.

I shake my head slightly, to regain focus again before wearing my top. "There, satisfied?"

"Not at all."

I wasn't ready for what happens next. All that I remember is the first minute we were in the auditorium and the next we were in my dorm room making out. "Take that top off!"

I told you no one, can resist this body.


if anyone has any ideas or requests please do not hesitate to PM me or come to my Ask-box on tumblr.

Tumblr username: staubreyfanfiction