Prologue: Power

"To achieve, you need thought. You have to know what you are doing and that's real power."- Ayn Rand

8:13pm 22nd November

Today, it is my fifth birthday.

I earned a lot of very nice presents from my family and friends, and even some other people I don't know. Fuyumi nee-san told me that those people were called Powerful and Wealthy Business Partners, belonging to my parents. Okaa-sama and Otou-sama told me a little bit about Powerful and Wealthy Business Partners. Apparently, they are useful to have around. I liked the sound of this, so I asked Okaa-sama if I could have some for a present next year. She told me that if I want to have Powerful and Wealthy Business Partners, I needed to get them myself.

I tried to tell her that this was the whole point of why I wanted them as a present, so I wouldn't have to get them myself, but she wasn't listening. My family rarely do.

My favourite present came from Nee-san, who listens to me the most. That is, when she's not Carried Away, which is a lot of the time. In fact, she usually gets like that when she hangs around me, and she tells me things like: "Kya! You're so adorable, Kyoya-kun!"

I wasn't too sure about this. I told her: "But Nee-san. Future heads of an Empire do not look adorable. They are meant to look Intimidating."

I don't think she was too sure about that herself. I can't think why, though. Intimidating is an example of what is called Sophisticated Vocabulary. Honestly, I don't know what the word "Intimidating" means; it is something I picked up from one of the servants. But it is Sophisticated Vocabulary- and I do know what that means. I only turned five today, so she should be proud I am using it.

Perhaps this is why she gave me the present she did. She gave it to me telling me I could write lots and lots of Sophisticated Vocabulary in it, which immediately captured my interest. It was something square, buried under this big mountain of wrapping paper with stray bits of tape hanging loosely off it (I later learned that she had wrapped it herself).

Even though Nee-san hadn't wrapped it well, I liked her way of wrapping best because I could tear through it easily. I like being able to do this. It is much better than the presents from the rest of my family which are always wrapped by the servants. The servants wrap it the way you're supposed to wrap it so that the tape sticks down properly. That means I can't open them without being helped, which is really annoying.

The only one allowed to touch my presents is me.

But that wasn't the best bit. The best bit was the present itself. When I opened the convenient wrapping, I found out what the square object was. It was a notebook. The very notebook I am writing in right now.

I said: "Thank you, Nee-san,", and after the people that came for my birthday (Nee-san, Okaa-sama, the servants, a fifteen person orchestra, international chefs, the Powerful and Wealthy Business Partners and some weird girls I did not invite giggling in the corner) had gone, I went straight to my room and got out my new notebook.

It is a very nice notebook. Sleek and black, made of leather. I was so happy with it that I decided to write in it at once, to make Nee-san happy. This is called Demonstrating Gratitude. Otou-sama and Okaa-sama do this whenever anybody does something they like. Usually, they do it by becoming Powerful and Wealthy Business Partners of that person.

I don't know much about my parents, but I do know that they sure are powerful. And wealthy.

But since I don't want to become a Powerful and Wealthy Business Partner (I will have lots of them myself, but I don't want to be one) I Demonstrated Gratitude to Nee-san for the present by making it important. I made it important by writing about something important in it.

That something important is me and how I'm going to be Head of the Ootori Empire.

I must stop writing now as I am soon going to be quite busy- after all, I'll have an empire to run.

(A/N) Short chapter, I know; please bear in mind that this is only the prologue. Following chapters will definitely be longer. Also, while this is not the first fanfiction I have ever worked on per se, it is the first I have ever uploaded. Feedback is therefore much loved, for I hope to improve my writing.

Thank you for clicking on this story, reader. If you're enjoying it so far, by all means stay tuned- I will have an update for it fairly soon.
