
Me: And it's time for a new story!

Nar-Korash: You realize you still need-

Me: Yes I know I need to finish Mesomorph, but I got this idea in my head the other night and I couldn't help myself

Nar: *sighs*

Me: Just think of it as a break from Mesomorph

Nar: Break? You take a break that spans months every time you write out a chapter

Me: Well I just haven't found my inspiration yet =3=

Nar: *sighs again* you have the attention span of a flea

Me: Probably ^_^ besides I finished that Destiny story really quickly

Nar: That was a one-shot, of course it was quick

Me: Oh come on, I'm sure everyone won't mind if I spend some time on this. I really like the idea of this story ^_^

Nar: *pinches the bridge of his nose* Tsuki, when/if you're reading this I hope you try and work on this walking procrastination of a human

Me: *chuckles*

Nar: So what's this story about?

Me: Well obviously it takes place in the PPGZ series, however it's set back in the times of Feudal Japan. I can't say much more than that without spoiling anything, I can say that there are no super powers

Nar: Will I be playing a role?

Me: Yes, but a bit later on. You have your powers but I'm not having you use them for combat

Nar: What happened to no powers?

Me: You're an exception to that rule ^_^

Nar: *sighs once more* I assume the girls will keep their names from the anime?

Me: Yep

Nar: And the boys? Butch, Brick and Boomer aren't exactly common names in that era

Me: Still working on those, though I'm hoping Tsuki will let me borrow the name she gave Butch in her story

Nar: I see, anything else?

Me: *thinks* oh, at the beginning Kaoru will have a bit of a different personality than normal but she'll eventually regain the usual tough exterior

Nar: Alright, that all?

Me: Should be, if I remember I'll put it in the outro for the first chapter, Disclaimer?

Nar: Electron owns nothing related to the PPGZ franchise, he owns me and any other OC he happens to dream up

Me: And with that said: LET'S GET STARTED!