A/N: We're already up to chapter four! This time I'll be showing you some interesting ways your OC could meet their first Pokemon.

Example A: Traditional

Cathy stretched her arms above her head as she walked. Her tenth birthday had come and gone and she was now ready to get her first Pokemon. She sprinted through Sandgem town towards Professor Rowan's lab.

She had a quick look at the postcard in her hand. She could follow the map quite well, the only problem was that she would be later than other trainers as she ran instead of riding a bike.

Cathy pushed her annoyance of not being able to ride a bike down and continued her sprint.

"At least I know what Pokemon I want." She felt proud for being able to make up her mind, unlike her brother who ended up staying home for a week because he took too long deciding.

Cathy finally arrived at the lab. She pushed a lock of her shoulder length blonde hair behind her ear, a smile on her face.

The excited ten year old swung open the door to find a destroyed lab, some nervous assistants and an annoyed Professor Rowan.

"Er..." The group of people turned their attention to Cathy who suddenly felt like backing away from the stares.

"I can't believe I forgot. You're the other trainer who wants a Pokemon, right?" She could only nod. Professor Rowan sighed. "I'm sorry, but two of our starters just escaped. If you want you can come back another day." Cathy became crestfallen.

"What?! Well, who's left?" The Professor and his assistants moved out of the way so the blonde could see Turtwig, who was still eating his food.

"Twig?" Turtwig looked at Cathy with a slight curiosity.

"I'll take him, I like Grass types." She approached Turtwig and gently pet it.

Alright, so, in Example A we have Cathy, a ten year old beginning trainer. In this example we've gone the traditional route and given her one of Sinnoh's starters.

I even added in an anime reference with Piplup and Chimchar escaping.

This example shows us that Cathy has an indecisive brother, doesn't take well to bad news and likes Grass types.

Example A isn't the most interesting way to meet a Pokemon but it works.

I declare this example is a Do!

Example B: Egg

Olivia stared at the egg in front of her. Her Pokemon breeder parents gave it to her as an early birthday present. They didn't tell her what Pokemon it would be or what Pokemon it came from.

The egg was close to hatching. It would sometimes move, a clear sign that Olivia would soon get to meet her Pokemon.

"Honey, staring at the egg isn't going to make it hatch faster. Now come on, it's time for lunch." Olivia nodded, grabbed a small blanket and wrapped the egg in it before picking up the egg.

"I wanna keep an eye on it." Her mother sighed and shook her head at her daughter's actions.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, well, except for Olivia carrying the egg around the whole time that is.

"Why won't you just hatch!" She groaned and pushed her black hair out of her blue eyes.

"Liv, why are you so obsessed with that egg?" Olivia turned to see her older brother.

"It's gonna be my first Pokemon. Why wouldn't I be 'obsessed' with it?" With that she turned back to her egg an focused all her attention on it.

That night Olivia stayed up, just in case her Pokemon would hatch from it's egg.

She only had a lamp on, as per her agreement with her parents.

'Please hurry up!' Her impatience was getting the best of her when she noticed a crack. Her eyes widened as the egg shook more than usual. She began to shout.

"It's hatching!"

Example B is pretty good. Olivia got her egg realistically, it makes sense that the children of Pokemon Breeders would get their starter from their parents. Olivia has a flaw, she's impatient.

This example is a Do.

Example C: Pet

Bailey giggled as her pet Glameow licked her hand. The Glameow, nicknamed Regina, purred and settled herself in her young owner's lap, allowing the blonde to pet her and scratch behind her ears.

"Gla~" Regina rolled onto her back, wanting a tummy rub. Bailey happily did so, enjoying the little purrs that came from her long time pet.

"Aw, you're so cute!" Bailey's parents watched from the kitchen as Regina moved again to nudge her owner's face with her own.

Bailey giggled again, Regina's whiskers tickled her face.

Her parents decided to come in and sit down on the couch closest to their daughter and their pet.

"I would say she's gonna miss you, but she's going to be your starter." Bailey nodded as Regina's head again nudged against her's.

Example C was pretty short but it gets the point across. If you really want you OC's Pokemon to love them at the start of the story make the Pokemon their pet. That way it would make perfect sense as the OC would've known it's Pokemon for quite a while.

In this example you see how affectionate Regina the Glameow is to her owner/trainer, Bailey. It's mentioned thay Regina has been with the family for quite a while, justifying the lovey actions.

This is a do.

Example D: Random Encounter

Serenity had just started her journey, a PokeBall in hand and a skip in her step. Her pink dress was flowing in the wind as she left her hometown of Twinleaf.

"Hm, what should I catch? Most of the Pokemon here are really boring and sooo common. I wish a really cool Pokemon would appear. As if granting her wish a Riolu appeared.

"Ri!" Serenity's pink eyes widened.

"OMYGOD! SO CUTE!" Serenity picked up the incredibly rare fighting type and hugged it.

"Olu~ Ri~" Riolu was enjoying the affection.

Serenity didn't even question how the Riolu got to this part of Sinnoh, she just threw her PokeBall and caught it.

"I'm totally gonna become the best trainer in the whole world!"

Example D is full of cliche. Serenity is a cliche name, she's from a cliche starting town, she gets a cliche Pokemon in a cliche way, said Pokemon acts as a cliche happy robot.

You can only get one Riolu in the game, and that's from an egg given to you by an NPC.

This is a Don't

Sorry this chapter isn't as good. Life is stressful. Anyway, onto the Do's and Don't's.


*Have a realistic way for your OC to get their Pokemon

*Have the Pokemon be a regional starter

*Get the Pokemon from their parents

*Have it be their pet.


*Have it be a super rare Pokemon

*Get it from an area it isn't from

*Use multiple cliches

*Give them the Pokemon because it's rare/looks cool.

Next time: The Good, The Bad and The Self Insert