A/N: Sorry for not updating. Life has been busy, I've been getting more and more homework, maths related stress is making it difficult to think and it was recently the four year anniversary of my older brother's death.

Okay kids, welcome to a f***ton of cliches and boring crap! I'll be showing you a few ways to fix your Pokemon fanfiction. Without further ado, let's welcome our first cliche character, Sakura.

Sunlight shone through the window, landing on a girl who was still asleep despite her alarm clock loudly blaring.

"Oh no! I'm late!" Sakura jumped out of bed and rushed around her room, grabbing her clothes, a white shirt, blue jacket, blue jeans and sneakers, and slipping them on. She then rushed down stairs to her mother, who, for the sake of plot, had not thought to wake her late child up.

"Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" Sakura just grabbed a piece of toast that seemed to be there just so she could grab it, shoved it in her mouth and ran outside and in the direction of Professor Ivy's lab.

'Which one should I choose?!' Yes, despite the fact that she had stayed up late she still hadn't chosen which starter she wanted. 'Tepig's cute but Emboar is ugly, Osshawott and Dewott were also cute, but she didn't like Samurott, as for Snivy, well, she didn't like it's final evolution either.

Sakura finally reached the lab and rushed in. "Sakura, you're too late." She felt like crying.

"What?!" Professor Ivy sighed at the sad look on Sakura's face.

"Well, we do have one more, it's rare, so be sure to look after it." Professor Ivy pulled a PokeBall out of her coat and threw it to Sakura, who caught it perfectly. She pressed the white button and out came a Zorua. Sakura hugged it and squealed.

"It's so cute!"

Sakura and her Zorua, now dubbed Kuro made their way to the next town before being approached by a trainer.

"Hey! I challenge you to a battle!" In front of her was a boy with brown hair and eyes.

"Fine, but I'm gonna win!" The boy gave her an odd look.

"You're a beginning trainer! I've been training for two years!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, go Kuro!" Kuro jumped out in front of Sakura and let out a cry.

"Zoru!" The boy threw out his own Pokemon.

"Go Gurdurr! Hammer Arm!" Before she knew it Kuro was unconscious.

"But...you never lose your first battle.

Sorry it's short, but this is just the beginning. I'll be updating soon.

Next time: Story Starters.