Shocked and angry over the fact that Sarada had gain her eyes back, Masa just had enough of these games. "I'm tired of these antics!" he shouted, "You should have stay in the hallway like a good little girl! My business is with your so-called guardian!"
Boruto started to back away, until he saw Sarada take his hand. "You're not gonna quit being my guardian, are you?" she asked, "Not until I become Hokage..." Boruto smiled and said, "Thanks for reassuring me." Then he looked foward at Masa. "If you're going to hurt Sarada again, you'll have to get through me!"
"Hmph!" Masa breathed, "It seems that only death awaits you now! So be it! I'm done toying with both of you! It's time to unleash my full power!" As chakra swired around him, Boruto and Sarada began to ready themselves. Her Sharingan was on high alert as he pulled out some kunai knives. They both knew that things would get dangerous they both saw Masa's eyes glowing.
Boruto: THE NEXT ~ Chapter 7 Opening - Stand By Me
When the night has come and the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we see
No, I won't be afraid, oh. I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
If the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall
Or the mountain should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darling, darling, stand by me
Darling, darling, stand by me
If the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall
Or the mountain should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
(Stand by me - Ki: Theory version)
Boruto: THE NEXT ~ "The Next Generation. A New Promise."
Chapter 7 ~ Final
As Masa continued to reach full power, Boruto and Sarada were taken aback the amount of power as they tried to keep their eyes open. The room color was changing everytime Masa reached a percentage.
"This is definitely something unexpected!" Boruto said. The level of chakra was too much for Sarada to keep her eyes as she was being pushed back by the pressure alone. However, Boruto held her by her shoulders. She looked at him. "Don't worry!" he said smiling, "This time, I really will protect you!" She smiled as well. "And, I'll do the same!" she said.
Naruto, Sasuke, and Mitsuki continued to run down the long hallway. They stopped when they notice the entire shrine shaking. "What's going on?" Mitsuki asked. "I don't know!" Naruto said, looking around, "But, it sounds like this whole building is about to come down any minute!" "Do you sense it, Naruto?" Sasuke asked, "A massive amount of chakra is swirling around the shrine. But, I can't tell where it's coming from."
Thinking about it, Naruto went back into Sage Mode. "Give me a minute!" he said, "I'll see if I can find where it's coming from."
A massive shout came out of nowhere as the entire shrine was distorted into another area of space. Boruto and Sarada were knocked down by the fluctuation of power. Getting back up, they looked around and noticed they were not in the same place as before. "What is this place?" Sarada asked. "Don't worry," Masa said. Boruto looked in awe as the chakra continued to swirl around him. "We're still inside the shrine. It's just the space around us has been distorted. Which means, we have more room to battle..."
Boruto looked around once more; the vicinity they were seeing looked like the surface of moon. "Incredible!" he said. "This is what happens when I unleash my full power," Masa replied, "And speaking of power..." As Boruto and Sarada looked forward, Masa flexed his eyes. Boruto was knocked backwards instantly. "Boruto!" Sarada shouted, "What do you do to him!?" "You mean this?" Masa, once again, flexed his eyes and something exploded in front of her. She quickly moved out of the way. "What was that?!" she asked. "Unlike your father's Sharingan," Masa began, "I can unleash small projectiles of chakra from mine. And, they will not fail to miss..."
'He's just toying with us!' Sarada thought, getting into a fighting stance. Boruto stood up seconds later, having both kunai knives in his hands. "Now, you know the power that I possess!" Masa shouted. "You won't have a chance to use it!" Sarada shouted as she rushed towards him. She attacked him with a knee and then a back kick. As she ducked under Masa's punch, Boruto came up and threw his knives at him. Masa, with ease, swatted them away, then moved out of the way of Boruto's kick. Shockwaves came out of nowhere as both kids performed flipkicks. Missing, they then both attacked with elbow shots. Masa blocked with both hands and pushed them backwards.
With Sarada knocked away, Masa went after Boruto and placed him in a choke hold. Struggling to break free, Boruto used his elbow to attack his midsection while Sarada came from behind and kicked Masa in the back. With some room to breathe, Boruto tossed him over his shoulder. Unfortunately, he landed on his feet; the two of them were shocked.
"You two can put up quite an effort once you put your mind to it," Masa said, "But, even with your combined skills, you're still no match for me!" He turned around, putting Boruto and Sarada on edge again. "You should be worried now!" Sarada shouted, "Now that I've gotten the timing down, you projectiles won't be able to hit us!" "Dear child, do you honestly think that the projectiles are my only offense?" Flexing his eyes again, he pointed his attention at Boruto. "What the...?!" Boruto shouted, as a purplish looking aura. He was then lifted into the air and near Masa. "Boruto!" Sarada shouted. "I can't move!"
"This purplish aura, surrounding your friend, is doing more than just restricting his movements. It's stripping him of his chakra as we speak. In five minutes, he'll be nothing more than an empty shell!"
Sarada rushed in to save him, but another Masa got in her path. 'A Shadow Clone?' she thought. The Shadow Clone engaged his own Sharingan, firing projectiles at her; each of them were explosive. The blasts were enough to knock her down. Struggling to get up, Sarada notices Boruto feeling the effects of his chakra being drained. Her eyes were full of fear as she remembered on the day of her birthday.
After taking a few steps, Boruto stopped again. "Hey," he said, "Are you still planning on being Hokage? Even when you said it...two years ago?" "Of course!" Sarada said, being confident of her choice. "Then, I'll keep my promise: I'm going to be a stong Ninja that protects the Hokage." He turned around to look at her.
"If you do become Hokage, I will protect you!"
[End Flashback]
Sarada then looked at her bracelet and held close to her. 'Boruto...' she thought. 'You've already chosen the path my father took; to be a Ninja who protects the Hokage from the shadows. You even told me that you were going to protect me!' Then, she looked forward with clarity in her eyes.
'Now, it's time for my guardian to be protected!' "Masa!" she shouted, "Let him go!" "You're welcome to try and stop me!" Masa replied. "I said..." Suddenly, she activated her Sharingan again. "LET HIM GO!" Instantly, black flames appeared of him and on the Shadow Clone. "WHAT?!" he shouted in fear. Charging in, Sarada punched the Shadow Clone in the face, knocking him backwards into the real Masa. The disturbance not only caused the clone to dispered, but it freed the grip off of Boruto, who landed on his knees trying to catch his breath.
Looking out of the corner of his eye, Boruto sucked in his breath and knocked Masa into the air. Jumping as well, he landed a combination of kicks. Then he finished off with a powerful heel to the ground. "Lion's Barrage! (Shishi Rendan!)" As Masa started to fall, Sarada lunged in again. "CHAAA!" she shouted, landing a massive right punch. The force of the punch caused him to slide on the moon's surface. As Boruto landed, he dropped to his knees breathing real hard. "Boruto!" Sarada said running up to him.
Masa got back up in shock; he couldn't believe what just happened. 'How is this even possible!?' he thought, getting angry. 'It's more than she just regaining her eyesight! She can perform the Amaterasu as well?! Most importantly, they are able to recover faster than my eyes can responded! That does it! I'm through playing around!'
Raising his two arms, multiple clones of him appeared in the sky. Sarada and Boruto looked upward. "BLAST THEM INTO OBLIVION!" Hearing that, Boruto created several Shadow Clones of his own, who were hold kunai knives. The real one covered Sarada as the Masa Clones fired projectiles at them. Explosions came from everywhere as Boruto's clones protected him and Sarada, who had their eyes closed.
After a few minutes, Boruto opened his eyes to notice the smoke everywhere. But, something kicked him in the face, knocking him backwards. Before Sarada could react, Masa towered over her in anger. Before he could attack, Boruto reappeared again grabbin his legs. "Sarada, now!" he shouted. Taking his que, Sarada attacked Masa's midsection. Finishing the barrage, Boruto leaped up and flipkicked him in the face. The two of them regrouped and stared him down as he got up.
"Curse you!" Masa shouted, showing the fatigue, "I have enough of this! It's time I finish this off once and for all!" "I couldn't agree more!" Sarada said, "Right, Boruto?" "Yeah!" Then, Boruto created a Shadow Clone as the young Uchiha performed three handsigns. Masa gathered up chakra for his final attack as Sarada gathered chakra in her left hand, that created lightning. "Chidori!" Boruto's Shadow Clone has just finished swirling chakra in his right hand, before it disappeared. "Rasengan!"
As he was getting ready to attack, he felt Sarada grab his hand. The Chidori and the Rasengan started to mix together as Sarada smile at him. He nodded back as converted his gaze back to Masa.
"NOW, DIE!" Masa shouted in echo. "TRANSCENDANT BEAM!"
The beam fired towards the two as they raced at him. The mixed Chidori and Rasengan was thrusted forward. The attacks collided hard as wverything turned white, engulfing the three of them in the distortion.
A rumbling shook the whole shrine, once again, as Naruto, Sasuke, and Mitsuki made it to the main room. The three of them saw Boruto and Sarada next to each other, on the floor.
"Sarada!" Sasuke said running up to her. "Boruto!" Naruto said heading to his son, "Hey, wake up!" Sarada's eyes sturred as they barely opened. "Huh?" she breathed, "Daddy?" "Sarada..." a voice said. Sasuke's daughter turned to face Boruto, who just opened his eyes. "Boruto!" she said, crawling towards him, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, for the most part." Sasuke looked behind him and saw Masa lying on the floor, preferably dead. 'They were able to hold their against someone that powerful?' he thought.
"Now, it's over," Naruto said, "It's time to take you two home..."
A voice came out of nowhere. The five of them were in shock, as well as horror, as they moved in slow-motion to see Masa, bloodied and battered, flexed his Sharingan Eyes one more time. Everything felt like time stood still, when a projectile was aimed right at Sarada. As fast as he could, Boruto grabbed her and turned her around and took the full brunt of the attack in his left shoulder. In turn, Naruto and Sasuke reacted by launching an attack that was fatal to Masa. Meanwhile, Mitsuki helped lay both of the kids down, as they were unconscious. But, their hands were interlocked.
Once again, a pair of eyes stirred as they started to open. In a rush, Boruto sat up and started breathing hard. He cringed at the pain of his left shoulder. He placed his right hand on it and noticed that it was in a sling.
"I see you're back to the World of the Living!" a voice said. He looked to his left and saw Sakura smiling at him. "Ms. Sakura!" he said. "You were borderline for a while," Sakura said, "But, you always had a strong pulse, so you'll be okay. Speaking of which, thank you for saving Sarada." "What about Sarada? Is she okay?" "Don't worry, she had some scrapes and bruises; nothing major."
A knock came at the door seconds later. Naruto came in and looked at his son. "How is my little man?" he asked. "Dad!" Boruto said. "He's great," Sakura answered, "He just woke up and his vital signs are strong. But, he going to have to wear that sling for a good while." "Hey, Sakura. Could you give me and Boruto a little time?" Naruto asked. "Sure, I need to go check on Sarada anyway..." Before she exited, Sakura leaned to Naruto's right ear and said, "Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it Naruto?" As she left, Naruto had a questionable look on his face.
"Dad!" Boruto started, "Before you yell at me for being stubborn..." Instead, Naruto smiled and patted his son's head. "Why should I yell at you?" he asked, "I'm proud of you." "You are?" "When I was your age, I was pretty rash myself. But, if it wasn't for me being hyperactive and all, I wouldn't be the Ninja, let alone be Hokage, that I am today. But, you're going to have to apologize to your mother and sister later."
"Dad, you're really pround of me?" "Of course! I mean, you took on a person with a Kekkei Genkai and managed to win. Back in my day, I would have trouble!" Boruto then began to think about it; his father had trouble with opponents who were just as strong as Masa and Mitsuru. This battle was proof that they won by pure luck.
"Dad," he said, "Do you remember the stories you told me about how you got strong?" "Yeah," Naruto answered, "Boruto, is something wrong?" "Dad, I've decided: I want to become a Sage!" Naruto looked at his son with a surprising look, realizing that he was serious...
[One Hour Later...]
Sasuke and Naruto met up at the Hokage Office.
"You wanted to see me?" Sasuke asked. "Yeah," Naruto replied, "I going to take over Boruto's training for a while." "I think that's a good idea. I was planning on doing a reconnaisance mission anyways. We need to know if there are more of them out there, even though they said that they're the last." Naruto nodded in agreement.
As Sasuke left, Naruto began to think. 'I'm wondering if this is just a small sample of what the new generation has to deal with...'
Shikamaru met up with Naruto and Boruto at the Entrance Gate.
"I told Hinata and Himawari about his training," Naruto replied, "So, I left a Shadow Clone in my place for the time being." "I just hope that what happened last time, doesn't happen this time!" Shikamaru replied. "Don't worry, Shikamaru-sensei!" Boruto said, "The next time you see me, I'll be stronger than ever!"
"Boruto!" a voice shouted. Boruto looked past Shikamaru and saw Sarada running towards him. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Naruto and Shikamaru gave them some space to talk. "Well, I...uh..." Sarada began, starting to blush, "I heard that you postponed your return to Team Konohamaru to go train again."
"Yeah," Boruto said, "This time, I don't know how long I'll be back this time. I'm pretty banged up. Oh, that reminds me..." He then pulled something out of his pocket. "That's my...!" Sarada said, noticing the bracelet he was holding; it was the same bracelet giving to her by her birthday. "You dropped it after I tried to cover for you. I told you that I would protect you..."
Unable to hide her embarrassment, Sarada rushed in, grabbed the bracelet, and got up close in his face; Boruto blushed at how close she was. "Next time, don't leave me behind... Okay?" she whispered. Then, she took her bracelet and walked back towards Shikamaru. "Are you ready to go, Boruto?" Naruto asked. "Yeah," Boruto replied.
Sarada and Shikamaru looked on as father and son headed out to begin the son's training.
"Sarada," Shikamaru said, "What were you saying to Boruto?" Sarada was looking at her bracelet. "Nothing..." she said, "I was just making small talk with my guardian..."
Boruto: THE NEXT ~ Chapter 7 (Final) Ending - The Next Decade
A chase in a horizontal line, if you flinch you lose, the race begins
The rising impatience and cold sweat, terror engulfs you
If you stop where you are
The fire will never to your heart again
Embrace the fate that dwelt in your hand
You're the next
Next Decade
Before the goal lies the start line
Aim, for faraway
Hurry on, even covered in scars
The future of this world is now... in your hands
With all your strength Keep On Top, continuing to run, your speed
They overtake you - if you see their black shadow, what will you do?
If you lose your challenging heart
You become worthless
Put the pride seized in your right hand into it
You're the next
Next Decade
The horizon - to find the sleeping sun
Tear aprt the darkness
Hurry on, even all alone
For the next world is waiting...
The prayer sworn in your right hand is forever
You're the next
Next Decade
Before the goal lies the start line
Aim, for faraway
Hurry on, even covered in scars
The future of this world is your hands
(The Next Decade by GACKT)
A/N: Here you go! The Final Chapter! Hopefully, once again, I can do more fanfictions in the future! Please review! Until then, see you later!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Stand by me by Ki: Theory, or The Next Decade by GACKT.