Disclaimer: Ace Attorney and all characters are copyright by CAPCOM; I'm just a fan imitating. The stories presented are influenced by the multiple games as well as the comic (Manga written by Kenji Kuroda).

The following is an attempt at exploring the relationship between Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth over the entirety of the AA Series 1-5, with some snippets in the past and others in the great beyond. It will be mostly platonic, but is decidedly NARU/MITSU so if that's not your thing... Just a warning!

This is a 100 themes drabble fic, based on the that very old original 100 themes. The intention was to keep each drabble around 100 words, but I found out the hard way that religiously sticking to word count can be stifling!

I do hope you enjoy!

1. Introduction

"My name is Phoenix Wright," the boy held out his hand to him.

Miles glared at his hand and smirked, "I just saved you from being guilty! Of course I know who you are!"

"Oh," Phoenix tucked his chin solemnly and stared up at Miles from his vantage. Phoenix's lashes were long and dark, and they shaded his dark eyes, hiding their color.

Miles crossed his thin arms over his chest, "I think I know who took my lunch money, though. I conducted a thorough investigation."

"Who do you think did it?" Phoenix's head shot up and his large eyes sparkled in anticipation.

"I don't know his name," Miles said with a frown, "We haven't had a proper introduction."

A/N: I'm going to start with posting the first five, since these are so short and my updates are pretty spread out.
Thanks so much for reading!

(the traffic stats have been down for days and there's no end in sight... So reviews will be nice since there's no other way of knowing if someone is reading this.)