"I'm nervous," Audrey confessed, her hand clasped in Percy's as they walked up the dirt road leading to the Burrow.

The day of the party arrived and butterflies were dancing in Audrey's stomach. It was a slight comfort that she had already been introduced to a few of the family members, but the thought of facing everyone at once was a bit nerve-wracking.

"There's nothing to be worried about." Percy squeezed her hand in comfort. "You've met the worst of the lot and survived. If can handle yourself with George, the rest will be a piece of cake."

"Oh, stop it," she laughed. Audrey was well aware of Percy's former strained relations with his family, especially the twins. But it didn't take a genius to realize that they all loved each other, despite all the turmoil the family had been through. "I'm not worried, exactly. It's just that there's so many of them."

Growing up as an only child and moving around a lot, Audrey rarely got to experience huge family gatherings. She saw her parents' families, but it was usually only at the occasional holiday or reunion. Nothing like the crowded upbringing Percy had experienced.

"Well, yes, there are a lot of us," Percy agreed, "but you'll be fine."

As they reached the top of the ridge, Audrey stopped in middle of the drive and paused . She stared in wonder at the house that appeared to be defying gravity before her, a hodgepodge of styles crammed together with no regard to physics. Noticing Percy's worried face, she exclaimed, "It looks wonderful."

"Really?" he asked, sounding a little apprehensive. "I used to be so embarrassed by it. I'd never invite friends over because I was always so worried about what they'd think."

"I think it's wonderful," she admitted, smiling up at him. "You know, a part of me is a bit jealous of you right now." They walked a bit further up the path. "I love the fact that I got to see so much of the world as a child, but I've never really had a permanent home. I've moved four times now in ten years. You're lucky to have some place to always go home to."

"No," Percy sighed. "I'm lucky they let me back after what I did to them."

"None of that today. No maudlin thoughts. We're celebrating your birthday. So put away that sour frown or I'll take your brother up on his offer to run away with him," she teased. "If I can't be nervous, you're not allowed to mope."

"Agreed," Percy nodded. Hand on the doorknob, he leaned over and kissed Audrey on the cheek before pulling it open.

Molly Weasley rushed around her kitchen in anticipation of her son's arrival. It had been too long since she'd spent this special day with her child. As much as they tried to put on a brave face, the estrangement had been hard on everyone.

"Molly, why don't you relax," advised Fleur. "Everything is under control. All zat needs done is ze salad, and I 'ave that covered."

Unable to stay still and not knowing what to do with herself, Molly answered, "I think I'll pop outside then and make sure the boys are doing what they were told and not goofing around."

The sound of the front door opening, though, had her immediately changing direction. She was surprised to see her middle son as she rushed into the living room. Rarely did Percy come through the front door, the Floo Network being the preferred method of transportation to the Burrow.

"Happy Birthday, Percy" Molly exclaimed, rushing over to her son and pulling him down for a kiss. Determining all was well, she turned to his companion and smiled, "You must be Audrey."

Molly studied the girl standing before her. It was a novel experience. Percy brought few friends home as a child and never a girlfriend despite her and Arthur knowing about him dating that one girl when he was at Hogwarts.

"I am." Audrey smiled. "Thank you for including me today."

"Any friend of Percy's is welcome," she answered then turned to her son, "Why did you come through the door? I thought you were flooing in."

"Audrey wanted to see the house from the outside for the first time. So we apparated a bit up the lane and walked down," he explained. Looking around at the empty living room, he asked, "Where is everyone?"

"The boys and your father are out in the backyard setting up the tables. I'm surprised you didn't hear them coming up the lane. I thought it would be nice to enjoy the fine weather we're having this evening for a change. The girls are helping me in the kitchen."

Audrey, remembering the hostess gift she brought for Percy's parents, reached into her bag. "This is for you. Percy said your husband was interested in all things Muggle so I thought you would enjoy a bottle of Muggle wine. My mother sent it to me. The winery is located not far from my parents' home. It's one of their favorites."

"Thank you, dear." Molly said. "That was very thoughtful. Let's take this into the kitchen and you can meet the others."

Audrey followed Percy and his mother into the Burrow's kitchen. It had a homey feel and was obviously the center of family activity in the house. Mrs. Weasley bustled about, inspecting to make sure dinner would be perfect.

"Audrey, this is Fleur, my eldest son Bill's wife," Molly began, eager to make the requisite introductions.

Fleur turned around quickly from her task at the counter and gushed, "'Ello, Audrey. So good to see you again."

"You know each other?" Percy's mother inquired.

"Yes," answered Percy. "We ran into Fleur and Bill last week in Diagon Alley and ended up having dinner with them."

Fleur smiled at the 'humph' from Molly's direction and turned to Audrey and commented, "I'm glad you could make it today. We 'ad such a nice time last week."

"Yes," Audrey answered. "We must do it again."

Attention was soon directed to the other occupant in the room. Audrey quickly deduced that the girl in question, who was stacking plates onto a large tray, was not Percy's sister. The brunette hair being a dead giveaway.

"This is Hermione," Molly introduced the younger girl. "She is one of Ron's best friend."

"And girlfriend," Fleur sing-songed, causing the brunette to blush.

Audrey commented, "I've been reading your name in the papers."

"Oh, please don't believe anything you read," Hermione replied. "Most of it is just pure rubbish."

"Where is Ginny?" Molly asked, noticing her daughter's absence. "I told that girl to help you start taking things outside."

"She just went out to make sure the boys are done setting up the tables," answered Hermione.

"Well, then, let's start getting everything set up," Molly commanded. "We're all here now."

Introductions were soon made to the rest of Percy's family and in no time Audrey was sitting at a long picnic table extended to fit the entire Weasley clan. It was a bit overwhelming at first trying to keep up with all the conversations going on simultaneously, but Audrey was glad she had come to the celebration.

"So tell me," Molly asked as she passed a bowl of potatoes down to her husband. "How did you two meet?"

"Do you remember Oliver Wood?" Percy asked.

"You shared a dorm with him." Mr. Weasley answered. "Didn't he play Quidditch with the boys, too? Plays professional now, I hear."

"Yes," answered Percy. "Well, his fiancée is Audrey's cousin. They set us up."

"Fiancée?" George blurted. "I just found out they're dating and now they're getting married. When did this happen?"

Audrey leaned forward and smiled at George. "Don't feel bad. It only happened this week. They've just told their parents so it's not been made public, yet."

"You think you know your mates. I better be invited to the wedding," George grumbled. "I have half a mind to send off a howler to our dear former captain and chaser."

"So little Ollie is getting married," Charlie sighed, shaking his head. "Doesn't seem like he should be old enough. Who is he marrying?"

"Katie Belle," Percy answered. "She was between the twins and Ron at Hogwarts."

"So how are you and Katie related," asked Ginny, who was sitting at the far end of the table.

"Our mothers are sister," Audrey answered. "My father is a Muggle."

"What do your parents do?" Molly asked, eager to learn more about her son's girlfriend.

"My mother used to work at Daily Prophet when I was younger but now she only does freelance writing," Audrey answered. "It suits her as my dad used to move quite a bit with his job."

"Oh, is he a dentist like Hermione's parents," Mr. Weasley asked excitedly, not being well versed on Muggle occupations.

Audrey chuckled. "No he works with computers. His company has sent him all over. Right now my parents are living in the States. They're quite happy there. I suspect they might stay when he retires."

"Fascinating," Arthur exclaimed. "What exactly does a comput…."

"Arthur," Molly warned. He could go on for hours questioning the poor girl if given the chance. "They live in America? So you didn't go to Hogwarts then, dear?"

"I attended Hogwarts my first two years" Audrey answered.

Molly continued her questioning, "Did you know Percy then?"

"No," Audrey answered. "I would have been two years behind Percy. Anyway, I was in Hufflepuff. We didn't have any classes with Gyffindor. Katie was really the only one I knew."

"Where did you go after Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, intrigued by Audrey's story.

"My father's job transferred him to Germany for a year. My mother home schooled me because she didn't want to send me Durmstrang and I didn't speak the language . And then we spent a year in Australia. After that we moved to the States."

"How long have you been back in England?" Bill asked.

"I've moved back in June. My uncle said there were openings in the Ministry after the…well." Audrey trailed off, not knowing how to finish it knowing everyone at the table had fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. "I was getting a bit homesick for London and so I applied and got hired."

"I haven't seen you around the Ministry," Arthur commented. "What department are you in?"

"I'm actually in Percy's old department," she answered. "I applied to the Muggle Liaison Office, but they felt with my background I'd be better in International Magical Cooperation."

"Oh, Merlin, help me," George exclaimed. "Please don't tell me you get excited about cauldron bottom thicknesses, too."

Audrey laughed, taking no offense at George's comment. "No, I work in the International Law Office. I don't deal with the Trading Standards Division."

They talked a bit more about Audrey's work at the Ministry, but she was glad when the attention was finally directed away from her. She learned quickly that Ginny and Hermione were starting school soon. Ginny was entering her seventh year and Hermione was returning to complete the year she had missed during the war. She also learned that Percy's brother Ron and his friend Harry were not going to make up their lost year, electing to enter straight into the Auror program in September. Audrey knew first hand that the Ministry was having trouble filling many vacancies. It wasn't surprising that the Auror department was making special accommodations in the aftermath of recent happenings.

Audrey's reprieve from scrutiny, though, didn't last long. By the end of dinner the topic of her relationship with Percy came back once again.

"So, tell us," Percy's brother Charlie asked as the meal wound down. "Was it love at first sight when you two met?"

Audrey laughed, "Far from it."

"You really don't want to hear the details," Percy mumbled, his face turning bright red as he tried to deflect their attentions.

"Oh, little brother, based on that reaction, I think we truly do need to hear this," Bill teased, leaning back and putting his arm around his wife.

Audrey looked at Percy, mouthing, "Sorry" before turning back to his family and smiling, "Well, it all began when…"

Originally this chapter was longer, but I cut it in two. The next installment should be posted soon. Next chapter we get the flashback of Percy and Audrey's first meeting. Spoiler alert: It didn't go well. I've borrowed some inspiration from a certain favorite literary couple of mine who also did not have a good initial meeting.