Annie: Chapter seven.

Knuckles and Shadow: Oh, fuck.

Rouge and Tails: You can say that again.

Annie: Hey! *Chases after Knuckles, Shadow, Tails and Rouge with a zapper in her hand*

Sonic and Jet: Enjoy the chapter. Better get Lai and Lei to stop her or else those guys will be dead before the story is finish.

Warning in this story: Male-pregnantness, swearing, fights, blood, lemon, yaoi

Sonic was the first on to have a C-cut done before Tails as Sonic is in pain and it was because the babies were moving around to much. After four hours, all the four babies are out and are crying for their parents, through Jet was shocked by a blue hawk making Sonic laugh at Jet's shock face, before Dr. Paul gave them to Sonic. Jet was sitting down with his oldest son that is a silver hedgehog with silver eyes, which confused both Sonic and Jet and looks to Dr. Paul for answers.

"Could be that mixing some of Shadow's blood, could of done that since we had done it when he was pregnant." Dr. Paul said as both Sonic and Jet accepted the answer, but test show that the silver hedgehog had the silver color that came from not only a silver hedgehog grand-father from Sonic's side of the family, but also got the silver color from a silver hawk great-great grand-father from Jet's side of the family. Both Sonic and Jet were shocked from this as they never knew of this, but Sonic never knew his family.

"I think we should call him...Silver." Jet said as Sonic looks at him.

"I like it. Silver the hedgehog." Sonic said as he smiles at Silver whom is baby noises as if he was laughing. Sonic named the green hawk, Jet Jr making Jet shocked before he kissed Sonic fast making Sonic smile. Knuckles named the other hedgehog, Chaos making Sonic threading to kill Knuckles if h thinks he can name one of his children Chaos and Knuckles hid behind Shadow making the hedgehog a bit scared of being killed for protecting Knuckles. Tails thought of Aura or Aurora for the female hedgehog and Rouge thought that if Sonic or Jet choose the same name, the other name could be for the female hawk. Sonic and Jet had choose to name the female hedgehog Aurora and the female hawk Aura making the girls happy as they giggle at their parents. Tails was next for the C-cut and had six babies: two hedgehogs and four foxes making Shadow happy to be a father. One of the foxes looks alike like Shadow with the fur being black and red while one of the hedgehogs look alike like Tails with yellow fur and white at the tips of the ears and tail. One of the foxes is like Tails, but he has nine tails making Tails worry about him being bullied because of it like it had happen to him before when he was young. Shadow had named a male fox, that is the nine tail fox's twin brother, Tails Jr and Tails named a hedgehog after Shadow and a female hedgehog Maria making Shadow really happy to have one of his children named after his friend. The others were named: Jake (Male, Fox), Jill (Female, Fox) and Mana (Male, Fox, nine tails) making everyone smile at them and Dr. Paul was happy that Tails has a family of his own. It was tough for the two new families as Sonic and Tails had to breast feed them and also eat more than they should making Knuckles, Jet and Shadow go get more food to look after them.

Annie: I'm making this chapter short until I can think of more ideas for the story and what the enemy can do. Ja Ne.