You Make My Earth Quake

As per usual, I own nothing!

T (just to be safe)


Skibbs (Skye/Gibbs)

Lyrics Used:
Within Temptation - "Memories"

Together In All These Memories

In this world, you tried | Not leaving me alone behind | There's no other way | I prayed to the gods let him stay

The memories ease the pain inside | Now, I know why

All of my memories | Keep you near | In silent moments | Imagine you'd be here | All of my memories | Keep you here | The silent whispers, silent tears

Made me promise I'd try | To find my way back in this life | Hope there is a way | To give me a sign you're okay | Reminds me again it's worth it all | So I can go on

"Where's Jiaying?!" Skye demanded, as her father entered the room. "We have to find her before she finds Phil!" She elaborated, after having just learned that her mother had been on a mission to eliminate the man she believed to be Skye's reason for standing with SHIELD. "She's gonna kill him!"

"We'll find her." Cal Johnson assured his young daughter as they set off in search of his wife. Stepping out onto the surface of the carrier, Skye's face visibly paled as she watched her mother drop Phil Coulson's lifeless body to the ground, before rounding on her.

"Mom! Stop!" Skye cried, begging and pleading with her mother to put an end to the war between SHIELD and the Inhumans. "You can't do this!" She added, her voice notably softer as Jiaying turned to face her daughter. "I can't let you leave with these crystals."

"You can!" Jiaying corrected. "And, you should! It's the only way to protect our people!" She elaborated, desperate for her daughter to believe her and join her cause.

"No." Skye replied, adamantly. "There are other ways."

"Whose ways?! SHIELD?!" Jiaying retorted, before pointing to Coulson's dead body. "His ways?! No! Their way is what got us here!"

"You started this war!" Skye corrected, shocked that her mother was still clinging to her corrupt belief system.

"This war started decades ago, when SHIELD was founded to guard the world against people like us!" Jiaying argued. Skye almost felt sorry for her deluded mother. Almost. One look at Phil's lifeless body just a few feet away from her quickly nipped those feelings in the bud. "And, it will never end …" She added, approaching her daughter, slowly. "But, you and I, together … Think of how powerful we could be … We could launch a revolution … Side by side."

"I don't want your 'revolution'." Skye argued, steadfastly sticking to her beliefs. She may have always wanted to be together with her family. But, not like this. She didn't want to have to kill innocent people to do it. "Because this isn't about protecting me … or your people … This is about hate!"

"No." Jiaying replied, softly, standing directly in front of her daughter – face-to-face. "You're wrong-"

"It's consumed you!" Skye realized, aloud. Her mother was so consumed by her hatred for SHIELD that she had completely lost all sense of morals. "You don't even know right from wrong!" Skye looked at her mother with a mix of sadness and anger and regret in her rich, dark, chocolate brown eyes. "I can't let you destroy any more lives."

"My daughter." Jiaying replied, her face suddenly shifting to a strangely fond expression as she reached out to Skye. "So beautiful." She admired, stroking her daughter's cheek, lovingly. Skye steadfastly fought against the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. She would not let her mother shake her resolve. "So strong." She added, gripping Skye's face between her hands, roughly, as Skye released a gasp as Jiaying began to slowly drain the life from her body – her hands and arms glowing with the life-force she was extracting from her daughter and adding to her own strength.

Skye gasped and choked for breath as she felt the life draining from her body. "Mom." She choked, weakly, hoping her mother's maternal instincts would prevent her from killing her own daughter. "What're-"

"I always believed the reason I endured all that torture and pain was for you." Jiaying spoke, revelling in the strength she was gaining from her daughter's life-force. "That you were my true gift." She added. "But, you're not … This is." She elaborated, watching her daughter's face turn a sickeningly gray color as the life bled from her body.

Skye continued to gasp for breath as she fought against her mother's attacks. "Don't …" She choked out, her voice reflecting the weakness she felt throughout her body. "…do this…"

"You made your choice." Jiaying informed Skye. "I'm sorry." She replied, regretful sadness taking over her face.

Summoning the last of the strength she had, Skye focused all over of her power on the quinjet that Jiaying's men had loaded the crystal onto. Concentrating her power toward throwing the quinjet overboard, Skye smiled on the inside as she felt the ground begin to shake just before the power exploded out of her, throwing her mother backward and away from her. Relieved by the release of her mother's grip on her, Skye felt the life and the strength flooding back through her body. Tears of both victory and relief spilled forth from her eyes as she collapsed to the ground – watching the quinjet fall over the side of the carrier. However, her relief was short lived as she regained her footing only to feel her head forcefully whipped around. Once again, she found herself in her mother's death grip.

Jiaying angrily whipped her daughter's head around to face her as she resumed draining the life from her body. Suddenly, she felt Skye grip her shoulder in a claw-like grip as her daughter focused the vibrations on Jiaying's skeleton.

"Please." Both women's attention was drawn to the origin of the voice they heard next to them. "Stop!" Cal Johnson ordered, advancing on his wife. "You don't have to do this." He added, though, Skye never realized that the comment was directed at her until her father spoke, again. "You don't have to live with that pain." Cal added, finally taking his eyes off of his wife to look at his daughter as he wrapped a hand around the back of Jiaying's neck. "I will." He finished, as he snapped his wife's neck in his hands – effectively releasing her grip on their daughter.

Skye collapsed to the ground as she watched her father gather her mother into his arms. "Cal." Jiaying gasped, falling limply into her husband's arms. "What are you doing?" She gasped.

"Keeping my promise." Cal replied, fighting back the tears as he shifted his wife in his arms to squeeze her entire frame in a crushing force. Killing her, instantly. Skye merely stared at her parents in disbelief as she watched her father cradle her mother's lifeless body in his arms as he gingerly lowered her down to the ground. Although he'd done what he'd always known would have to be done, one day, Cal Johnson still wept for the loss that he felt with the death of his wife. Though her hatred had turned her cold, Cal was still in love with the woman she'd once been.

After the war had ended … Once she and her father had said their goodbyes as he was sent off to have his memories erased … Skye looked around. May had taken on the role of acting director until a more permanent solution could be agreed upon and had given everyone an order to take some time off. After the order had been given and Skye had been afforded the opportunity to stop and finally breathe and think … She'd begun to realize something. Here she was, in the only real home she'd ever known – well … the only one that hadn't been tainted. And, yet, she had never felt like more of an outsider.

As she looked around, she couldn't find an answer to a burning question on her mind. What am I doing here? In the beginning, it had been pretty cut and dried. She was there because Phil had valued her and incorporated her into a team and a family. But, now, she couldn't deny that her friends and teammates were all looking at her, differently. Ever since she'd gone through the mist – as much as everyone tried to hide it – she could tell they were all afraid of her, to one degree or another. And, she couldn't escape the guilt. She couldn't help feeling like this whole damn war had been her fault. That was when she'd come to the conclusion that she couldn't stay there. She had to find a fresh start. Somewhere nobody knew who she was or what she was capable of. The only question that remained … was where.

Skye was shaken from her flashback when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Hey." The voice was warm and kind. "You okay? You looked like you were a million miles away." Looking up into the warm, bright, blue eyes Skye felt at ease with the man that was addressing her. She still had a little bit of her guard up, but, she felt comfortable talking to him.

"Yeah!" Skye replied, successfully feigning a light and casual tone. "Yeah, I was just … lost in thought, I guess." She smiled, dismissively.

"Do you mind if I join you?" The stranger asked, curiously – eager to get to know more about the young woman that had captured his attention when he'd walked in.

"Uh, sure, I guess." Skye decided, gesturing to the empty side of the booth opposite her.

"Thank you." The stranger smiled, taking a seat across from Skye. "So." He began, pausing to take a sip of his coffee. "I don't think I've seen you around here, before."

"Yeah, I just moved to town." Skye replied, vaguely.

"Oh yeah?" The kind, blonde, stranger asked, curiously. "What brings ya to DC?"

"I don't know." Skye admitted, sipping her cooling coffee. "I just…needed a fresh start, I guess. And, this was as far as I could get on the limited funds that I have." She added, figuring the stranger had already picked up on the classified ads she'd spread out in front of her.

"Mm." The young man hummed, thoughtfully, taking another sip of his coffee. Skye took the moment to evaluate his appearance. He was fairly young – probably in his mid to late thirties. His slicked back blonde hair suggested that he was successful in his career and his athletic build suggested that he stayed in shape. His professional clothing suggested that he had a solid career. "So, how's the job hunting going?" He asked, his lips quirking upward in a knowing smirk.

"That obvious, huh?" Skye smiled, knowing she'd been made.

"Just a little bit." The stranger smiled.

"Man, I just…I didn't think it'd be this hard finding something I'm qualified for." Skye admitted. Everything she was finding was outside of her skill set. Seriously?! Not even a freakin' janitorial job?! She thought to herself, skimming over the ads in front of her.

"I know the feeling." The stranger concurred. "What'd ya do before you came here?" He inquired, curiously.

With a disbelieving, humorless, chuckle, Skye told him "I … You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Well, I can see you're clearly very well put together. Tasteful clothes, minimal makeup, tidy hair…" The stranger observed, taking in her appearance. "You're not a stripper."

The blunt observation nearly caused Skye to spew her coffee all over the stranger. Fortunately – for both of them – Skye had managed to restrain herself and keep the liquid in her mouth before swallowing it. "Wow! Okay. A little blunt but … definitely not wrong."

"Trust me." The stranger assured her, gently. "In my line of work, I've just about seen and done it all." He added, confidently. "There is nothing you could say that would shock me."

Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that. Skye thought to herself as she inwardly debated whether she should tell him the truth or not. She couldn't be sure he wouldn't agree with the public views of SHIELD and turn her in as a fugitive. Then, again … He had surprised her at just about every turn. And, at this point … What did she really have to lose? "Okay, well. I-um … Well, I was a SHIELD agent." She finally confessed, bracing herself for whatever reaction came her way.

The stranger remained silent for a beat as he seemed to be considering what she'd just told him. Finally – just when Skye thought she was about to go insane – he spoke. "Well, I can certainly see how that would make it finding a job for your skill set." He replied, thoughtfully.

Wow. Skye thought to herself, silently. That went a lot better than I thought. "Wow, that was not the reaction I was expecting." She confessed.

"Yeah, I know." The stranger hummed, thoughtfully. "But, I never really put a lot of stock into what the media was saying about SHIELD. I usually don't put a lotta stock in what I hear on the media." He elaborated. "Besides, you hardly seem like a fugitive to me." He added, smiling gently.

"Well, thank you, for that." Skye replied, relieved. "And, I suppose you're an expert on fugitives?" She challenged, cheekily, taking another sip of her coffee.

"You could say that." The stranger grinned, mischievously. "I'm an NCIS agent."

"'NCIS'?" Skye repeated, curiously. "What's that?"

"I get that a lot." The stranger chuckled, taking another sip of his drink. "It's the Navy Criminal Investigative Service."

"Oh!" Skye replied, understanding. "Sorta like the FBI, then."

"Sorta." The stranger nodded. "But, we focus on crimes involving the Navy and Marine Corps." He added, pausing for a moment. After Ziva had left their team, they were a man down. And, NCIS could definitely benefit from someone of her skill set. "Ya know…" He began, as Skye could almost see the light bulb illuminating over his head. "…I might know of a job opening – if you're interested."

"Oh yeah?" Skye replied, quirking an eyebrow interested.

"Yeah." The stranger nodded, sipping his coffee. "Why don't you stop by NCIS headquarters at the Navy Yard on Monday? We'll see about making you an NCIS agent."

"Ya know…" Skye replied, cheekily. "I never did catch your name. How do I know you're legit?"

"Well played." The stranger nodded, pulling his card out of his jacket pocket. "My name's Tim. Special Agent Tim McGee." He added, passing the card across the table.

Studying the business card in her hands for a moment, Skye finally looked up at Tim. "My name's Daisy. Daisy Johnson."

"That's a beautiful name." Tim observed.

"Yeah, well…" Skye replied, quietly, pushing back the memories of her father that her given name brought up. "I prefer to go by Skye."

"Also a very pretty name." Tim grinned, before checking his watch. "Well, I gotta get going." He added, rising from his seat. "But, it was great meeting you. Skye." He smiled, down at the young woman, extending his hand. "Hopefully, I'll be seeing you around the Navy Yard."

Smiling, Skye accepted the proffered hand. "We'll see." Skye replied, mischievously, as she released Tim's hand and watched him take his leave. Once he'd left her line of sight, Skye studied the business card he'd given her in her hands more closely. It would be nice to be an agent again … Even if it is for a different agency. She reasoned, silently, to herself. And, nobody there would ever have to know about me and my powers. She added. What do I have to lose?

Author's Note:
As always, I hope you've enjoyed this little offering. Don't ask me where the idea for this came from. I really don't know. But, yesterday, my creative monkeys just started screaming at me to write Gibbs/Skye. I don't know why! They just did! And, before I knew it … This idea was born. So, I hope you like it! And – as always – don't forget to drop me a review!

~Skye Coulson

No, I have not abandoned my other stories!