Les said, "Davey, why is Race's shirt on backwards?" Davey turned red and slowly shook his head.

"Guys, you're so gross. There is a nine year old-"

"Actually, I'm almost ten-" Les put in,

"-Sitting right here!" Davey finished, groaning.

"Anyways, Spot, truth or dare?" Race asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dare." The tough boy said, crossing his arms. Race only laughed,

"Okay. I dare you to challenge anyone but Finch to a slingshot battle. First one to knock that cup off the chair wins."

Spot smirked, "I pick his goilfriend. Hopefully ya taught her howta shoot, bird boy."

Standing up, Keys cracked her neck, "Nobody calls him bird boy but me. And Stars. But mostly me." And, fixing her cap, she held up a flimsy slingshot, loaded with a marble. "ready?"

He smirked, thinking she was just a pretty face. "Fine. Go!"

He loaded his weapons, and aimed. But right by his left shoulder, a marble whistled past. The cup fell with a thump. Keys stood, looking at her nails, grinning. "Toldya I could shoot."

So Spot sat down, kinda humiliated, while Keys sat on Finch biting her lip. He snaked his hands around her waist, and she kissed him on the cheek. His face turned pink, and Keys cracked up.

"Um, hello? Please no PDA. We have children." Davey pointed to a Les who was wearing the fallen cup on his head.

"Jojo. Truth or dare?" Spot asked, still frowning from his loss.

"Uh. Truth?" The boy said hesitantly.

"Which Delancey Brother is worse?"

"Ooh, hard one... Probably Morris. He once stole a nickel from me." mourned Jojo, holding his cap against his heart, as if he'd lost a loved one.

"Okay, Stars, truth or Dare?" Jojo cried.

"Dare. And make it a good one." She had a glint in her eye, like she was ready to do anything.

"I dare you to... Sing Arianna Grande's Break Free."

Making a face as if she were about to throw up, Stars grimaced, "Fine. Be glad I like you, Jojo...

If you want it, take it
I should have said it before
Tried to hide it, fake it
I can't pretend anymore

I only want to die alive
Never by the hands of a broken heart
I don't wanna hear you lie tonight
Now that I've become who I really am

This is the part when I say I don't want it
I'm stronger than I've been before
This is the part when I break free
'Cause I can't resist it no more

This is the part when I say I don't want it
I'm stronger than I've been before
This is the part when I break free
'Cause I can't resist it no more"

Finishing, Stars made a 'bleching' sound and sat down.

"I think ya sounded good." Race slung his arm around her shoulder and punched her good-naturedly in the arm.

"I know." She smirked, and stole his cap.

Stars looked around the room, hoping to pick someone good. "Finch, truth or dare?"

The boy sighed and picked dare.

"I dare you to... eat a whole tomato."

Finch's hate of tomatoes was well known among the Newsies, so he went into Katherine's pantry, pulled out a tomato, took one bite and spit it out.

"Why are they so gross?" He wiped his tongue furiously trying to rid it of the awful flavor. So, much to his chagrin, he pulled off his shirt. Nobody commented, but Keys leaned back up against him, with a sly smirk written on her face. Stars could tell she greatly enjoyed that dare.

"Race, Truth or dare?" Finch asked, still wrinkling his nose.

"um, Truth..." Race stretched out his back.

"How much would you bet Jack and Katherine are gonna get married?" Finch asked, shooting a glance at the two.

"A million bucks. It's gonna be soon too..."

Laughter erupted from the room, and Jack rolled his eyes. His girlfriend nudged him, blushing lightly.

"Speaking of which, Katherine, truth or dare?"

"Uh, let's go with dare!" Katherine cried, throwing her hands up, "I'm feeling adventurous!"

"Okay. Revenge time... Go in the closet with Jack for seven minutes." Race deadpanned.

Groaning, the couple went into said closet. After a minute, giggling was heard, followed by a, "C'mon, Kathy!"

"Eww!" Romeo, Jojo and Henry chorused.

Gathering the crowd around them, Race and Stars lowered their voices, "We decided to set a trap for the two lovebirds. We're not going to let them come outta the closet until half an hour has passed. If they notice the difference, they're not gonna get married soon. If they do, they'se-"

"Gettin' hitched real soon!" Race crowed, careful not to be so loud as to alert the couple in the closet.

20 minutes passed.

Spot asked Crutchie, "truth or dare?"

"Eh, dare I guess." Crutchie shrugged, letting Les lean on him.

"I dare you to open the closet when the time comes." Spot sneered, obviously trying to be mean.

"Okay then." The crippled boy nodded, "I was planning on it."

Spot frowned, and slunk into a corner.

"Keys, truth or dare?" Crutchie eagerly turned the attention away from the leader of Brooklyn.

"Truth." She replied, from her position cuddled against Finch.

"Are you and Finch dating? Officially?"

Keys cocked her head, and quietly deliberated with Finch, "Yeah... I guess we are. Otherwise, I guess this would be weird." She gestured to his bare chest, and her on his lap.

A small round of applause was started, and Race handed Stars a dime, "I guess you was right. A week to announce it."

"I'm always right." Stars countered, "And now, Crutchie, open the door."

Dun dun dun! What happens next? Do they find Jack and Katherine in there? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?! EVEN I AM UNSURE! So that's where I leave it for now. But I SHALL return to it, and finish this as soon as I can!