"Operation complete."

Black Jack sighed in relief as he finished up his work, soon exiting the OR to let the nurses finish up. Hiro followed close behind him, leaning against him a little.

"Can we get ice cream after this? That was really long, Bro." Hiro said with a slight whine to his voice. "We worked hard, we deserve a reward."

Black Jack chuckled, patting Hiro's head.

"A proper meal first then dessert. Sound fair?"


As they exited the OR they were greeted by the family of the patient. They gave their thanks quickly before heading off to see them. They were then approached by the doctor who had called them.

"Thank you so much for doing this, old friend."

Black Jack smiled.

"Anything for you, Yabu-san. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help one in need?"

"Seriously, you're a lifesaver. Em… no pun intended but… goodness this family had almost given up on their daughter. They had tried so many doctors and well… Kuro…You… You really did stop something awful from happening."

Black Jack gave a gentle look, squeezing his shoulder.

"Hey, she deserves to live her life too. I'd never let something like that happen."

"Thank you. I owe you one."

At this, he gave a sneaky look.



Hiro tugged on Black Jack's cloak, giving a pout.

"I'm hungry…"

Black Jack picked him up.

"I know. We'll go eat now. Yabu?"

"Right this way, Kuro."


"Enjoy your meal, gentlemen and little gentleman."

Hiro didn't waste any time digging into his meal. He sighed happily as the warmth of curry spread through him.

"So good…"

Black Jack chuckled.

"Not too fast now, Hiro. I know you're hungry but food is best enjoyed slowly."


Yabu chuckled as well.

"Cute little brother you got there, Kuro. Never imagined you raising a kid."

"Well, life is strange and Hiro just fell into it." Black Jack ruffled Hiro's hair. "And I couldn't be happier."

Hiro batted his hand away.

"Heeeey! Trying to eat here!"

Yabu shook his head.

"Just glad to see you doing well, Kuro. It feels like it was just yesterday I was helping you with your very first operation."

"Oh, that was a crazy day." Black Jack smiled, nostalgia in his eyes. "They called me crazy for thinking I could re-attach two severed limbs but hey, I did it. Had you and Dr. Baymin to back me up."

"Yup. Even before you were licensed you were nuts."

"Just how it was." Black Jack shrugged. "You take risks to save lives. It's all part of being a doctor."

"True, very true." He smirked. "And sometimes, a little bit of manipulation."

"Hey! It was not that bad!"

Hiro raised an eyebrow, looking at Yabu expectantly.

"A patient lied to him. He scared the answer out of him."

Hiro snickered.

"I'm not shocked!"


Yabu laughed before composing himself.

"Ah, good times, good times… Though, I'm glad you're still doing what you're doing. Sure, the unlicensed thing is unfortunate but I don't blame you. Least you're actually helping people… unlike someone else."

Black Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Something up at the hospital?"

"No. Not at any hospital, actually. More so an independent… Kuro, does the name Obake ring any bells?"

He narrowed his eyes. It was familiar… A little too familiar.

"I thought he was apprehended. Was that just a rumor?"

"Exactly a rumor. He disappeared for a few years, now he's back in the city with a vengeance." Yabu gave a disgusted look. "He's just as awful as ever."

Hiro looked between the two, confusion in his eyes.

Black Jack's eyes were filled with rage. A rage Hiro only saw when he was dealing with the worst types of people who came to their clinic.

"Oh, that's just great. The angel of death has come back!"

"Who?" Hiro asked.

Yabu looked to Hiro, a solemn look in his eyes.

"Obake. He's a doctor infamous for dropping his scalpels in exchange for wanting to help people die peacefully. In other words, a death doctor."

Black Jack's hands clenched into fists.

"Claims he does it for the sake of not having people suffer when he never considers there's another way out and that sometimes the pain is worth it."

Hiro gulped.

"No one's arrested him? B-But isn't that really bad?"

"He's outside of the rules like I am. Just for a worser reason." He gave Yabu a determined look. "Thank you for getting me updated on that situation - if I run into him, I'll keep him away from my patients."

He nodded, sighing.

"Just had to be our town, huh?"

"Hmph. Just will make things more interesting."

Hiro didn't like how upset this made his brother. He hoped, at least for his sake, that Obake never showed up near where he worked.

But… something tells me, things aren't gonna be that easy.

Life's never that simple.


Black Jack decided to take the day off, thinking he and Hiro needed some peace and quiet. What better place to recharge than Crimson Gate Park?

Black Jack sat on a bench, reading through a book while Hiro was content to tinker with a little bot he was working on while sitting in one of the grassy fields.

"Okay… almost done." He smiled as he held up the little white robot. "Just a few more tweaks then you'll be ready for testing?"

"What's that?"

Hiro jumped, looking behind him to see a little girl about his age. She had long brown hair and pale blue eyes. She wore a purple beanie, a pink shirt that was a little big for her and jean shorts. She had a look of wonder as she stared at Hiro's work.

Hiro tilted his head.

"This? It's a robot. I was gonna make him be like a first aid kit of sorts." He held it up. "See?"

"Oh! Neat!" The girl sat down next to him, a grin coming to her face. "You like robots too, huh?"

Another kid who likes bots! Awesome!

"Mm-hm. I build 'em for a hobby." Hiro smiled. "It's a lot of fun."

"Do you…" The girl lowered her voice to a whisper. "Fight 'em too?"

Hiro shook his head.

"Well… least not the illegal kind. I wanna do the legal ones when I'm old enough."

"Oh… I guess that makes sense." She held up a hand. "I'm Trina by the way."

Hiro shook her hand.

"Hiro! Nice to meet'cha."

"You too!" She looked over the robot, pointing to where the batteries would be. "You want supercapacitors for that."

"Huh? I was gonna go lithium ion."

"It'll last longer and then you won't have an annoying signal flare up before it goes dead." She smirked. "It's better."

"Huh… Good point." Hiro nodded. "I'll have to do that when I get home."

Trina nodded, giggling.

"Do… you wanna play?"

"Sure! What do you like to play?"

"A lot of things but… I gotta be careful." Trina frowned. "I can't do anything too extensive."

"Huh? Why?"

Trina brought a hand to where her heart was.

"I have a heart problem. If I overwork it I'll hurt myself… and… my… guardian will get really mad too."

Hiro frowned, worry coming to his eyes.

"That's not good… Are you getting treated for it?"

She shrugged.

"In a way… But let's not talk about that." She reached into her pocket, pulling out a DS. "You play video games? I got Megaman on here."

That… was really fast. How bad is it?

Hiro looked behind him to where Black Jack was sitting. He wanted to call him over, but the way Trina was looking at him… almost in a pleading way, made him pull out his own game system.



The two began to play, both getting into their game. While Hiro still had concern plaguing his mind he figured it would be best not to press Trina further on her health.

It would be pretty rude to do so.

"Gonna get ya!" Trina grinned. "Watch this combo!"

Hiro's eyes went wide as his net navi was blasted off the screen by a blaster combo.


Trina grinned.

"I win!"

Hiro laughed, shaking his head.

"That was awesome! How'd you get that?"

"Lots of practice." She giggled, giving a proud look. "I can do all kinds of stuff like that!"

"Sounds cool! Wanna play again?" Hiro asked, a hopeful look on his face.



Trina froze up for a moment before turning around. Not too far from them was a tall slender man with slicked back dark hair and pale eyes. He looked at Trina with a very disapproving look.

"H-Hi… Dad…" She said, swallowing hard. "I… I wasn't doing anything too bad, I promise."

"You're going to invite germs into your system sitting on the ground like that."

"I-I'm okay."

He gestured for her to come closer to him. Trina frowned, a look of fear in her eyes. She looked to Hiro.

"Do you come here a lot?"

"Yeah, with my brother."

"I'll… I'll see you later then."

I hope.

Trina got up, dusting herself off before going over to her father, taking his hand.

"I'll be good, I promise."

He patted her head before leading her away. Trina looked over her shoulder at Hiro, a look he couldn't fully read on her face.

Something's not right… Why is she so scared of her own dad?


A week had gone by since then. Black Jack was surprised that Hiro wanted to go to the park again. He wasn't against it, but he was just caught off guard with how insistent Hiro was. As soon as they got to the park, Hiro was off like a bullet to one of the open areas.

Black Jack usually just let the boy run wild but something else seemed to be at work. He followed close behind. Surprise came to his eyes as he saw Hiro run towards a girl about his age.

Who in the world is that?

Hiro threw his arms around the girl, startling her before she hugged him back. Hiro was looking around, a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"He's over there." She whispered back to him. "He's gonna be mad if he sees you."

"I'm not leaving!"

"Hiro I …. We…"

Black Jack made his way over.

"What is going on over here?"

Both jumped, looking up at Black Jack. Trina's eyes were wide with fear while Hiro looked up at his brother with a pleading look.

"She's sick!" He blurted.


Black Jack gave a gentle look as he knelt to their level.

"Is that all?"

Trina was shaking. She looked to Hiro who gave a nod.

"... No." She sniffled, lowering her head. "I… Help… Please help!"

He frowned, offering an arm to her as she clung to it, crying a little.

"Sh… It'll be okay. I can fix it, I'm sure-"

"He's gonna kill me!"

Black Jack's eyes went wide.


Trina couldn't bring herself to speak as she buried his face.

Black Jack brought both his arms around her, cradling.

"Shh… it's okay. Whatever it is I'm sure I can-"

"Hands off, Black Jack."

Black Jack looked up eyes, widening. Hiro looked at well, seeing it was the man from yesterday. He sneered at Black Jack.

"She's MY patient."

Black Jack narrowed his eyes, bringing his cloak around Trina slightly.


The man glared at him, an irritated look in his eyes.

"You would be wise to let her go. I'm in charge of her."

"For what?" He growled back. "What, pray tell do you want with a child, Obake!?"

Hiro's eyes widened in horror, ducking under his brother's cloak. This was the one? The one that was killing people?

And… He wants to kill Trina too?

"To bring her peace of course." Obake narrowed his eyes. "I questioned her wanting to delay it but of course, I can't treat a patient without consent." He chuckled. "Certainly you know that, Black Jack."

Black Jack growled at the man.

"Not in the way you look at it, Obake. You're cruel in just leading her on."

"Leading her on? Please. She had no one to go to but me. Her caretakers weren't sure what to do either and they didn't want her suffering so, I stepped in. They handed her over and well, things are taking longer than expected but as I said, can't do anything without consent. Isn't that right, dear daughter?"

Trina didn't look at him, burying her face more into Black Jack's vest.

"I don't wanna die…" She whimpered, sobbing a little. "I didn't know what he meant before… I don't wanna go!"

"Trina, it won't be-"


Black Jack stood up fully, holding Trina close to him. His brown eyes burned with rage as he stared Obake down. Obake just stared back with a dismissive look, scoffing.

"By what means could you possibly take her from me? Wouldn't be a very legal thing to do. Then again, I guess that's how we both work. We're similar like that."

Black Jack snarled.

"You and I are NOT the same."

Obake chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Really now? We both work outside of the law, lauded as heroes, practically gods by those who we work with… and at the least, we both even have young ones under our care."

"I would never kill Hiro." He growled. "You… You never even think about what her odds could be! You just decided to play with her life!"

"Tch. Like her caregivers hadn't thought about that before. You know, not everyone can afford you, right?"

I can't believe I'm going to even make this offer.

"Then… You won't care if I level with you for a second? Why don't we see who's right?"


"I operate on her. She lives and not only lives but thrives, she's mine. She passes or she starts to suffer… You can do whatever it is they paid you for."

Obake pondered over this before smiling.

"Fair enough. Quite the price you'll pay if she dies."

Black Jack held Trina closer.

"I'm willing to take that risk."

"Very well."

Trina looked up at him, stunned. He gave her a gentle look as he lead the way to his car.

"I swear… I'll do all in my power."

And I'll have to. He can't even have one chance at harming her.


Black Jack furrowed his brow at the results he was looking at for Trina.

Two weakened valves… How on Earth did this happen?

He glanced over his shoulder to where the girl was currently sitting. She was on the couch in the living room of his home, huddled up close to Hiro. She had been crying a lot on the way up to their home but had thankfully calmed down now, though she was still shaking. Hiro kept his arms around her, stroking her back.

They both looked up as he entered the room, kneeling to their level.

"Trina? I got your results."

She swallowed hard, terror in the young girl's eyes. He gave her a gentle look.

"I can fix this."

"... Huh?" She looked at him in shock.

"It'll be difficult and it's going to hurt a little after I am done but I can repair both the valves in your heart."

"You… You can…?"

Black Jack nodded.

"All I need is your consent to go in and fix it."

Trina looked to Hiro.

"He's… He's not lying right?"

Hiro shook his head, hugging her tighter.

"Nope. He's the real deal. He operated on me too when I first met him!"

Trina looked up at Black Jack, her eyes narrowing into a determined look.

"Then… Do the operation. I wanna live! I wanna prove him wrong!"

"Then, let's get to it."

Preparations were immediately made… including calling in Obake to observe. Black Jack was unsettled about having the man in his house but a deal was a deal. So much as one wrong move and he could have Trina all for himself. Didn't make having him stand off to the side of the operating room any less uncomfortable.

"Careful now, Black Jack. She is pretty small so… work carefully. Not to mention keep the stress levels in mind too." Obake said, a smirk most likely present under his mask. "Good luck.

Black Jack rolled his eyes.

"Hiro, scalpel, please."

Hiro handed it over, worry in his eyes.

"Here you go brother."

He took a deep breath to steady himself.

"Let's begin."

With that, the operation was underway. Black Jack moved as quickly but as carefully as he could around the girl's heart, keeping in mind that even the slightest mistake meant it was all over.

Just keep hanging in there Trina. You're doing so good.

Hiro held her hand under the tarp, his free hand handing his brother anything he asked for.

Please… hang in there Trina. You can do this.

Trina had been on a heart lung machine the entirety of the procedure. It would come down to what would happen once she was taken off of it. Repairing and replacing the valves, while difficult, wasn't impossible.

Black Jack held his breath as he disconnected her carefully, praying that this would work.

He waited… as no response came. A loud flatline screeching across the monitor before him.

"Pity. It appears you already did my job for me. Managed to kill her after all-"

"Hiro! Get me the epinephrine now!"

"Y-Yes brother!"

Black Jack mentally counted in his mind how long she had left, he just had to get her heart beating again.

And if he's so convinced the deal is done… She died once. Brought back she's no longer under his watch.

Obake just smiled as he watched as the monitors continued to screech a flatline. It amused him how hard Black Jack was trying. He chuckled, closing his eyes.

Give it up. She's as a good as gone-



Obake's eyes snapped open as he saw a steady rhythm start to beat across the monitor.

"Pulse recovered!" Hiro cheered. "And a stable one too!"

Black Jack sighed in relief.

"She's going to be just fine. Let's close her up. Sutures."

He closed up the operation field, before looking to Obake, a confident look in his eyes.


"How?" He growled, storming up to him. "We had a deal!"

"And I fulfilled it. She was dead for four minutes… but now she's come back. I told you, if she survives, I was the victor."

"You said if there any complications-"

"That I couldn't fix. Yes. But, I did fix it. Thus… you lose Obake." Black Jack narrowed his eyes. "Now… Get. Out. Of. My. House."

He growled, ripping off his mask.

"This isn't over… This is far from over."

"I believe it is. Now, don't let the door hit you on the way out!"

Obake growled, but knew he had been defeated. He gave them a cold look as he left, leaving the two alone.

Hiro hugged his brother's arm.

"Brother… are things going to be okay?"

"Yeah." Black Jack patted his head. "I can't stop Obake all the time… but at the very least." He looked to Trina. "I was able to this time.


Trina was groggy as she awoke. She was a nicely set up room. Far better than any patient room she had ever seen. There were stuffed toys on the bed, a little pink computer set up on a desk and… there was a Megaman poster hanging right next to her bed.

Where… am I?

The door opened as Hiro peered inside. Their eyes met as he threw it open, running up to her.

"You're awake! Bro! Trina's up!"

"Easy Hiro, don't startle her!"

Trina looked at him confused. It hadn't just been that easy, right? It seemed like she had been awake only a few minutes ago.

Hiro climbed up beside her, taking her hand.

"You've been out for awhile… How do you feel?"

"Sleepy… What happened?"

Is… he out there? Waiting?

Black Jack sat down on the edge of her bed, giving a warm smile.

"The operation was a complete success. You'll be on strict bed rest for awhile but with time, you'll have a perfectly functioning heart… and you are now under my care till further notice, Trina."

Her eyes widened, getting misty… before she sat up, throwing her arms around his neck. He held her close, stroking her back.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She laughed, crying tears of joy. She was going to live. Going to have a chance to grow up and be normal.

"And you get to stay here now too!" Hiro joined in the embrace. "This is all your stuff!"


"Yep. Hiro and I did a quick run to the store and well… only got a few things that he knew you liked. I figured we could go again later when you were awake so we could pick out things you really want. Sound fair?"

She nodded, giving a bright smile.

"Really fair!"

Black Jack smiled, ruffling her hair.

"Welcome home, Trina."

Trina giggled, sighing happily.

"Good to be home… Though… does this make me a sister? Or am I just someone living here?"

"You're, your own person. No one's going to decide your destiny for you except you."

"Then… I'm just me. That's… That's okay right?"

Black Jack smiled.

"That is perfectly okay."

She sighed happily, keeping close.

I'm safe.

Hiro smiled, taking her hand in his.

That's my big brother for ya. He'll save everyone if he can.

After all, you save one life…

You save the world.

The End