The Bite


It was night on a full moon. Dipper was looking through the forest for a new creature to find, he found some tracks. "What the hell?" Dipper exclaimed. He heard a rustle. "Who's there?! Is that you Mabel?" Dipper asked. All he heard was a low growl. Dipper began to run. He ran as fast as he could though the forest. He saw the Mystery Shack faintly, but then a furry dog like creature with strange red hair hopped in front of him. "AGH! DONT EAT ME!" Dipper yelled.

"Dipper! Help!" said a familiar voice. But the voice was in his head.

"Who are you!?" Dipper yelled in fright.

"It's me! Wendy! I got bite by a werewolf and now I'm a werewolf too!" Wendy said.

"Oh my gawd!" Dipper yelled. "But it's turning morning." Dipper said.

"Who cares! Run!"

Chapter One

It was a sunny day out. Everything was normal. Grunkle Stan was ripping people off, Great Uncle Ford was being a nerd scientist, Dipper and Mabel were fighting some gnomes, and Wendy was roaming the woods. "Such a beautiful place." Wendy remarked. Wendy heard some yells about 30 yard away and saw Dipper and Mabel fighting the occasional gnome group. "You guys need any help?" Wendy asked.

"YES PLEASE!" Mabel yelled. Wendy got out her axe and scared the gnomes away.

"You guys want to walk with me?" Wendy asked.

"Yes!" Dipper replied quickly. Mabel looked at Dipper strangely. As they walked around the forest at sundown, they stumbled upon a cave.

"Dipper, go see what's inside!" Mabel said teasingly.

"No! Why doesn't Wendy go?" Dipper snapped.

"Okay okay, I'll go." Wendy said. She approached the weird cave and saw some little puppys.

"Aw." Wendy whispered. Then out of the shade, a wolf appeared. Wendy froze. The wolf walked towards her and sniffed her out trying to despise if she was foe or friend. The wolf smelled something foul and bit Wendy on the leg and ran off with the pups.

"AGH HELP!" Wendy screamed.

"Ohmygod! I'm so sorry Wendy! This is all my fault!"

"Dipper! We need to get her to a hospital now! She's bleeding a lot!" Mabel yelled.

Wendy woke up in a hospital with Grunkle Stan, Mabel, and Dipper.

"Shh! She's waking up!"

"What happened to me?" Wendy said softly.

"You were attacked by a wolf." Mabel said.

"What time is it?" Wendy asked.

"It's 6:34 pm," said Grunkle Stan. Wendy sighed. She got up aching and hurting. She walked with everyone else to sign her out of the hospital. They all went into the car except Wendy. She walked to her house alone. Her clothes were shredded, but enough to to cover herself and her, parts. She turned on he TV and started watching a movie about werewolves. About one hour into the movie, she felt a tingly feeling. Then a slight pain.

"Ow. What the hell?" Wendy complained. Then it began. Her body was in the most pain it had ever experienced. Her bones began to move and her head began to mold. Then after the most painful three and a half minutes. She felt fine.

"Oh. What happened to me?" Wendy said to herself, but her lips didn't move. She could only think to herself. She looked a mirror and saw she was a 9 foot wolf. A werewolf. Then her wolf senses began to tingle and she went into the wood to find prey. She jumped out the window and ran to a cave she senses that was one hundred yards away. She crept onto a cave with some bear cubs all alone. The wolf her thought nothing and tried to motion Wendy's mind to kill and eat them. She could say no. She was forced onto her legs and attacked her prey. After a gory blood shed, she sensed that she was being watched. She shook off that thought and walked home on all fours. She felt really full and felt that the real her was coming out. The she blacked out.

"Ow, everything hurts." Wendy sighed. She was once again back at the hospital. But she was behind the hospital butt naked nasty. Her clothes were ripped apart by the werewolf her, and she couldn't remember most of the night. She saw Dipper walking around the hospital for some reason. She immediately hid behind a bush and watched him.

"Where is that wolf?" Dipper complained. Then Wendy accidentally made a loud noise and Dipper started to walk towed her bush.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shitt!" Wendy whispered fearfully. Dipper drew a dagger and jumped over her bush. He completely ignored the fact that Wendy was in the nude and said, "Wendy! Run!"

"No way! I'm naked!"Wendy yelled back

"There's a wolf behind you!" Dipper yelled. But the wolf did not attack. It smacked Dipper off and rubbed itself on Wendy.

"What the hell? What happened last night?" Wendy asked.

"I don't know, but it better not happen again.

Later that night, Dipper was in Wendy's room watching over her.

"What were you doing back there?" Dipper asked.

" out...yeah" Wendy said stammering. She looked at her clock and it said 6:57, then Wendy said, "You better leave."

"Why, whatever it is, I can handle it!" Dipper replied. Wendy felt the werewolf her was about to come out. Dipper saw that her bones where moving. To Wendy, this was way less painful than the first time. Then in a minute and a half, she was a werewolf.

"You look beautiful!" Dipper exclaimed.

"No I'm not! I'm hideous!" Wendy said. But she remembered he could hear her.

"Why aren't you talking?" Dipper asked. She used her claws to write on the floor, 'I can't talk.' He understood. Then, she felt a dark feeling. 'Bite him!' A voice said.

"No!" Wendy snapped in her head. Then, the werewolf her took over and bit Dipper.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Dipper yelled. He was losing blood fast. He took his Journal and hit the werewolf in the eye. The werewolf made a monstrous roar. Dipper ran to the hospital, which was not that far. Dipper remembered the dream he had of Wendy while he was running. The one where he was ironically in the woods with Wendy, werewolf Wendy.

'Oh my god! I'm gonna die in the woods!' Dipper thought.

'No, just keep running, just keep running,' Dipper said over and over in his head. Then he saw everything go black.

'No!' Dipper said before he blacked out.