Oh... Erm... Hello again! taking a short break from AO3 for a moment to post this here.

I stumbled across all the lovely reviews you've all left and wow, you all rock!

this is the latest chapter posted on AO3, I've hit an inspiration snag and had a few other plot bunnies take hold (if you like Fem!HP I'm your jam!) that have halted it's progress for a bit, but that's life...

anyways, if you're interested you can find me at the link below:


This (for real this time) will be my last post on Fanfiction, I just want to say thank you again for being so supportive and responsive to this story that started on a whim (I've never been a great writer) and encouraging me to keep going with it.

I hope to see you guys on AO3, but if not, I wish you all a very fond farewell 3

The atmosphere in the room was like a drug.

Eric and I both in some sort of post orgasmic haze with Godric standing over us, a stabilizing force in the whirlwind of emotions swirling around the room as nothing was said.

To this thank a few months ago, I knew I wouldn't have recognized myself now.

And yet… this was the most content I could remember being since… ever.

Eric and I were similar in temperament; we egged each other on, or pissed each other off constantly, but, with Godric being with us, these past few days. He was like a stabilizing agent, added to the mix to ensure stability.

The calming eye in the center of a hurricane.

If Eric was an open flame, Godric was the soft heat of a thermal pool. Him standing over us now, there was nothing sexy or erotic about it, but the gleam on his eyes, the subtle heat that was near tangible as his gaze raked over Eric and I.

Silently I held out my wrist to him, my eyes never leaving his face as I watched the faintest hints of emotion flash by in a near instant.

"I am very old, Sanna, I do not need any." He gently took my wrist and started to guide it back to my side before my muscles gave protest, raising my arm right back up as I smiled.

"It's not about need, Godric, what do you want?" I asked, the 'after sex' husky tone of my voice causing Eric to shift, groaning as Godric's hand tightened, unmoving for a long minute looking first at me, then Eric.

I couldn't see Eric's face, but whatever was there seemed to tip Godric over the edge and the next thing my wrist was put down and his hand stroked at my neck.

"May I?" his accented voice a faint whisper next to my ear, groaning my head tilted to the side in assent before I felt the painful pinch of his fangs.

"Ahh!" I couldn't help but groan, partially from the discomfort, but partially from Eric's hand which had wandered down to start playing with my clit in a deliciously brutal tempo.

My hands both found their way to one of their heads it ground me before Godric pulled away and looked down at me, his eyes seeming to glow with new life as a few drops of blood clung to his lips.

But before he could lick them off, I felt Eric lean forward his lips claiming Godric's in a messy kiss right as the thin wire I had been hanging on to snapped and I came again to the vision of Eric and Godric lip locked with me between them.

Coming down from the high, I could feel the last few days catching up with me (and perhaps the blood loss…) as everything took on a dreamy quality.

My limbs felt heavy, and as Eric resumed his original seated position I found myself succumbing to sleep.

Looking down at Sanna in his arms, Eric couldn't help being amused at her slumbering state. Taking in her rumbled clothing and the two bites framing her neck… she had never looked better.

"I informed her of her heritage." Godric stated quietly as he leaned back against the desk, also looking down at the little telepath they both were so enamored with.

Eric glanced down again, taking in the changes that had come to prominence as of a few days ago. Sanna no longer looked as she had when he first met her, her features had sharpened, eyes tapered, coloring enhanced. And her scent… no… her blood

It was intoxicating.

He couldn't help himself tonight, when she had appeared in such a complimentary outfit smelling like sunshine and life. Looking up he noted Godric observing her as well.

"And how did she take it? Well I'm assuming?" he asked in a wry tone as he started to right her clothing and shift her into a better position.

Godrics smile was enough answer as he added

"She's an interesting girl." The small mischievous smile on his face a welcomed sight after what seemed like (and probably was) centuries.

"She's that." Eric agreed, idly stroking her hair now twisting a few strands into small braids.

"I feel… quite drawn to her." Godric stated "not just for her blood, or sarcasm…" he then reached forward, hands almost mimicking Eric's as he carded them through her hair.

"Godric?" Eric had to be sure what he was saying now, because while he had no problems sharing between themselves, the lines would have to be made very clear.

"…it is nothing you need worry about, Eric." His firm tone brokered no objections "it is for a much later time, for now, tell me about your life here."


*sometime in the not too distant future*

"You're watching it with me."

"No" Eric sighed for the hundredth time as he tried to ignore Sanna's repeated (futile) pulls on his arm in the direction of the living room.

"But you have too! How else am I supposed to know if they got things right or not!" she whined, giving up the tugging and opting to drape herself over his back in dramatics.

"Get Godric to watch it with you." He replied shortly before attempting once more to focus on his e-mails.

"It wouldn't be the same!" she wailed "who else could say they watched Vikings with an actual Viking!?" she continued to attempt to impede any chance for productive activities as he internally started to smile, by her tone he knew she was close to conceding… he just had to wait for…

"Fine!" that.

"I'll do the thing. Just pleaaaase watch it with me?" her tone resigned as she accepted defeat before he swept her up in his arms.

"Oh Lover, you're going to do 'the thing'" he mocked her term for it "and you're going to like it." He couldn't keep the grin off his face as she glared up at him.

"You're a cheat." She huffed, her angry expression not quite reaching her eyes that were gleaming in anticipation.

"No Lover," he dropped onto the couch, keeping her in his lap while he copped a feel, grinning salaciously.

"I'm a Viking."