Potions lessons that involved both Gryffindor and Slytherin students were always tense, and that morning was no different. There seemed to be an invisible line that divided the red and green ties, the only form of communication they shared were insults, and Severus Snape found it highly amusing. He had set the fifth years on a task to create an ageing potion that, once taken, should increase one's age by ten years. He did it specifically so that any of his students whom considered marrying one of their peers, would face what they would look like in a decade, he much enjoyed playing God in his students lives.
"Very well" he stood from his chair and slowly began evaluating the colours forming in the cauldrons, all seemed well. "Take one spoonful each, if you take any more you will be stuck as a twenty five year old" he lied- an increase in portion would merely increase the affects to twenty years, but he didn't wish to deal with that in his classroom.
Slowly each student began to hesitantly consume the potion, and their faces screwed in pain as their gangly limbs became muscular and in proportion, some began to clap and cheer as their acne disappeared, Lavender Brown let out a cry of aggravation and Snape could only guess that it was because her flat chest had barely changed at all.
"um... Professor" came the ever nervous voice of Neville Longbottom, Snape turned on his heel, nose already upturned in annoyance.
"Yes" he answered slowly, he enjoyed watching as the now 6 foot boy looked even more awkward in his body than usual.
"Hermione... she's gone... I - I made her disappear" his low voice cracked in fear as the Potions Master's eyes went black
"You did what ?!" He demanded sharply, taking long strides to the desk that Mr Longbottom had shared with Miss Granger, in the girl's place were her robes, which lay in a heap on the stone floor. For a blind moment Snape was at a loss for words. How could a boy born to such incredibly gifted parents be incompetent enough to vanish a girl from an ageing spell? Then a small, solemn whimper could be heard coming from the disregarded cloth on the floor, and a lump that slowly grew made itself known until a stark naked child appeared, causing shrieks of manic laughter. Snape would have laughed cruelly at the bazaar situation, however now that a Professor Umbridge had been sent from the Ministry to spy on Hogwarts and its inhabitants, he realised it would not exactly look appropriate if he and his students were seen snickering at a naked toddler.
"Granger" he demanded the girl's attention, "are you in any pain?"
His worst fears were confirmed when the brunette merely stared at him in fear. He could feel a headache forming in the front of his temple, it seemed that the potion had regressed Granger's mental abilities too. He kneeled down and quickly wrapped the too-big robes round the child and guided her in the direction of the door.
"Silence!" He barked at his students, who were chattering loudly, he felt the little child jump slightly and mentally cursed himself "You will work in complete silence until I return from taking Miss Granger to the hospital ward" he softened his tone only slightly before striding in the direction of help.
Minerva McGonagall had a headache; school had only begun two weeks ago yet the scrutinising gaze of a particular pompous pink squeaking ministry worker brought an awful prescience and pressure on her shoulders, thus why she had decided to take a stroll through the corridors and ensure that Professor Umbridge was not seeing things she shouldn't.
"Morning Severus" she said instinctively, having seen the billowing black robes from the corner of her eye, a small bundle of brown curly hair followed him and for a few more steps Minerva thought nothing of it, until she remembered that Professor Flitwick was teaching, as should Snape be! She retraced her steps until she was standing opposite the Potion's Master, and glanced at - yes, it was a child- scandalously.
"Severus, is that a child you have with you?" she could barely keep the shrill tone in her voice from escalating.
"No Minerva, I told Filius to try some anti-wrinkle cream and it seems to have worked wonders" He answered in his usual sarcastic drawl
"Don't get sharp with me Severus!" Occasionally she could not help but see her colleague as the student he once was to her, and it still felt odd when he spoke to her in such a casual manner. "Where did you get her?" yet before he could answer, she crouched so that she was eye level with the little girl, who looked positively terrified, "and what is your name, wee one?" she asked in her softest voice. The child looked hesitant, and waited a few moments before answering,
McGonagall froze, and slowly stood until she was staring straight in Snape's pained eyes.
"Severus, are you telling me that somehow Hermione, MY Hermione has been regressed to a child?" Her tone was deathly calm, as she did not wish to frighten the child.
"Blame Mr Longbottom, he is responsible for making a royal mess of what should have been a simple potion" he said sharply, "I was attempting to solve the issue by taking her to Poppy"
"In nothing but robe that is far too big?!" Minerva half shrieked, however seeing the little Hermione begin to tremble, she wavered, "Hermione, come here sweet heart, we're going to make you better" she said, taking the infant in her arms. It felt rather odd to be holding such a small child, as she had not done so in many years, however the impressionability of the little one brought out something that could only be described as maternal instinct.
"Am I sick?" Hermione asked in a solemn voice, it was clear she had the same maturity from a young age from how her hazel coloured eyes filled with knowledge.
"No sweetheart, not exactly, but it's time to visit a very lovely nurse"
"In all my years: never have I heard of such a thing happening, the- the ingredients are completely different in regression spells!" Madam Pomphrey vented as she wracked through her cupboards of medicine. By this point, Albus had been informed of the incident and the four adults remained in the hospital wing with a rather helpless child, who had not relaxed in the fifteen minutes that she had been there.
"Severus, surely you know of a potion to aid Miss Granger?" The headmaster said in his ever relaxed, light tone as he sat next to the child on the hospital bed and placed an arm round her shoulders.
"I do know of one, but it must take months to make at least" Snape drawled
"B-but Hermione has her O.W.L.S this year!" Minerva fretted
"she's years ahead of her peers, you know what Minerva" Dumbledore responded easily, before turning to the child who was gazing up at him in wonder, "say Hermione, you wouldn't happen to know how old you are, my dear?" he asked kindly
"Four" she said with a hint of pride in her voice,
"she must be confused. Hermione turned 15 but a week ago, the potion was made to regress her by ten years" Minerva pointed out,
"ah" He never thought he would have to share this, and dearest Minerva was likely to be more than irked that she was kept in the dark, "Miss Granger was placed ahead of her year at her primary education, thus making her a year younger than her current peers"
Snape raised an eyebrow, and McGonagall flailed her long arms in the air as a means of exasperation, "did you ever think to tell me this Albus? That one of my Cubs was a year younger, so that I could keep an extra eye on her! What about on her first year? She was only ten!" The head of Gryffindor House seemed horrified.
"You know as well as I do how mature our Hermione is, she handles herself well" Dumbledore was about to continue when he felt someone tug at his sleeve, and he turned to face the small child with only kindness written in the lines of his face.
"Excuse me" she said in her polite, childlike tone, "are you Father Christmas?"
All the adults in the room shades looks of amusement at the little Hermione's innocence. Any responsible, mature man in his right mind would respond honestly, and say that they were not Santa, that Santa lived in the North Pole. Unfortunately, Albus Dumbledore was neither of these things, at least not today, and his blue eyes twinkled from behind his moon spectacles, and he gave a cry of utter elation,
"How clever you are! Why, I am as a matter of fact!" He scooted closer to the girl, who was looking up at him as if he held the answers to the universe, and clung to every word he said, "So you must tell me Hermione, what do you want for Christmas?" He smiled, enjoying as his student's usually serious face broke into one of innocent thought, "A cat please, if it's not too much trouble, and a letter explaining to mother and father that we must keep the cat under any circumstanceses" she stumbled on the long word but remained oblivious, "or maybe...maybe Magic the cat so it goes invisible 'cept I can see him" she suggested rather solemnly
"I will do my very best to get you a cat as soon as I can, one which you can call your own" the old wizard promised.
"And on the topic of mummy's and daddy's?" Snape prompted, and the Headmaster sighed.
"she cannot return to her home in this state. You see, soon her brain will begin to flicker and struggle against the sudden changes, she will begin to remember things that have happened to her, and at one point I wouldn't be surprised if she saw the future"
"The future, Albus? You must be joking"
"I am quite serious, Severus" he deliberately looked straight into the eyes of those around him, "The mind will stretch and constrict again, and whisky of course the future may change, met mind will play images of things that have not yet happened" he said gravely, and we cannot risk the chance of muggles hearing any ghastly event that takes place here"
"maybe they should, maybe they should take her away from the castle, from the war before it's too late" Minerva spoke semi seriously as she sat on the other side of her favourite student and brought her closer to her instinctively.
Albus sighed, "it's already too late, as much as it pains me to admit. Ronald and Harry very much depend on Hermione, and will not make it without her"
"So where will she go?" Asked Minerva almost accusingly, the question caught Hermione's attention also, and she looked with great interest as to what the adults were saying.
"There is only one place safe enough"
Mr and Mrs Weasley bustled into Hogwarts castle as soon as they could, and strode through the familiar corridors of their teenage years until they arrived at Albus Dumbledore's office. Immediately they spotted her, the charming, intelligent girl they had known for five years, was now barely 40 inches tall and staring idly at the grand case of books the old wizard kept.
"Oh Hermione!" Molly couldn't help gasp, she was so little! It had been such a long time since any of her kids had been so small, and she remembered that stage of their life with a mournful smile. Hermione, however, was looking slightly alarmed, and stood as if she were ready to run away should she need to.
"My name is Molly, you know me but might not remember me quite yet" The plump red head woman confessed, and Hermione nodded slowly. Arthur had already begun to talk about contracts and guardianship laws with Albus, and it had been specified that Hermione was not to leave Grimmauld Place for long, she was already known by Voldemort and his followers as a friend of Harry Potter's and could easily be used as bait. Molly shuddered at the thought.
"Where am I going?" Hermione asked innocently, "can't I stay with Santa?"
Both the Weasley's chuckled, before Albus began to explain,
"My dear girl, I have much work to do before Christmas, it's only a few months away you know! So you're going to stay with two dear friends of mine, and if you're good, you may even get you Christmas present early" he winked.
"I'll be good! I promise!" Hermione said eagerly, making the adults smile.
"Ensure she spends time with Remus and Sirius, won't you? I imagine they both need cheering up" Dumbledore confessed as he guided his guests to the grand fire place that resided on the left wall. Molly nodded, holding the child so her weight rested against her hip, although doubted she could fulfil such a demand- Remus possibly, but Sirius... Sirius was a wild card, certainly not someone she wished to influence such a young mind.
"Why are we standing in the fire place?" Hermione's voice was distinctively nervous
"This is called the Floo Network, Hermione" Arthur replied enthusiastically, "it's a way of transportation"
She nodded, but didn't sound too sure.
"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt a bit" Molly assured her, with one hand she grabbed a large amount of green sand like powder.
"bye Santa!" she exclaimed with a sudden burst of confidence
"Good bye Hermione, remember to be good"
Yet Santa's words were soon lost in a swirl of luminous green flames, and Hermione clung to Mrs Weasley instinctively, the whirling and loud noise went in for barely three seconds before they came to an abrupt halt, and once Hermione was placed on the floor again she felt quite dizzy. The blurry dark colours and somewhat dismal green furniture seemed to blend into the off white walls, and it smelled of smoke. The door that presumably led to a hall was open, and, after looking at Mrs Weasley for permission she slowly made her way into the dim, narrow corridor. Somewhere in the distance a door slammed, making her jump, but then to Hermione's horror, two small curtains pulled open revealing a pale, beaky woman who instantly began to screech at the top of her voice,
Hermione covered her ears, not fully believing that a picture could talk! She felt herself being lifted by strong arms and carried quickly to the front door of the house, before hand a passage appeared revealing a pitch black orb. Suddenly frightened, Hermione squirmed in her captors arms, "shhh" a voice whispered in her ear, "pretend you didn't just hear what my mother just said wont you Hermione?" he asked, for her shrieking could still be heard in the distance. "I have her!" The man shouted in the direction to the now closed door. The man was still holding her tightly, and she felt incredibly confused.
"how do you know my name?" Hermione asked almost indignantly
"You've stayed here at my house before, twice actually"
"Mm" The child was clearly dissatisfied with the information she had been provided with, and she felt her confusion rise in intangible clouds of smoke in her head.
"What's your name?" she asked
"I'm Sirius"
"Sirirus, no ... um"
"you can call me padfoot" he said in a kinder tone. It was rather amusing to see the generally all knowing teenager Hermione in the form of a young infant.
"Where's Molly?" she asked accusingly
"She's going to get that nasty lady to be quiet" the man said
"your mum?"
"that's the one"
"why is she trapped in a painting?" she asked innocently, she didn't understand why he began laughing, slowly they began lowering the stairs, and Hermione clutched at the man's collar for fear of him dropping her.
"She was very mean and needed to be punished and so the Universe decided to trap her in a painting forever" he said solemnly.
"...where are you taking me?"
"To a group of very nice people, who knew you before but you don't remember" He informed her, and she felt his hand reach for a door handle. She didn't like this, she didn't want to meet more people and she was very, very confused.
She was brought into a very bright, long room with faded orange walls and a rectangular table consuming most of the space, and most fearfully of all there were many, many people watching her.
"Introducing Hermione jr" Sirius joked, and she didn't understand that either. Thank fully Mr and Mrs Weasley came into the room, at least they knew her.
"careful Sirius, you're going to overwhelm her" said a man from the far end of the table. Hermione said nothing, but kept her eyes wide and made sure to note everyone's appearances.
"Why don't you take her Moony?" Again Hermione felt herself moving in quick strides, to he passed to another person that she didn't know.
"Sirius I never meant that-" Lupins pleas were interrupted by the small girl that he could easily identify to be his star pupil Hermione Granger. It was rather odd to see her in such a state, and the confusion and fear in her young eyes pained him.
"I don't know who you are" Hermione whispered nervously, and he could see the emotion building up in her eyes.
"I know you don't sweet heart. My name is Remus" he said calmly, watching as she nodded slowly, and also how her chest rose in an irregular rhythm and her pupils displayed in panic as she's slowly looked at those around her. It was an outright foolish idea to bring her to Grimmauld Place, where the most commotion went on. "Hermione" he said quietly, but her wide eyes met his in an instant, "do you want to go upstairs?" he asked, and she nodded quickly. Somehow he found himself holding the child close as she buried her face in his chest, Molly and Tonks were positively beaming in their seats, but Lupin did not care to look.
"Keep quiet or you'll wake the portrait" he whispered, the last thing she needed was another racial attack. He decided to take Hermione to the music room, which had only a sofa, a book shelf and a rusting piano in its walls. He partially closed the door and carefully sat on the ugly green sofa (Sirius's mother had awful taste) only to find that the little girl still clung to him. "You can let go, there's no one else here" he told her with a slight smile, she slowly sat up and looked around the room with the same curiosity he saw in Hermione when he first met her, back when she was thirteen.
"Hermione, has anyone explained to you what's happened?" he asked her carefully
"Santa explained a bit, but I didn't understand and was too scared to ask again" she admitted, he laughed at the Headmaster being seen as Father Christmas, admittedly he did look the part, but mentally sighed at how the child had been kept in the dark. This was Hermione after all, she was incredibly intelligent and devoured information like air.
"Well" he began, "a few hours ago you were at secondary school, you were fifteen. But a potion went wrong and that's why you're a four year old again" he explained slowly, he could practically here her little brain ticking away at the information.
"I was fifteen?" she exclaimed, as if it were the most magical age to be, "that's old!" her eyes however, were filled with glitters of curiosity. "And- and I went to big school?!"
"Yes, you went to big school, you're top of the class" Remus was glad to inform her, and her face filled with joy,
"me?" she squealed, utterly delighted, and Remus couldn't help but match her joy, yet there was another question that needed to be answered.
"Hermione, what was the last thing you remembered before being at the castle?" he asked, looking directly at her.
"I- I don't know" she said, seeming rather troubled by the fact.
"you know who your mummy and daddy are don't you?" he encouraged, fingers crossed that the potion hasn't altered those parts of her memories.
"Yes" Hermione answered fairly quickly, but looked troubled again.
"And how do you feel... about today?" he asked in a therapist like tone, the little Hermione tugged at the sleeves of her shirt and shrugged. He could hardly blame her, it was a lot for anyone to deal with in one day, let alone a four year old.
"It's okay to feel scared" he comforted. He had remembered when, after her near death experience (which was his fault) he had asked how she felt, she had shrugged it off, and even after Harry had openly admitted he had been terrified, Hermione had insisted that she was fine.
Before they could continue their conversation, Mrs Weasley stuck her head through the gap of the door and informed them that it was time for supper.
Hi guys, I know a lot of you liked the Remus and Sirius chapters with Hermione in my other story so I thought I would dedicate a fluffy mess to you all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know! x