AN: I am so, so sorry.

Leo was happy. Calypso was always by his side, and that was all he needed anymore for fulfillment. As long as she was with him, he was okay.

He thought he was dead. He should've been dead, after all; surviving an explosion followed by a fall to earth from thousands of feet in the air was a very difficult thing to pull off. But Leo did it, and he was more than successful.

He didn't know how often Piper and Jason visited his grave, resting flowers on it until nobody could see the dirt beneath them anymore. They went there almost every day, until it became part of their routine.

Calypso wanted to see everything the world had to offer. So Leo took her on Festus, and they toured the world until they'd seen literally everything. There wasn't a place that they refused to visit.

Of course, Leo found it odd that they never ran into any questing demigods, but Calypso didn't mind, so neither did he.

He didn't know how guilty Hazel felt, how she wanted so badly to speak up and say that Leo was going to die, but she couldn't. Because Hazel kept her promises, no matter how much they hurt.

Leo was in love. There was no other way to put it. Calypso lit him up inside, and as weird as it was to say such things, it was unbelievably true. He couldn't deny it.

He didn't know how much Percy had blamed himself when they'd found his body. Another demigod, another comrade, another friend, dead because he couldn't save them. It should have been him.

It all seemed sort of surreal. Leo lived in a dream world, whether he knew it or not, but he didn't mind, because Calypso lived in his dream world with him. Time didn't have to pass. They could live in their moments forever and ever.

He didn't know that even Frank shed tears at his funeral. Sure, Leo could be annoying, but Frank still cared for him, and when he was asked to speak, he couldn't do it. His words couldn't possibly do him justice.

Every day was filled with laughter, smiling, and happiness that Leo had only felt on the Argo II. Sometimes, he did think of them, but to his displeasure, the thoughts were forgotten immediately after they sprung to the front of his mind. That was the only part of his life that he didn't enjoy; that his friends weren't alongside him to enjoy his experiences with him, but Calypso made up for all of that.

He didn't know that Annabeth had known he was dead from the moment she'd been told what Nike had said to them, and how she couldn't even look at his grave while it was being filled, because gods, she should've said something.

Leo was happy. After everything he'd been through, happiness was hard to come by, but Calypso made him feel happy and cheerful and on cloud nine.

He didn't know that he was dead.

Leo didn't know that he was in Elysium, and that he believed he'd found Calypso again because if he was with her, he'd be happier than he'd ever be. Calypso was Leo's Elysium. If he had her, he didn't need paradise.