Hello my dear readers!
I know I have been absent for a very long time, but things happened in my life. I am not going to bore you with the details, but it was a rough time for me around the time I stopped updating.
I had a serious depression that almost turned to a very dark side. I am not going to hide. I was considering hurting myself. I saw no way out. It was because of the amazing help of friends, near and far, who held onto me and I didn't slip into a mnightmare of my own making.
The reason why I am telling you this is a little selfish. I want to say it out loud. I wanted to kill myself. But I didn't. I want to thank all of those who helped me through that rough time. You know who you are. I love you all.
As for the update for this story I don't know when, hopefully soon. After my breakdown I had to find myself again, find some inner peace and during this time I was just unable to write much. A few poems, a few ideas.
On a more positive note. Last time I wrote I left a note saying that two of my stories are nominated for an award each. I am proud to say both received 1st place. Thank you all for voting.
Right now I am involved ina new story, an original for this year's NaNoWriMo. It is called "Chronicles of an post-apocalyptic warzone" and you can read it on wattpad (my username is cloakseeker) or you can go to my blog christiwind. tumblr. com (no spaces).
If you do I would love to hear your opinions, comments, suggestions etc.
Thank you once again.
Christina a.k.a. CloakSeeker