I'm back ! Ahahaha! This first chapter is really short ( guess you guys must've already noticed. He he). Also WARNING: this is a Kyoya x Haruhi story! The chances of Tamaki and Haruhi happening are somewhat slim (but not totally impossible *wink wink*). I guess it depends on how this all pans out though...

Disclaimer:I don't own Ouran. (No matter how much I wish upon a star)

Onto the story!


Everyone knew that Tamaki Suoh liked the new girl Haruhi Fujioka. Nobody was surprised when they started dating. He was known to be incredibly charming and kind hearted. He had used that to his advantage successfully captivated her.

Everyone was surprised when they broke up a year later. What had happened? They were the golden couple. A rich guy and a commoner girl overcoming their struggles in order to be together.

Nobody knew that all along Tamaki had his doubts.

Well, almost nobody knew. Haruhi noticed. Of course he'd have his doubts. She was economically poor compared to him. His grandmother didn't approve of her and oh how he wanted his grandmother to accept him. Things like that don't go unoticed for much time. Every time he defended her, he seemed a little more tired of doing so. But Haruhi kept quiet in hope he'd get over it. When he came up and broke up with her, she was devastated.

"Hello sir," Tamaki had walked into her class during advisory. "May I speak to Haruhi outside for a moment?"

"Of course " Even the teachers loved him.

"Thank you." Tamaki motioned for Haruhi to follow him.

Tamaki led her away from the classroom into the courtyard.

"So, what's up?" Haruhi smiled at him. Thanks to him her usual cold hearted outward appearance had softened.

"Um Haruhi?" Tamaki suddenly looked serious.

"Yeah?" Her smile faltered.

"Do you think we need a break?"

Her smile disappeared completely. "What?"

"I...I think we need a break." He turned to look at her but Haruhi was already walking back towards her class.

"Wait! Haruhi!" Tamaki ran towards her. She had obviously heard him, so why didn't she say anything or even stop? Once he caught up he grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Haruhi. I'm sorry I-"

"Please don't say anything."

"I really am so-"

"Don't say any of that bull crap!" Tamaki winced at the tone of her voice and her choice of words. He never did like it when she talked like that. It ruined her innocent appearance. That just made her want to keep going. "Just shut up and -for once -let me think! Okay?" She turned to leave and found herself being spun around again.

"Haruhi it wasn't anything you have to think about. I wasn't asking for your permission to break up." Now he was mad too. He didn't really know why though.

"I'm not stupid senpai!" Her honorifics were back. Their relationship really was over now. He had spent so much time coercing her into giving them up and was so happy when she finally relented. Now he was back to just being her senpai. He guessed it could have been worse.

"Will you at least let me tell you why?!"

"I already know why! Just let me go!" And with that she yanked her arm away and left. This time he let her leave.

And so, the golden couple broke up.

Thank you all for reading! *Insert cool goodbye line here*.