Disclaimer: Alas, I do not own Fairy Tail, and I do not make any money from the writing of FanFiction. I just do it for fun, and because all the other jobs where you can torture people and control their lives are illegal.
A/N: First I'd like to say, I am so sorry that it took me so long to update this story. I decided to take part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I began to prepare for it in October, wrote the book in November, and fully intended to get back to this story in December. But, after writing an unrelated story every day, I just couldn't get into the right mood for this story. Then in late December, I made the decision to begin steps to open my own business. After a few months of hard work, I've finally started to get time to do other things. And thus, I felt it was only right to begin writing chapter five of Natsu's Choices.
Apologies for taking so long!
If you feel like it, please don't hesitate to send me a pm. I'm always happy to get a message from you guys.
Special thanks to my lovely Betas, 5911132 (who has been a huge help with the entire document), and Scarlet Forest (who has edited a sfw version of this story.)
Lucy stretched, the absence of Natsu's warmth causing her to uneasily stir, seeking the press of his body against hers. When she didn't find the heat she sought, her eyes opened slowly. Looking up, she sleepily rubbed her eyes as she took in the sight of Natsu standing next to the bed, his face obscured by shadow.
"Natsu?" She shivered, not sure why she was suddenly frightened. "Natsu, it's creepy when someone stands over someone while they're sleeping. Come back to bed." She blushed lightly. "I, uh…didn't mean it like that."
Natsu still wasn't talking, and she began to feel an increasing sense of dread. "Natsu?"
She inwardly cringed when Natsu began to laugh, his face still covered in shadows. It wasn't Natsu's laugh, but it seemed strangely familiar nonetheless. She couldn't place it, but the laugh made her uneasy. "Natsu…?"
"Very well, Blondie. You shall have your wish. Since you insist, I will join you in bed."
She flinched back, more sure than ever that something was very, very wrong. Before she could muster a reply, let alone react, Natsu was pinning her to the bed.
"Gods, Lucy. You're just so goddamn stupid."
"W-what do you mean?"
"You'll see." And that oddly familiar laugh echoed through out her room again.
She pushed against him, expecting him to let her go, frightened but still hoping that Natsu was pulling some kind of sick joke. When he tightened his hold on her arms enough to hurt, she whimpered.
"Natsu…Natsu, stop! You're hurting me!" She pushed against his hands again, wincing when his grip tightened.
"So? I want to." When he grinned and tightened his hold again, she cried out in pain, tears beginning to spill from her eyes. "Delicious. Your pain is delicious. Make that sound for me again!"
He ground his groin against hers, reveling in her fear as he flipped her over beneath him, forcing her head down into the pillow as she struggled. He forced her face into the pillow, intentionally making it difficult for her to take a breath, taking great pleasure in her terror as he imagined her panicked thoughts.
His mind raced with cruelty. 'Is she wondering if she'll die tonight? Does she inwardly plead for one more gasp, one more moment of her pitiful existence? This is fun! I want more of this!'
Her air cut off, she began to buck and twist, frantically trying to throw him off so she could get a breath.
He let her up just enough to breathe, chuckling into her ear as he listened to her labored gasping. "Wouldn't want you to pass out and miss the fun, now would we? Not to mention the baby."
His voice was high and mocking, sadistic joy mixing with contempt in his words as he began to push her skirt up. Enjoying her sobs as he yanked her panties down, he made appreciative sounds as he exposed her sex to the air. "Are you ready to lose your other virginity?"
He laughed again when she screamed and fought anew. He chuckled even harder when her struggles broke a lamp on her bedside table. "You don't want this? Good!"
Lucy stopped struggling as she finally recognized his laugh. 'Chimei?!' Her thoughts raced. 'Is he controlling Natsu? It makes more sense than Natsu hurting his friends, anyway.'
Taking a deep, shaky breath, she screamed as loud as she could. "Natsuuuuu! Help! Fight him! Don't let him use you to hurt me!"
Chimei-Natsu grinned, pressed against her…and his body froze. It simply refused to move forward, refused to move at all. Natsu's body released her against Chimei's will, easing back. Even as the demonic bandit struggled to move, he could feel his strength fading as Natsu fought him. His eyes turned towards Lucy and he glared at her, showing her with Natsu's eyes how much he hated her.
"Next time, bitch. Tick tock, tick tock…your time is up. Next time we meet, I'll rip your baby out of you and eat it. I'll rape you to death and display your corpse as a work of art. I'll peel off your skin and use it as a rug. I'll…" His rant was interrupted as a pillow flew past his frozen form.
Lucy, emboldened by his inability to move, only had one thing to say in reply. "Lucy…kick!"
Natsu woke fully, just in time to be kicked in the balls. Writhing on the floor for a moment, he couldn't help but gasp, "Whyyyyyyy?!"
As soon as he spoke, his mind was flooded with images of what Chimei had done. What he had done. His physical pain was forgotten in the wake of his anguish as he hunched into himself.
'I can't believe I let this happen. She is no longer safe around me. I have to leave. I can't stay here if he can take me over every time I sleep. I can't stay with Lucy…I can't stay with Fairy Tail.'
"Natsu? Are you okay?" Lucy felt his sorrow, their bond allowing the sadness to seep through her. Even without the bond, she could see the desperate anguish in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." Natsu's voice was barely audible as he turned away and pushed to his feet. "I am…so sorry."
Lucy smiled at him sadly, not knowing quite how to handle the fact that Natsu was being so somber. She was far more familiar with his tendency toward cheerfulness no matter what was happening. "For what? You saved me…"
"Pretty to think so, but I don't agree. I hurt you."
She didn't know what to say in response to that. It was true, but it wasn't true. He hadn't hurt her, but his body had. The fault, however, was entirely Chimei's.
Whatever reply she was going to make was cut short when Gray entered the room, his eyes taking in the scene.
'Something happened here.' The ice wizard thought as he took in the rumpled covers, the lamp which had been overturned, and the pillow lying across the room. 'This tension is crazy, and it looks like there was a struggle.'
"Everything okay here?" Gray asked softly. "Did something...happen?"
"Yes. Everything is fine." Lucy said, sounding unconvincing even to herself. "Nothing happened."
"I have to go." Natsu said, not looking at his companions. "Keep her safe, Gray. Don't let anything happen to her."
His words seemed strangely final, like he was saying goodbye for the last time. Lucy shuddered as she was overwhelmed by a sense of foreboding. She felt as though if he left now, she would never see him again.
Before they could reply, the fire mage left the room.
"Uh…yeah." Gray shook his head. "I'll be right back, the master told me to fetch both of you. He has an announcement to make, or something."
Lucy nodded. "I'll be fine, go get Natsu. Don't let him leave!"
A tense nod from the ice mage, and he was on his way. He had to chase Natsu over ten blocks before he finally caught up with the depressed dragonslayer. "Yo, fire dick. Wait up!"
"What's wrong with you? You just left her there?" Natsu glared at his friend, hands forming fists at his side. "Why would you leave her alone?! She needs someone to take care of her, she's really weak right now! You can't just leave her alone, Gray!"
"Well, you left her there first." Gray pointed out calmly. "The old man wants us to return to the guild. Are you coming with us, or do I tell Erza you're out and about when you should be resting?"
They glared at each other silently, each equally stubborn, until their battle of will was interrupted by a certain red haired she-monster. They gaped at Erza, who appeared seemingly out of nowhere to level a sword at each of them.
"E-Erza…h-hey…didn't see you there." Natsu and Gray stammered in unison.
"Natsu! You will immediately return to your bed and rest. Unless you want me to assume that you need help reaching unconsciousness?"
"Aye sir!" Natsu woodenly began walking back towards the guild, almost like a wind-up toy that had been set on a course.
Gray smirked as he watched the fleeing fire wizard, feeling smug.
"And you! You knew he was not resting, and let me believe otherwise. Explain yourself!" Erza pointed a sword at him more aggressively, glaring.
His smile instantly gone, he winced as he looked at her. "Uh…about that…I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for that, actually…"
And then he stopped talking for a moment, gathering his thoughts against the instinctual panic he felt whenever he was being questioned by an angry Erza.
"…And I'll tell you all about it, when we get to the guild. But Lucy is alone right now, so…"
He ran off quickly, trying to put off the time when he would have to give Erza an answer.
Makarov listened to Natsu calmly, no judgment in his face as he took in the information the dragonslayer gave him.
"So…I can't stay here. I am going to leave Fairy Tail. I have to leave. It isn't safe. I can't control myself." Natsu paced back and forth as he spoke, still hunched into himself, overwhelmed by his guilt.
"So you'll run?" The tiny guildmaster's voice held no condemnation, merely curiosity. Nonetheless, it made Natsu stop his pacing as he swung around to confront the old man.
"No! I'm not running. I just…Lucy is in danger. You're all in danger! I can't put everyone at risk just to…I love Fairy Tail. I love each and every person here. It would be best for everyone if I left. I could have…I could have done something unforgivable, and I can't stop him."
"But you didn't do anything unforgivable." Lucy's voice came from the door. "And you did stop him."
Natsu spun towards her - panic, frustration, and guilt warring on his face. Eventually, the guilt won. "You don't understand."
"So…make us understand, dumbass." Gray said snidely from the doorway behind Lucy. "If you're not able to make us understand, maybe it's because you're being stupid."
Natsu glared at the ice mage sullenly. "Like you wouldn't leave if you were the one getting taken over and you started hurting the people you love?" The distraught fire mage shook his head and turned away from them and faced the wall, but not before they saw the shame in his eyes. "If you aren't going to let me talk to gramps alone, I am going to leave now."
Lucy pressed a hand to Gray's shoulder. "Leave him alone. It isn't the best time to mess with him right now."
She sent a wistful, sorrow-filled look towards Natsu's way before she closed the door behind them.
Natsu stayed, facing the wall for a moment after they're gone. "I can't stay, gramps."
"And Lucy? Don't you want to help her?"
Natsu looked down. "More than I can say."
"Then don't leave yet. Go on a mission, earn some jewel. Help her pay bills. You can get some distance between you two and help her at the same time."
Lucy tried to be cheerful, but even as she laughed with the guild and nursed a glass of apple juice, a part of her was thinking of Natsu.
'I hope he doesn't leave. He better not leave. If he leaves I'm going to track him down and…and…he won't like it!' She mentally raged. As her mental tirade drew to a close, she took a drink of her apple juice and turned around to survey the guild. The door to the guildmaster's room was open now, so she stood and walked to the door to peer inside. When she saw Makarov inside alone, she spun to scan the guild hall for the pink haired man she wanted to see. When she couldn't find him, her breath hitched and she frantically twisted back around to confront the guildmaster.
"Where is Natsu?!" She gasped breathlessly, holding onto the frame of the door to keep herself from collapsing.
"He's gone."