For the first time in his life, watching as his girlfriend swirled around the living room, her hair swooping gracefully behind her and her eyes ablaze with happiness, Puck realized he was in love.

He thought he had been in love in the years past. It was adolescent adoration, puppy love. And it left him with a broken heart and unresolved feelings for a girl that had never returned his affections.

But he knew he could never be with Sabrina, anyways. Because a few years later, he realized he only had eyes for her sister.

Puck continued to watch Daphne as she giggled her way through her dance. Even at the age of 18, the childlike whimsy that attracted him to her had yet to make a disappearance.

"You're doing it allll wrong," he drawled, stopping Daphne in her steps. She looked at him and pouted, panting heavily.

"What do you mean it's 'all wrong'? I've been practicing for weeks! You told me last night that it looked fine!" she exclaimed.

Puck couldn't help but laugh. With her hair falling halfway out of its ponytail, her wild eyes she got when she was excited, and the single rainbow sock on her foot, she was quite a sight to be seen.

"What are you laughing at, meany?" she whined, crossing her arms as she blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Puck left the spot where he had been leaning on the wall and crossed the room to her. "Nothing. You just look sort of-"

"The next word you say better be 'cute'," she interrupted, a small smile on her lips.

"I was actually gonna say crazy."

Her smile quickly became a frown. "You are such a farthead."

Puck laughed and grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him. "Well, if I was a farthead, I would just let you continue dancing as you are and enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself at Charming's ball tomorrow. But, seeing as I'm not a farthead, I will show you how to dance like a proper lady."

Daphne pulled away from him, scoffing. "And what makes you think I even want to dance with an annoying guy like you?"

"Ouch, Daph. Those were some harsh words. Me, an annoying guy? What ever shall I do now?"

"This is a sarcasm-free zone, Puck."

"This is also a bad dancer-free zone, and yet here you are."

Daphne pouted once more. "Well, then Mr. Gentleman, show me how to dance."

Puck grabbed her by the waist once more. "Alright, this hand goes on my shoulder and then this one I hold, and now just follow my lead, okay?"


The young couple twirled around the room gracefully, laughing as they went step by step. Puck looked down at Daphne, and despite her face being a little sweaty and the little piece of food in her teeth, he decided she was the prettiest girl in the world.

"I love you," he blurted suddenly.

Daphne stopped in her tracks and looked at him, her face puzzled. "Huh?"

Puck smacked himself mentally. "Uh, sorry. It just came out. I know we've only been dating for a few months and, well, yeah. Sorry," he said, turning to leave.

"Wait!" cried Daphne, pulling him back by the hood of his hoodie. "Say it again."


"Just say it."

He sighed. "I love you. And I don't actually think you're a bad dancer."

"I love you, too, Puck. And I don't actually think you're a farthead. But you are kind of annoying," she beamed, grabbing his hand and leading him into another waltz.

"You know what?" said Puck. "I take it back. You are a bad dancer."

"Whatever you say, farthead."

Soo, I felt really weird writing a Puck/Daphne fic. But I actually ended up kind of liking it...

Anyways, this was for Ember53608's contest! And it's kinda short, but I guess I was was going for the whole 'short and sweet' idea, so hopefully it doesn't seem like a piece of (tiny) crap.

If you enjoyed, leave a comment! I know we are all diehard Puckabrina fans here, but it's fun to mix things up sometimes, right?

Thanks for reading!