HELLLOOOO EVERYBODY AND WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER CHAPTER OF NEVER TOO LATE! I apologize for my absence, life seems to be getting crazier and crazier by the moment. I do hope everyone is being safe and hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


I see blood.

My blood.

Why am I bleeding?

I feel so light-headed...

And everything goes dark...

Lucy's POV


As I awaken, I see the moon in the still high in the sky; Happy is buried deep in my breasts, sleeping sweet and sound. Not long after I came back Happy started to stay with me.

I remember when Happy first started staying with me... He would cry all night and barely sleep. The only time he would sleep soundly was when his body gave out from exhaustion. I'm happy Happy is happier now.

I gently lift Happy and move him into my spot. I quickly change out of my clothes from yesterday and into a super big t-shirt. I then move to the "kitchen", grab a can of Diet Coke and crack it open taking a big gulp. Walking to the front of the cave I shake my head.

What was that dream all about? I can't make any sense of this? Am I really going to do?

Tears come to my eyes and look up at the sky.

I can't make any sense of it. Why was I bleeding?

I think back to the dream and I remember spotting a difference between this one and the rest.

The light..was going out...

A tear falls.

My children...

Deep in thought, I neglect to realize that Laxus was behind me and a hand touches my shaking shoulders.

"Good morning to you too, brat." He says jokingly.

He sits next to me and realizes that I am crying.


Normal POV


"What's wrong, love?" He asks.

"Oh nothing, just thinkin'. Ya know?" He says while she wipes her tears away.

Laxus stands up, obviously upset and puts his hands behinds his head. He looks up at the sky and sighs.

"Why won't you talk to us? Where have secrets gotten you so far? You were beaten by you're ex team and shunned by the guild because you wouldn't tell anyone about what happened that day. You left because you wanted to get stronger but you hide all the power you've gained. You are still hiding things." He looks down at Lucy and sees her confused eyes looking up at him filling with more tears. "I'm really trying to being the nice, sweet Laxus you know right now, but we're all trying to be supportive and love you. We can't keep doing that if you won't even explain everything to us. Everything. All of it. I love you. With all my heart. I always have and always will. Same with Bickslow and Freed. We love you! We want to help you and be there for you. We can't do that if you won't be open with us."

"Listen Laxus I-" She tries to scramble out but he hold us his hand and stops her.

"Lucy we're not mad at you, we're just hurt that you can't trust us enough to talk to us." He extends his hand out to her, she take it and he helps her up.

"You're right Laxus, but I can't."


"Fine, I''ll tell you what I can, but I won't tell you all of it. It's that or nothing. Your choice. I don't care either way. I know I need to tell you guys but I don't have all the fuckin' answers you fuckers want. I understand you want to know, I get it, I would too. I knew I shouldn't have come back. I fucking knew it!"


Laxus' POV


Out of fucking nowhere Lucy starts freaking out.

Why is she saying that?

"Lucy chill, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I really didn't, I'm sorry." I try to apologize.

"Fuck off dude. I don't give a single fuck yo. I'm annoyed, not upset. Get your shit straight, thank you."

Happy wakes up and walks over rubbing his eyes.

"Luce...Is everything okay..?" He flies up and hugs her shoulder.

"Happy? Buddy? I'm sorry if we woke you... Laxus," She cuts a glare in my direction, "Has brought it to my attention that I should explain everything to them."

Happy shakes his head and starts to whisper in her ear. He's whispers quietly so I can't hear them.

She looks at him and smiles.

"Buddy I know, we will. I'm okay, Happy, I promise." She rubs his head and he smiles.

"Laxus I will be at the guild later, now if you wouldn't mind taking your leave..." She gestures to the outside, the sun has begun to rise.

I'm so confused...

"Oh and Laxus, I apologize for my actions, I did not mean to startle you. Please ignore that little outburst." She bows her head quickly, then carries Happy in her arms back into the cave.

Shrugging my shoulders I scratch my head.

"The hell?"

I guess I'll go to the guild and wait there for her.


At the guild

9:30 a.m.


Walking into the guild I immediately walk up to the second floor and sit down. Freed is next to sit down next to me, then Bickslow, then Evergreen. After everyone was there I spoke up.

"Lucy said she would be here a bit later, she said she'd talk to us." I say with a straight face. "I feel like this is more than we think this is."

"Why do you say that Laxus?" Freed asks.

"Because I was talking to her and she completely snapped at me and it was like I wasn't even talking to Lucy anymore. Then Happy woke up and she went back to normal, like nothing had happened. I don't even know what happened? All I said was that she needs to open up to us so that we could help her." I shrug.

"Laxus..." Evergreen sighs.


"She hasn't told us because she has a reason. You know that right..?" She asks.

"Of course I know that! We have a right to know though...don't we?"


Back at Lucy's Cave

(Back to earlier)

Normal POV


Happy starts to whisper in Lucy's ear.

"Luce you had another dream didn't you? When he leaves we will talk about it. Okay? Everything is okay Luce, breathe..." He nuzzles her face.

"Buddy I know, we will. I'm okay, Happy, I promise." She rubs his head and he smiles.

"Laxus I will be at the guild later, now if you wouldn't mind taking your leave..." She gestures to the outside, the sun has begun to rise.

"Oh and Laxus, I apologize for my actions, I did not mean to startle you. Please ignore that little outburst." She bows her head quickly, then carries Happy in her arms back into the cave.

She walks away and listens for Laxus to leave and when he does, Lucy and Happy sit on their bed across from each other.

"Talk to me Luce." Happy nods.

"Alright Happy...You already know about what happened on that mission. That day everything changed. When we went training we did a lot, I did not tell Makarov about the powers I have gained. I did learn Requip, Celestial Spells, Mimic Magic, Sensor Magic, Celestial Dragon Slayer Magic, Healing Magic, Water, Ice, Fire, Earth, and Air Magic. Those are all true, however, in order to be able to use them I have to requip into different forms or outfits, like how I used lightning magic when fighting Gajeel and Lily. I didn't mention however that if I do use these too much, that I will start to..change..." She looks away from Happy.

"What do you mean, Luce?" He asks running up to her and hugging her.

"I will start to lose my sanity and will start to fade into the darkness. Whether I defeat Zeref or not. My fate is to descend into darkness. Win or lose I'll be gone from everyone's life."

Happy starts shaking and tears come to his eyes.

"What about your dream Lucy? What happened this time?"

"I noticed the light in my stomach was going out, and there was a lot of blood...More than normal..." She looks down at the worried exceed and smiles. "Happy... I think I was born to die..."

Hey hey guys! So sorry but that's all I have time for today! Hope you liked it and if you did, or even if you didn't, go ahead and leave a review down below! And thank you guys so much for all the support even though I don't upload often anymore!

Thank you!


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