Konichiwa Minna
First and foremost, I am deeply sorry for the wait for this chapter, life has been incessant lately and school and swimming and exams and studying take their toll on a writer. However, I have a chapter for you, not an incredibly long one, but still. A lot happens and there is some fluff to go wih it. Anyway...
Disclaimer:I do not own Fairy Tail. Mashima-sama does.
Lucy opened her door to see a rather exasperated looking Levy.
"What's the matter with you?" she said, half-amused, half-concerned.
Levy just sighed heavily.
"Does this have anything to do with a certain brooding, Sharkfolk Prince to whom you are so suddenly attached?" Lucy asked slyly.
"He's so confusing!" Levy burst out, her cheeks turning pink, "He tells me that Jet and Droy may die, apologizes and then leaves! What on earth is wrong with him?"
Lucy just laughed and ushered her inside. She fixed them some biscuits and then sat Levy down to give her some *ahem* expert advice.
"Well, I'm no expert," Lucy began, taking a biscuit for herself, "but he was concerned for you. Let me explain," She said hurriedly holding up her biscuit-free hand as Levy tried to speak, "He firstly was trying to not have you get very upset when they don't come back. He knows that you care for them so he was trying to alleviate possible future pain by preparing you now. He as trying to show you the reality of things. "
Levy was thoughtful, "But what about the apology?" She said, confused, "I was in the wrong by yelling at him, why didn't he try to explain?"
Lucy pondered for a moment before smiling mischeviously.
"You'll have to ask him yourself, won't you?"
"I do not believe we have been introduced Erza-san."
A soft cool voice reached Erza's ears from behind the Sharkfolk soldier whose name she remembered was... Gray?
"No, I don't believe we have. What may I call you?"
"Juvia's name is Juvia," the voice said and a face framed with deep blue hair looked out from behind Gray. She had enchanting eyes, Erza noticed, and her tail and fins were rippled wih caring shades of blue and black. Her small waist was adorned with three weapons, a thin, silver rapier, a deadly looking single bladed knife and an object she could, surprisingly, not identify.
Juvia, noticing Erza's gaze on her strange weapon, smiled. "It is a whip. It can extend and shorten at will. At the moment I have it at its shortest."
Erza smiled, impressed, before Gray spoke, "She is King Metallicana's closest spy and assassin. I think I said she used to work for José."
Behind him he felt Juvia shudder before tightening her arms around him. "He was a horrid person, cruel and uncaring for those around him. Juvia was often told to beat people, or hurt them. Juvia hated it. Juvia hated him. When Juvia was finally sent away for a mission Juvia just never went back."
Erza gave a bitter smile, before a hoarse laugh. "You're the perfect person we need for guidance in this war."
Pantherlily gave a grim nod before saying, "I agree, Juvia is the best chance we have at the moment, but only for José. We don't have any intel about this... Ivan, about how dangerous he is or the tactics he uses. If we rely only on Juvia, they may use José's tactics as a diversion, and something else as their actual move."
Rufus spoke up and addressed Erza, "Didn't the Mer-Prince Laxus speak of his father Ivan, and know some of his tactics?"
Erza answered, "I don't know, he only returned to the kingdom last night..."
Levy took a deep breath as Rogue opened Gajeel's bedroom door. She swam in and the door shut behind her, making her turn. As she slowly turned towards the centre of Gajeel's room. He was lying on his bed, dozing.
She swam slowly up to his bed and gazed at his peaceful, sleeping face. Some of his long black tresses had fallen over his face, and she allowed her fingers to trace his face's outline before pushing them back. As she did so, his ruby eyes opened and stared at her. She yelped and propelled herself away from his bed, her hand over her mouth, somewhat covering her heavily blushing face.
Gajeel was doing no better. He sat straight and upright on his bed, glowing pink on his cheeks.
They both started, or tried to.
"You first Shrimp"
She looked at him, her blush diminishing somewhat.
"I'm sorry," She said quietly, "I didn't realize that you were trying to help me by telling me about Jet and Droy. I was in the wrong."
Gajeel looked softly at her. She couldn't possibly know how much she affected him. He had known her for so little time yet he cared for her so much...ugh...what was this sappy stuff? This never happened with him. Lily would know what to do. He needed to talk to Lily. And soon. He suddenly realized that she was still waiting for a reply.
" 's Alright Shrimp." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "I realized you didn't know the reality of the situation and probably had just been a bookworm, only knowing true reality through your books. You didn't know the reality of prisoners of war, and I had been a bit harsh on you. So I'm sorry."
Levy smiled at him before laughing softly. "Look at us, both of us misunderstanding the other. Well. I'm glad we've solved it."
He smiled at her in his cocky, distinctive way.
"Likewise Shrimp."
Natsu was bored. There was a war on and he was bored. Well...maybe not a war just yet but if you asked him, pre war was more stressful than war itself. Waiting for news and such.
He really needed to do something.
He decided to go supervise some of the training that was going on before he decided to go mad. The training seemed to be going well. Some small relief he supposed
"Yo! People!"
The desired effect was achieved as all the soldiers stopped their fighting and looked towards their second in command.
"Who feels like a good old spar with me?"
A voice from the back spoke up.
"I'll have a go"
"Sure Minerva! Hope I don't beat you up too much, Rogue might get mad with his wife all beat up."
Minerva laughed before launching into her attack.
Rogue sneezed. Someone was talking about him.
Hope you all enjoyed that. Sorry again about the terrible wait. I have just had an absolutely HECTIC First-term-and-a-half and am about to start exams. Here is a shout-out to all those who reviewed, followed, favorites or just stopped by to check it this story. It really makes my day when awesome people like you read my story!
Side notes: Juvia is gonna be badass. Not clingy. I feel we don't see enough of her badassery in the canon universe. Secondly, Mineral is nice in this. I always found her a complex character and decided to make her nice because too many people leave out how nice she is after the year break after Tartaros. Anyway. Enough of my ranting.
Have a great time wherever you are, and Meghu-chan, get some sleep ;p
Love Rusu-Chan the Scarlet Fairy