So here it is, the epilogue! I really hope you enjoyed this story, I really enjoyed writing it! :) Thank you so much for all your support throughout it. It really meant a lot! :)


Luke and Lorelai had a baby boy, named William Richard Danes. They stayed together in the Twickham House and their marriage just got stronger and stronger. In their forties, they were surprised when Lorelai found out she was pregnant again and she soon gave birth to another baby girl, named Victoria Leigh Danes. Luke stayed on at the diner and Lorelai kept on at the Dragonfly.

Jamie and Charlotte got back together properly when Jamie started at Yale. They both took responsibility over looking after Charlie and they managed to get a place together at Yale to make it easier. After graduating from Yale, Jamie proposed to Charlotte who accepted and they got married a year after. They were surprised but also ecstatic when they found out Charlotte was pregnant again, two years into their marriage, and she gave birth to a baby boy who they called Lucas William Gilmore. They moved back to Stars Hollow and Jamie kept working at the diner with Luke, who promoted him to assistant manager.

After much deliberation, Rory decided to go to Yale instead of Harvard. Tristan transferred to Yale after his first term as he couldn't concentrate at Stanford being so far away from Rory. It took Rory a while but she managed to move on form her terrible ordeal and her and Tristan shared a place together for their second and third year at Yale. After graduating, Rory got a well paid job at the Hartford Courant and her and Tristan bought a place together in Hartford while Tristan trained to become a teacher at Chilton. Tristan proposed two years after they moved into their house and Rory accepted. She asked Luke to give her away. The following year, she gave birth to a little girl who they called Lorelai (Lori for short) Emily Dugrey.

Jess met a girl at Stanford, Sarah, and they fell for each other immediately. They met on the same course, creative writing. After graduating, Jess found this publishing company in Philadelphia, Truncheon Books, and finally managed to write and publish his first novel. Sarah and him got an apartment in Philadelphia. They got married a few years later.

Paris met Doyle at Yale and he followed her to Harvard after she was accepted into Harvard Medical School. They stayed together all through Paris' time there and then decided to go travelling for a year where Doyle spontaneously proposed.

Emily and Richard became closer with Lorelai and Luke and eventually accepted Luke into their family. They adored their grandchildren and great grandchildren and they kept up their weekly dinners but alternated them between their house and Twickham house.

Chris had to do a lot of grovelling but managed to make up with Sherry, who gave birth to Gigi shortly after. They bought a house in Boston together.

Hope you liked the epilogue! I hope I didn't miss anyone out. Thank you again for all your support! I'm happy you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)