Abigail and the Bad Man

Making a deal with Abraham seemed to be a good idea in the beginning until he told her the price of his protection.

I The Angel and the Demon

"I gave you the ring to wear in case you needed me."

His voice sounded strained as if he was trying to stop himself from sounding angry with her for not doing as he had asked. Abigail moved away from the front door with caution. Something inside told her that this would not end well and that she should not do or say anything to provoke the frustrated angel at the door.

"I am not wearing the ring. What does that tell you?" The words just poured out of her before she could stop them. She cursed herself for her quick tongue. She stepped back into the living room when she saw the huge wings in the windows on either of the door. She was not at her home. She was staying at Henry's home while he, Ichabod and Nick chased after Katrina. Maybe Henry knew something was wrong with Orion and forgot to tell her about it. She should have known better, when he insisted that she stay at his home. She had only known the angel for three months. She came to Sleepy Hollow on an invite from Henry. She had seem some strange things in her work with Augustus Corbin. They worked independent of their daytime jobs as police officers. Working on the front line against evil must be the next step.

A growl outside the door pulled Abigail from her thoughts. "Why was he growling? Did angels growl? Why was he angry with her?

"Your innocence prevents your sanity. I am trying to keep you safe. Corbin and the others understand my desire for this why can't you."

"I can take care of myself." The door rattled but did not open. A spell prevented the door from opening.

"I only want to make sure that you alright. I can't feel you if you don't wear the ring. How am I supposed to watch over you and everyone else if you don't wear the ring?"

Abigail frowned at his logic. "Do they have rings?"

She could feel his anger and cursed herself again. Her quick temper was going to cause a catastrophe. She had to find a way out of here. She had no idea how long the spell would hold him back. She did not think that he would harm her but Abigail did not wish to find out if that were true. The angel was powerful, handsome, intelligent and loyal to their group. He never acted like this around Abraham. Something about the demon made the angel stay in line. He practically ignored her when Abraham was around. Ichabod and the others would be gone for a while. She could not work with Orion if he were like this.

Abigail walked towards the table beside the phone and began looking through the drawers. One could not summon the Horseman of death with an Iphone. She had seen Henry use an amulet to summon Abraham. She had seen him place it in this drawer. After he had done so he looked directly at her and then back at the drawer as if he knew some day she would need it. Why leave her if he knew Orion had an interest in her.

"I don't mean to frighten you but I don't want you hurt. That man yesterday that followed you home I took care him for you."

"And I thanked you for that. I am not in danger now which means that you can go watch over others." Abigail pulled the papers from the drawers. She carefully removed something that looked like a shriveled hand, a vile of black blood, two red glowing daggers, and finally two amulets.

Orion listened at the door. She was looking for something. "What are you doing besides not opening the door?"

Abigail moved papers and other trinkets back inside the drawer and then stared at the amulets. They looked exactly alike in make and color. Orion heard her cry out in frustration and he smiled. "Open the door and let me help you call the Horseman."

"I don't need your help I need you to go away. I need my rest. I have a lot to do tomorrow."

"I know Abraham and I have to help you track Moloch down. Open the door Abigail."

Abigail inspected both amulets and found no difference. "One calls for a succubus and the other Abraham. Open the door before you create a mess."

Abigail sat down in the chair beside the door. "Why would he have two in the same place?"

Orion sighed outside the door. "The one with the A at the top calls Abraham."

Abigail frowned at his voice. She set the blank amulet back in the drawer. "I am summoning him now."

"Are you sitting down? It takes a lot of energy to call him and you are but a scrap of woman."

He heard a soft gasp and felt the power flow through the house. The spell around the home weakened and Orion turned the knob and opened the door. The angel dressed in black battle attire closed the door behind him as he stepped into Henry's home. She was sprawled in the chair beside the table. The amulet lay in her lap. She had her eyes closed and her mouth slightly parted to draw in air. She was exhausted. Orion's eyes moved down her body. She still wore the blue dress that made that young man follow her home. The way it caressed her curves made her impossible to ignore. Her hair high bun still sat on the top of her head but messier now. Long strands had escaped and rested on her heaving breasts.

Orion kneeled before her. "You should have let me do it."

His warm hand touched her cheek and Abigail opened her eyes. She weakly pushed at his hand. Orion frowned at her weak attempts to rebuff his care. "I am trying to help you."



Abraham stood watching the female languish in the chair fighting Orion's help. Why would Henry leave her here? She was vulnerable to all sorts of things including Orion. The angel was only loyal to himself. Abraham understood his thinking. They trusted no one and suspected everyone of betrayal including each other. Henry was the only person keeping them from killing each other. "She summoned me."

Orion nodded and moved her hand. "She is frustrating."

Abigail turned away from Orion and almost fell from the chair. The angel caught her. Abraham stood in the doorway watching the two fight, well Orion avoiding her hands on his face trying to push him away.

"She does not want your help." Abraham said closing the door behind him.

Orion frowned. "She will not wear the ring."

Abraham said nothing as he approached Abigail. Orion set her back in the chair and glared down at her. Abigail closed her eyes and waited for the room to stop spinning. The big blonde horseman walked towards her with heavy steps. She could smell his power without even looking at him. He probably wore some jeans and a t-shirt because he always wore that. Abigail was surprised Henry got him to wear that. She guessed years of telling Abraham that they could not return to the past made him throw away the redcoat uniform.

"Why have you summoned me?"

"Get rid of him."

Abraham said nothing as Orion stood. "Why is she a part of our group. Corbin I can understand she I cannot."

"She is female and a mystery throughout time." Orion chuckled seeing Abigail's frown appear on her face. Abraham reached out and touched the left side of her cheek. A rush of power invaded Abigail's body and she gasped. Abraham's hand slowly moved down towards her neck. Her breathing increased. Orion watched her breasts heave uncontrollably as the power became too great. Her body coiled as if readying to explode as his hand moved down towards her left breast.

"Abraham!" He pulled his hand away and Abigail opened her eyes and stared up at the high ponytailed assassin staring down at her. Her eyes were full of wonder and fear. Orion frowned.

"You could have killed her."

Abraham ignored the angel. "Do not summon things that you cannot contain. Leave Henry's trinkets alone or you will regret it."

Abigail nodded still wondering what he had done to her to make her feel so consumed with…something that she could not name. Abigail lowered her head and touched her forehead.

"What do you want?"

"She wants to rest so she told me."

Abigail said nothing as she tried to recover from the sensations inside her body. Her silence made both beings frown. The last thing they wanted was for Henry to return and find her injured in some way. Abraham scooped her from the chair. His gentleness surprised her. She had seen him crush skulls and snap necks. He held her as if she were a tiny bird. Abigail's arms surrounded his strong neck as she stared into his intense blue eyes. He held her bridal style and walked out of the living room with Orion following.

"All of this is really unnecessary."

"Wear the ring so we can find you. "

Abigail glared at Orion. "I don't need the ring!"

"We can't protect you if we can't find you." Her eyes met Abraham's as he spoke.

"I don't want to belong to him!"

"The ring does not mean that you belong to me. We cannot find you without it. You think too much of yourself if you think that I am doing this out of lust and desire."

Abigail turned away from both of them. "I don't think that."

Abraham walked into her room without her telling him which one of the four bedrooms it was. Abigail stared at him as he gently put her feet on the floor. She slowly pulled her arms from his neck. "How do you know that this is my room?"

"Henry told me."

"Oh… Why can't you find me without the ring?"

Orion smiled. "Because you have not known a man Abigail. Usually we can find a woman through her mate's footsteps but since there is no one we are blind and you are in danger while Henry is gone."

Abigail suddenly looked away from them finding all sorts of things wrong in her room. The angel and the demon watched her fidget with things around her room for no reason as she avoided looking at them.

"I have some information on Moloch that only you can read Abraham."

"We have tomorrow to go over this. Abraham has many suitors I am sure that he hates being disturbed." Orion said walking towards her as she shifted through papers.

"Where is the ring Abigail?" She slowly raised her head and looked at the smile on his handsome face. Wearing his ring meant more than just being able to find her.

"Summoning me does not mean that I will come at your call Orion. Her call seemed desperate." Abraham turned towards the angel.

Orion faced the horseman. "Why would Henry's spell keep you out of his home?"

"Because you are his favorite Abraham… evil tends to flock together."

Abigail opened a drawer in her room and stared at the ring sitting on a white scarf. Orion smiled at the horseman as he spoke.

"Put the ring on Abigail so that I know you…where you are."

A shiver ran through her body that Abraham could see. Her hands shook as she picked up the jewel. Orion smiled at him when he returned his gaze to him. Abigail closed her eyes and slid the ring on her finger. She felt it tighten immediately. Orion chuckled and walked from the room.

"I will see you in the morning… my Abigail." His voice filled the house as he departed.

Abraham watched her sink down to her bed staring down at the ring. "Why is it so tight?"

Abraham walked over to her and sat beside her. The ring tightened as he stared at it. "Can he control it?"

"Yes," He lied. Orion would do nothing to cause her harm. Her safety was paramount to him. She should have listened to Orion. He was an angel with a perchance for violence but an angel nonetheless. Abraham was the demon.

Abigail began struggling to pull it off. Abraham grabbed her hands. "For all its bad it does tell us where you are."

Abigail shook her head. "He only wants to know so he can stalk me."

"In his own way he protects you."

"You have to help me take it off."

"I can't touch it. It will hurt you if I do."

Abigail got off her bed and ran out of her room. Abraham followed her out of curiosity. She was looking through the drawer where the amulet came from grabbing all the trinkets. Abraham grabbed her hands and forced them to her sides. Her back slammed into his chest.

"He will not harm you." Abigail struggled in his grasp.

"You have fought him for four hundred years do you trust him."

Abraham's silence only made her more determined to remove the ring. However, no matter how much she struggled she could not escape. Abraham's hot breath scorched the tops of her breasts, as he grew angry at her struggling. He held her tighter forcing her to cry out and arch her back.

"I can find him if he harms you."

"I don't want to have to wait for you to find him."

"I am not here to watch over you. I am not an angel that is not my fate. I am here to destroy every inch of Moloch and so is Orion."

Abigail calmed her erratic breathing as Abraham held her. "They call you an assassin."

"I am not going to kill Orion." He felt her body slump with dismay.

"Then protect me until Henry returns if you are his friend." His grip loosened and Abigail turned around and stared up into his darkening blue eyes.

"You have no idea what you are asking me to do. Many have wanted my protection only to have their head removed from their bodies. What makes you different from them?"

"I can cook you anything that you want. You like to eat I've seen you."

Abraham nodded. Abigail smiled and turned away but Abraham pulled her back and stepped closer. ."My services require more than that."

"I have a saving account."

His frown told her that was not a concern of his. Abigail closed her eyes. "Please don't ask for my soul. It all that I have."

Hard and big muscles on his chest touched her breasts as her body quivered. Abraham stepped even closer, lowered his lips to her ears, and whispered. "That is not all that you possess Abigail."

He felt her tremble. "Once and…"

"As much as I like and as often as I like," Abigail trembled even more.

"Anywhere that I wish and any way that I desire," He heard her whimper as he moved away.

"You should get some rest I will be very hungry in the morning as will Orion." She heard him walk down the hall towards one of the empty rooms. He was going to spend the night.

Author's Notes. This story has been in my head for four days. I could do nothing while it sat in there for four days. I have to get it out. This story is a short four or five chapter deal. I covet her is coming if I can block this story out. I may just write all of Abigail and the Bad Man to release my brain ~ Frostbytefire