Fairy chat room time! I miss making these things and hardly anyone is making them so… here u go! It's a Lucy Harem and u knows what that means~ :3
Chapter 1: Chat Box
CelestialFairy Logged on
WarriorEmpress Logged on
CelestialFairy: Hey erza~!
WarriorEmpress: Hey Lucy
CelestialFairy: So how is everything?
WarriorEmpress: Good, Azuma-sensei gave me an extended period for my kendo thou -_-
CelestialFairy: Really? Well your tournament is coming soon so better practice hard: D
WarriorEmpress: Thank you for your support Lucy, it means a lot
CelestialFairy: No prob. Wait did you hear that someone was peeking in the girls Bathroom?
WarriorEmpress: WHAT!?
CelestialFairy: Yeah. Some sicko keeps going there DURING classes
Ice_King Logged on
Ice_King: Yo!
WarriorEmpress: GRAY! I know you sneak out of class all the time, if it was you who-
Ice_King: If you're suggesting I was the one peeking in the girl's lavatory. You're dead wrong.
Celestial Fairy: Erza, I don't think Gray did it.
Ice_King: Yeah and it's the girls lavatory on the west wing of the campus. IT'S FREAKIN' FAR!
WarriorEmpress: WAIT A SEC! Then how do you know this?
Ice_King: It's one of the top 5 Gossip of the school for the past week -_- Seriously erza get updated…
WarriorEmpress: Sorry but you know I'm too busy with kendo and my studies rather than all the gossip things. Plus it's not my thing it's usually Mira knowing things like this.
CelestialFairy: Erza don't just keep suspecting people all the time.
WarriorEmpress: Yeah. Sorry Gray.
Ice_King: it's cool Hey Lucy, you busy?
CelestialFairy: No. Why?
Ice_King: Well….
CelestialFairy: Forgot to do your math homework?
Ice_King: It more likely I can't understand it…
CelestialFairy: Ok, you have to come over my house now before Natsu is here.
Ice_King: I'm already at your front door.
CelestialFairy: WHAT!? Uuugghhhh! Damn you gray… be thankful I have the same sched as you -_-* hold on I will clean a few things.
Ice_King: I'm already am. Lucy text Natsu and make an excuse or something. I don't want to see him in your house because I'm too damn tired of seeing his ugly face.
CelestialFairy: OK. Bye Erza!
Ice_King: see ya tomorrow.
WarriorEmpress: K.
CelestialFairy Logged off
Ice_King Logged off
WarriorEmpress: Great… Now I am alone -_-
Fire_Dragon Logged on
Iron_Heart19 Logged on
Sky-Maiden Logged on
Sky-Maiden: Hi Erza-san~! :D
Fire_Dragon: Yo!
Iron_Heart19: Sup?
LightningDragon23 Logged on
Medusa Logged on
Perv Logged on
Runes Logged on
Iron_Heart19: You guys have accounts too?
Perv: YUP!
Medusa: we just made our accounts yesterday.
LightningDragon23: It's good thing because we need to be updated in the school.
BookWormLover Logged on
DrunkHottie18 Logged on
DemonAngel21 Logged on
Water-Princess Logged on
Iron_ Heart19: The ladies are here.
BookWormLover, DrunkHottie18, Water-Princess: Eww.
Medusa: Bixslow, stop it!
Perv: hey don't ruin my fun Ever.
WarriorEmpress: Wow… almost everyone is here.
DemonAngel21: Hi freed
Runes: Hey Mira.
DemonAngel21: How is everything going on at home?
Runes: Nothing much… Just finished some homework and stuff, how is Lisanna and Elfman?
DemonAngel21: They are so sick they can't even move a finger.
Perv: Whoa! Hold it! When did you and Mira get close freed?
Runes: None of your business.
Medusa: What's up with your penname Bixslow?
Perv: I could say the same thing to you 'Medusa'
LightningDragon23: Guys I have enough of you hanging around with me and arguing in front of my face in PUBLIC… So knock it off -_-
Perv and Medusa: Sorry.
Fire_Dragon: Awww… it was getting good too.
Iron_Heart19: I got to admit with the fire freak.
WarriorEmpress: SHUT UP YOU TWO!
Fire_Dragon, Iron _Heart19: Y-y-yes ma'am
Medusa: WarroirEmpress…? Really Erza?
WarriorEmpress: You got a problem ever? -_-*
Medusa: You have no originality unlike me erza
WarriorEmpress: You know medusa has the power to turn people to stone because of her ugliness.
Perv: OOHH! BURN! 8D
Medusa: A warrior empress is not eligible to marry because they lack feminist and Grace.
Iron_Heart19: DOUBLE BURN!
WarrirorEmpress: You know what…. Let's settle this in PE
Medusa: Agreed but the loser… has to pose in their underwear for the school news paper.
WarriorEmpress: YOU ARE ON!
BookWormLover: Is this really necessary!?
Iron_Heart19: Gihihi...
Water-Princess: Good Luck erza-san!
Sky-Maiden: Guys come one… don't do this.
Perv: I finally have a good reason to buy those magazines now!
Runes: Idiot -_-
DemonAngel21: this is going to be interesting, I might join in :3
DrunkHottie19: I bet erza will win.
Perv: Not today ever been working hard ever since Gildarts-sensei almost failed her.
LightningDragon23: Erza… you do know that Jerald is the Prez of the school newspaper right?
DemonAngel21: OMG! Jerald will have a surprise on his hands :3
WarriorEmpress: W-w-w-what!?
Medusa: Oh? It's not like you to back down Titania~
WarriorEmpress: IN YOUR DREAMS EVER!
Medusa: All I ever dream about is you bowing down to me and beg for mercy.
The Player logged on
The Player: hey guys! Is Lucy here?
BookWormLover: OH YEAH! Lulu is still not here?
Fire_Dragon: Lucy just texted me she is busy doing stuff and I'm not allowed to go… TT^TT
Medusa: What is up with you and sneaking into Lucy's house Natsu!?
Water-Princess: Do you like Lucy?
Lightning_Dragon23, Iron_Heart19, and The Player: F*CK NO!
DemonAngel21: what is up with the reaction boys~? :}
Lightning_Dragon23, Iron_Heart19, And The Player: SHUT UP MIRA!
CelestialFariy Logged on
Ice_King Logged on
BookWormLover: LULU!
CelestialFairy: Hi Guys~!
Ice_King: Yo.
Water-Princess: Gray-sama!
Ice_King: Oh God Juvia is here…
Water-Princess: Gray-sama! Juvia has is asking what to put in your bento box,
Ice_King: Juvia I don't ne-!
Water-Princess: OH! And Juvia has taken the liberty of finishing your homework in science and clean your house and-
Iron_Heart19: Wow Juvi.
LightningDragon23: That is really creepy…
Water-Princess: Hai! And Juvia has cleaned and rearranged your cloths to ord-!
After 15 minutes of silence
Perv: Whoa. Man harsh...
Iron_Heart19: wow
Lightning_Dragon23: Ouch.
Runes: That was rather uncalled for…
Fire_Dragon: Now that you don't really see every day and we are looking at Gray here.
Water-Princess: G-g-gray-sama you…. BAKA!
Water-Princess Logged off
DemonAngel21, WarriorEmpress, Medusa, BookWormLover, DrunkHottie19 and CelestialFairy: GRAY!
Ice_King: What!?
WarriorEmpress: Don't 'What' us, APOLOGIZE TO HER!
Ice_King: And what? Let her keep stalking me for the rest of my life? Erza, I had to say it to her. She just can't keep sticking to someone who doesn't feel the same way! I can't even take freaking' shower knowing if she is in the room!
DemonAngel21: But you two were meant for each other!
Ice_King: In your fantasy Mira but not in MINE! She is just a friend for Christ sake!
Runes: Have you even tried?
Sky-Maiden: You should have least gave her a shot.
Ice_King: believe it or not I really did, but I felt nothing but a sister and a friend towards Juvia but she seems to not accept it so she just keeps stalking me, I'm really is sick of it! Besides Lyon is there to give her what she needs, so please DROP IT!
Ice_King Logged off
CelestialFairy: I think I should talk to him…
Fire_Dragon: Nah~ just leave him be, he needs to cool off.
The Player: No, I think that is a good idea. He needs a friend right now besides Lucy is the best listener out of all of us. If nobody can, she can.
WarriorEmpress: Yeah and technically Gray is at Lucy's place right now having a study date.
CelestialFairy: ERZA!
WarriorEmpress: Oops..
Fire_Dragon, Lightning_Dragon23, Iron_Heart19, and The Player: WHAT!?
DemonAngel21 and BookWormLover: Good Luck Lucy.
DrunkHottie19: Lucy remember an Emotional Gray, is an irrational person.
CelestialFairy: Thanks for the heads up but I got this.
CelestialFairy Logged off
DemonAngel21: And Have fun in the date :3
Sky-Maiden: Mira, stop it.
DemonAngel21: hehehe..
Fire_Dragon, Lightning_Dragon23, Iron_Heart19, and The Player: DAMN YOU GRAY!
In the real world (Lucy's POV)
I shoved my phone in my bag and looked at gray that was right beside me looking as if he is doing his homework but I know gray for a long time, I know how he works and can be.
"Gray… Look at me" Nothing.
"Gray you and I both know you're doing it wrong"
"At least I am trying, am I?" He calmly doing his work, he looked like he knows everything right now but he is just trying to keep his cool as always.
"Ok I think it's time to take a break." I took his stuff as swiftly as I could and Gray didn't seem too happy about it.
"Lucy give it back." His harsh tone, gave me the chills, it made me jump off my seat and ran to my room. I then hear load footsteps enacted from the halls of my house, I dashed to my bathroom and locked it.
"Where are you Lucy~..?" Gray mischievous voice was just outside this bathroom. 'For God sakes why did I have to hide in the most obvious place to look for someone!? Lucy you're so stupid!' I gave myself face palm, thinking he would never find me here in my own bathroom.I desperately looked around for a place to hide or anything to protect me from Gray's w-!
In a split second, the lock on my bathroom door broke by Gray's wrath. I know gray was strong with his 6 pack and toned, hard muscles but I didn't know he was THAT strong, I double locked bathroom for Christ's sake!
I stared at Gray and what I saw scared the hell out of me, he wasn't the usual Gray we see every day. He had that malicious look when he wants to make evilly things. 'Oh God, have mercy on me!' Gray slowly walked towards me; he looked like a predator hunting its prey which is me. I started walking backwards to get as far away from him as possible until I finally came into contact with the wall.
'I'm dead' He took a hold on my wrist making me drop his things on the floor, not to tight but enough to keep me in place. He put his knee between my legs and I know I can't go anywhere like this.
"Lucy~ you shouldn't have done that..." Gray whispered on my ear gently, His voice was so husky and deep it sounded kind of sexy. 'Damn you virgin girl hormones!' I stared at him and so did he with me, it was really a heated stare off with him, it made me really uncomfortable and he knew it because of the growing smirk on his face. I hate him when he is like this, in makes me insecure and stuff. He knows how to make a girl beg on her knees, all the guys in my friend group do. Not counting Natsu thou.
"G-gray quit it. It's embarrassing." Yup, I lost my dignity there. I could feel myself blushing like an idiot. Gray chuckled; I felt a tingle on my left ear causing me to feel the chill on my back. He was blowing on my ear and when he pulled back, smiling and let me go from his body cage which I finally thank God for.
"I think I should go tonight Lucy." Gray started in picking up his thing on the floor.
"Are you sure?" I couldn't let him leave; we still haven't talked about the Juvia incident. We were already out of my room and heading down stairs.
"Yeah…" We are already at the front door, Gray opened the door but he turned around to look at me. He was leaning on my door frame looking really good.
"You know Gray, I'm your friend. I willing to listen you know." I really can't help but worry about him. This really might have gotten to him.
"Juvia gets me on my nerves for a very long time Lucy. I really hated it, when she barges in my life like that to the point I might call for the police and ask for a restraining order but I couldn't do that because she was our friend. She will always be a friend to me and beside… I love someone else."
Whoa, whoa, whoa WHAT!? OMG I have to tell the girls except for Juvia or else she will go on kill mode but still I couldn't help but think who could be the lucky girl. I am happy for Gray but still he doesn't have to be so cruel to her like that.
"Gray I know Juvia can be… over eccentric but she really does care for you and you shouldn't have flipped out like that. That wasn't cool."
"I know. It's really stupid of me to snap like that. I am going to apologize Monday-"Gray looked at me with hopeful eyes "-So can you at least accompany me?"
"No." I said bluntly.
"Aww~ Come on! I need you to be there if it gets to drastic."
"You're not going to die Gray!"
"You never know Juvia, Lucy. She can be unpredictable"
'True…' Lucy thought as she compiled the different scenario that could happen between the duos. It's either She thinks Gray was being a total tsundere the whole time in the fantasy of 'Playing hard to get' or she will avoid him as much as possible until she gets him alone which might cause Gray a psychological trauma etc. I really don't get Juvia, She is a complicated girl but she is sweet, pure, innocent, smart and loving girl unless she is in her stalker mode which is creepy.
"Gray as much as I love to help you out but Juvia thinks of me as a love rival. If she sees me we are both dead." I stared at Gray who looked like he was in deep thought, he suddenly gazed my way and flashes me a reassuring smile and lightly patted my head.
"Don't worry I got an idea but right now I really have to go. Monday I'm going to pick you up alright? So we can talk." Gray said.
"Ok, Goodnight Gray" I smiled as I waved goodbye to him but before he left, he had a trick up his sleeve. His right hand traced my face; he was centimeters in front of me leaving no space for me at all. I know I was blushing because his Icy eyes staring at me. It was so embarrassing for him to see me like this I quickly shut my eyes and waited for him to do something! I felt a light pressure on my left cheek. Out of curiosity, I peeled one eye open and I saw Gray lightly kissed my cheek! He pulled away and smirked down on me.
"Goodnight Lucy" Gray said as he walked down the porch and headed towards the gates.
"Gray, you hang out with Loke and the guys too much!" I yelled out of embarrassment and frustration, I heard him chuckle at my little outburst and I signed. I am worried for Gray a lot but I know he can handle himself but we ARE talking about JUVIA.
I grabbed my thing from the living and went up stairs again to my bedroom; I dropped my thing on the study table and headed towards the bathroom. It was in a Greek marble design with lavish bath tub in the middle and a rainfall shower at the end of the room. A large mirror of sort of a frosted design with a marbled sink at the left side of the room and the right side is a french door leading to my walk-in closet, I showered, rinse, and lather while humming my favorite tune. It took me 15 minutes to finish.
I dressed up in my pink PJs and lying down on my soft yet comfy bed. I seriously think my bed is made up of clouds, it feels so nice to lay down here and after a few seconds I drifted towards the endless sleep.
Hope you all enjoy the Fairy chatroom, As You know by now Not only I made it into a chat form at first but I will also create the actual reality and situations in the real world (FTW)
I hope you get the idea and please comment your reactions :3