UnNCIS: Chapter 10

Washington D.C.


"What the hell was that?!" Jane shouted angrily as Brad drove the car as fast as he could without speeding. Maura laying down in the backseat per Jane's order.

"Jane you gotta calm down, Maura's fine." Brad reassured as a car switches lanes in front of him. For a second he could have sworn that the car was Agent Gibbs, but he brushed off the thought as it disappeared from his range of vision.

"No no, you're right. My question should be why we haven't put on the sirens." Jane said sarcastically.

He sent her a irritated glare in her direction, but his face instantly softened once he saw the expression of fear on her face. One that she'd only let him see a couple times in the past.

"Hey, she's fine. We're gonna get the Ph brothers and make 'em pay for what they did."

Jane chuckled. "Seriously, you're calling them the 'Fuh' brothers now."

"Its better than saying Pelant and Haswari all the time." Brad smiled briefly. "Do you feel better now?"

Jane sighed. "Yes, I do."

Brad's smile returned. "Good."

In the backseat, Maura held a wide grin. Her friends were finally acting like themselves again.

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Jane, Maura, and Brad finally arrived at FBI Headquarters to see Agent Gibbs waiting for them. His eyes were trained on Maura, a faint sad-haunted expression in them. He broke his gaze when Jane spoke:

"I don't even want to know how you got here before us."

He gave her his famous Gibbs smirk and led them into the building and through security.

"We caught the bastard. McGee's with him the the interview room. Booth gave us the thumbs up to start the interrogation." Gibbs stated.

"By 'us' I hope you mean you and me because there is no way that standing behind that glass."

"I was hoping you'd say that cause I want you and Brad in there."

"Why?" Jane and Brad said in unison.

"I need to ask Dr. Isles some questions, and I figured it would be better if you two were occupied."

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While Jane and Brad prepared for the interrogation. Gibbs led Maura into a conference room. He held out a chair for her, which she accepted, before sitting in the chair beside her, turning to face her.

"You don't have any real questions to ask me, do you?" Maura asked questioning his actual motives.

"Nope." He said squarely. "That's not the reason we're here doctor."

"You can call me Maura."

"Then its Jethro to you."

There was a pause between them. All they did was stare at each other. The expression Gibbs had before was threatening to return.

"Why are we here?" Maura asked.

"I wanna put you up in a safe house." Gibbs prepositioned.

"Why? I'm perfectly fine in a hotel."

"My basement is safer than any hotel you will find around here."

Maura was puzzled. "Why would you want to put me in your basement, what so special about it?" She asked.

"It has me and my gun in it." Gibbs answered. "And just to make things clear, I lost two teammates yesterday to this bastard that thought it was funny to shoot at you. " His voiced dropped to a tone that was almost threatening. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

Gibbs got up and opened the door motioning for Maura to follow him.


He turned around facing her.

"I'm going to take your word on that."

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Gibbs joined McGee in the room behind the one-way window as Brad and Jane were about to start. Maura had opted to stay in the conference room with a FBI agent.

Gibbs had noticed the cold look in McGee's eyes as he stared at the suspect. He had become unresponsive and barely acknowledged that Gibbs was there.

'There's something McGee isn't telling me about Spain.' Gibbs concluded.

"Hey McGee." Gibbs said, but he didn't respond.

He tried several times before he was finally able to bring him out of his reverie.

"Hey, you good?"

"I'm fine" McGee said. His voice barely above a whisper.

"Something happen in Spain you wanna talk about?"

"No." McGee answered his voice getting colder. "He's dead and thats all that matters."

"Is the man you're talking about, the one who bombed your team."

McGee didn't answer.

"You never told me how you made it out."

McGee stayed silent, and Gibbs decided to leave it alone for now and focus on the interrogation that was about to start.

Jane and Brad walked into the room and sat down across from the suspect.

"I assume you're choosing to waive your rights." Brad said.

The suspect smirked at him. "Lawyers are not for the dead." He said in a heavy Middle Eastern accent. Then he made a faint biting motion with his jaw.

He fell out of his chair jerking spasmodically, and foaming at the mouth, before he stopped all if a sudden and stopped breathing.

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Thanks for reading ya'll I try to update soon.