Lucy sighed as she walked into the police station. It was almost eerie how silent the building was. Storybrook was not a place of heavy crime, thus there was never a point in having it run full force at all hours of the day. The only sounds that could be heard were the taps of her shoes hitting the tile floor, and the large gusts of wind that were blowing outside. Lucy entered the main office that held two jail cells. In one of the two cells rested Regina.

"Do the crime, do the time." She said crossing her arms as she walked closer to the cell. Regina rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?"

Lucy shook her head. "I don't want anything. I just came to check on you. See how life was treating you in the big house."

"Was that a joke? Do you really think I am in the mood for jokes?"

Lucy shrugged under Regina's glare. "Are you ever really in the mood for jokes?"

"Seriously though, how are you holding up?"

Regina hung her head as she rested her forearms on her thighs. Lifting her head, she bit her lip before speaking. "Not great. Being thrown in jail was an upset, having my soul damned though, that has me on edge."

Lucy gave Regina a look of confusion causing Regina to give a scoff like laugh.

"Of course, you would know nothing about it."

Before any more could be said noise was heard from down the hall. Regina got to her feet.

"Who is there?!" Lucy shouted.

Lights flickered and the two women were greeted by a dark, ghost-like figure flying into the room. It pushed Lucia out of the way and ripped open the jail cell. The creature then began to extract Regina's soul. Lucy quickly got to her feet and tried to think of a way to stop the creature. Luckily, she was soon surrounded by the Charmings, who proceeded to attack the creature. Mary Margaret scared the creature away by spraying at it with fire made from a lighter and what appeared to be hairspray. Lucia went over to help Regina up, as she fought to catch her breath.

"What the hell was that thing?" Emma asked looking between her parents and Regina.

"A Wraith." Regina choked out. "A soul sucker."

"Did I...?" Mary started but Regina interrupted.

"Kill it? No, it's regenerating. It doesn't stop until it devours its prey. Me."

Regina then lifted her hand to show the mark that had been left there.

"So how do we kill it?" Emma asked.

"You can't. You can't kill something that's already dead."

Emma sighs. "Well, then we have a problem."

"No, we don't." David says. "Regina does."

Everyone looks at David appalled at his statement.

"You would just let her die?" Emma asks.

David does not look at Emma but continues to stare at Regina.

"Why not? It goes away then we're safe."

Regina glares at David. "That's quite an example your setting for your daughter there."

David angrily moves toward Regina. "No, you don't get to judge us."

"Let me ask you something, where do you think that thing came from?"

Lucy closes her eyes and sighs. "Gold."

After leaving Regina and the rest, Lucy strutted toward Gold's shop. Pushing through the door she found him in the back.

"Hello, Lucy." He greeted normally. Lucy stood silently in front of him with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"I take it you are angry with me about something." He said, still playing innocent.

"Me? Angry? Now, why might that be?"

"Now Lucy..." He began.

"No, don't 'now Lucy' me. You lied right to mine and Bell's face."

"Actually, I did not lie, I said I would not kill Regina, and I did not."

Lucy shrugged. "Oh well, in that case, I guess everything is fine then, EXCEPT NO."

Bell emerged with a look of disappointment on her face.

"You lied to me."

Gold blinks. "I did not lie, I-"

"You toy with words like you do with're still a man who makes wrong choices."

Gold looks down.

"I thought you changed." Belle said sadly.

"What in the hour you've known me?"

Lucy brought her palm to her face. "Oh my god..."

Belle gave Gold a hurt look and Lucy could see the Gold regretted his retort as she headed for the door.

"Belle I'm sorry. Really I am." He said but Belle did not want to hear it.

"You proud of yourself?" Lucy said looking at him with an annoyed expression.

"Don't. I don't need a lecture from you right now." Gold said walking away from her.

"Oh, I think you do actually. How? How is it Rumple that you cannot abide such a simple request?"

"Simple request? Regina trapped her in an asylum for 28 years Lucia. Or did you forget that? Did you forget how we mourned when after Regina strutted into the room and told us Belle was dead? How? How could you expect me to abide such a simple request?"

Lucy sighed and closed her now watery eyes. Of course, she remembered. Of course, she was still angry. However, Belle was alive.

"Because Belle asked you to. She was the one abducted and held captive, and yet all she wants to do is move past it. If she can get over it, so can you. The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. We need to move forward."

A while later Lucy sat on the curb outside of Gold's shop. She was contemplating going home, but she just couldn't leave yet. Footsteps interrupted her spacing. She looked up to see Belle standing there. Belle attempted to sit down on the curb next to Lucy. This made Lucy laugh lightly as she watches the girl try and hold her dress and sit on such a low step in heels. She made it though, with as much grace as she could muster.

"Have a nice stroll?" Lucy asked politely.

Belle nodded. "I did a lot of thinking. I really thought that since so much time had passed that maybe..."

"I know," Lucy said, patting Belles leg.

"You should go talk to him," Lucy said nodding to herself.


"Because he needs you."

Lucy gave the answer as if it would explain everything as if it were so simple.

"He needs you too," Belle said, as if Lucy's statement had been in some way a way of saying she was going to disappear.

"Oh, I know. I'm not the one who walked out earlier though. I may not have agreed with what Rumpel did, but I do understand why he did it. A part of me knows you do too. There is a reason for everything he does."

"He did it because he was angry."

"He did it because he was sad. Belle, when Regina told us you died neither one of us, took it well. Yes, he was angry, but his sadness is what brought it there. Doing the right thing is not how that man functions. He knows it, I know it, you know it. And even though he knows it, somewhere in his mind the things he does, although bad have justification."

"His justification does not mean there actually is one." Belle argued, but her voice was soft, she knew Lucy was right.

"No, but think about it. I don't know about you, but if I had a child, and someone threatened their exitance I would kill them. I wouldn't even have to think about it. I would love him or her enough to do things I knew were otherwise wrong. That what you do when you care about someone, you do things to protect them, even when those things happen to be bad."

Belle looked almost alarmed by Lucy's statement. As long as she had known her Lucy had never shown any real sign of aggression. Sure, she got angry. She would yell, and get her point across but Belle had never seen her physically express much aggression. To openly admit that she would kill another person seemed almost out of character. Belle however, understood what she was saying.

"Regina did not need to die."

Lucy nodded. "No, she did not. Which she didn't."

Belle looked at Lucy. "What?"

Lucy shrugged. "Emma...Mary...David, they helped. Regina is alive."

"So Rumpel failed."

"Yeah, but in all honesty I don't think he cares that much. Too worried about you right now. Afraid you have left forever. Which is why you really should go in and talk to him."

Belle nodded and stood from the curb.

"We are going to be okay." Bella said.

Lucy looked up at her and saw the look of confidence on her face.

"We are going to be okay."

With that, she walked into the pawn shop. Lucy did not know who "we" was. If it was Belle and here, Rumple and her? All of them? But it made Lucy smile.