Lets just say I got some inspiration do this right...I didnt like how I was writing the other one so I started over...as the other one was going on 6 days of me attempting to do it..so I gave up on it...but this one shot here...is very special to me...

Marshall x Skye

it was a normal night in adventure bay...Marshall and Skye decided they would attend a soccer game for their date night...they sat in the stands away from everyone else so they could have their privacy...they made out...not really caring about the score...

10 minutes until the game is over...Marshall's pov

"Hey Marshall...we should get going so we can beat everyone else leaving..." Skye said... "why would we leave with ten minutes left?" Marshall asked... "so we don't get stuck in the crowd my love..." Skye said... "oh um...ok then...lets go.." Marshall said as they got up to leave...

walking back to the lookout...Marshall's pov

"hey Skye...I had a pretty good time at the game...what about you?" Marshall asked... "well I had a good time...but..." Skye said "But what?" "Well I just thought I should do a little something extra for my little naughty pup..." Skye said "um...what do you mean by that?" Marshall asked...a little worried "I mean...something like this..." Skye said as she Grabbed Marshall's cock with her paw through his pup uniform "SKYE WHAT ARE YOU...OH...AH..." Marshall began to moan when she found the good spot... "what wrong my naughty pup?...something you like?" Skye asked in a seductive voice... "yes.." Marshall whispered... "how does it feel?" Skye asks "feels...so good..." Marshall moans a little as she rubs his cock more... "what if I just stopped?..." Skye said... 'NO!...KEEP GOING..." Marshall said as his cock was completely stiff... Skye began to walk...and Marshall followed...with his boner swinging between his legs... Skye began to bush him to the bushes...Marshall naturally followed... "lay on your back Marshall..." Skye said... "but...Skye...someone's gonna see us!" Marshall said "well then...I guess my naughty pup doesn't want any fun time" Skye said... Marshall then laid down...and unzipped his pup uniform...his boner released from the uniform...and Skye began to jerk him off.. "that feels good Skye...but um...here let me show you..." Marshall Showed Skye a good spot that he usually played with when he was masturbating ...she then resumed after Marshall showed her... "Skye...more...more...FASTER DAMNIT..." Marshall yelled as he was really having fun... but then it stopped... "Skye what are you?..." Marshall looked at her...and realized she was sucking his cock...he began thrusting...and she tongued his cock...that continued for a few until Skye stopped...she was going back to jerking him...but then... "Skye wait...can I play with it a little?" Marshall asked... Skye let him go ahead... Marshall began quickly masturbating... Skye gasped... "you alright Skye?" Marshall asked... "yeah I'm fine...just keep going..." Skye said... Marshall continued to masturbate... "Skye...you want it?." Marshall asked... "yeah...I do..." Skye said... Marshall kept masturbating...Skye put her paw oer his and helped him...she Moaned...louder...and louder...until she let out a small scream.. "Skye what's wrong?" Marshall asked... "you made me wet Marshall...its going down my leg..." Skye had cum ...it was going down her leg...she was very wet... Marshall continued to masturbate with Skye's help...but then... "Skye now!..." Marshall said...and she knew what he meant... She but her mouth on his cock...as he released his cum..." she then began to swallow... "oh my...my little naughty pup really did enjoy that..." Skye said... "you did too...as would appear from the cum in your fur..." Marshall said... "yeah...we should probably get going to the lookout...they might be worried about us..." Skye said "yeah...lets go my love" Marshall said... as they both began to walk back to the lookout...Skye with cum in her fur... and Marshall with his still erect cock...which was slowly shrinking back to normal size...

I normally can't write like this for a male x female character but...something sparked in me...and well...I love how I did this one...

Sorry about the delay.. I have been very busy and I will start trying to write regularly again...